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Provide a forum for discussion of motorcycle touring, to include articles about motorcycle touring and camping, experiences one has when motorcycle touring, "lessons learned" and other things to read when not out riding!

I spent the last two weeks of August, 2001 and the first week of September touring parts of the United Kingdom, including two weeks riding around England, Wales, the Isle of Man and Scotland on a motorcycle. Check out the story - the text summary is at http://www.oocities.org/docrws You can follow links from that story to see pictures and more summaries of the trip, such things as touring London, pictures of riding conditions, towns and museums, and other sights. Hope you enjoy it.

OZ TOUR 1999:

I spent the last two weeks of November, 1999 touring parts of Australia, including 9 days riding around New South Wales and Victoria on a motorcycle. Check out the story - I had to open a new geocities website just to hold it (7.5Mb worth of files). The text summary is at www.oocities.org/paladinbiker/index.html#top You can follow links from that story to see pictures and more summaries of the trip, such things as touring Sydney, pictures of riding conditions, towns and pubs, and other sights. Hope you enjoy it.




If you people don't send me any, I'll post my own!

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Anyone who has toured for a while has learned something new, and this will be a listing of things that happened to one rider, who's willing to share his/her experience, and the lessons she/he learned with other riders. For example: a good ol' boy from West BYGOD Virginia, Dale Coyner, author of Motorcycle Journeys Through the Appalachians, advises us "If you're ridin' an' you spit out yore chaw, be sure to turn yore head to the left or right, first!"; a valuable "Lesson Learned", Dale!

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If you have anything to add to this page, please send them to me! Mail for Doc
Last updated on 31 March, 2004 but ALWAYS under construction.
You are visitor since 24 April 1998

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