
" Students practice Spanish outside the classroom and make more effort to communicate, drastically improving their level.
" Homestays are located no more than 5-15 minutes away from school by car.
" Transportation is available for students.
" Three meals per day are provided.
" You can get rapidly acquainted with the Mexican Culture.

If you require homestay accommodation, please fill out the Housing Application Format

Also a range of other accomodation options are available.

* Housing guaranteed if you reserve your place in advance.

For more information write us at:






The best way to improve and reinforce your Spanish and obtaining a profound understanding of the Mexican culture is by staying with our Mexican Families. They are so caring and willing to help with anything they can that you will realize you learn a lot from them. You also will discover that you bring something unique to them.

It is important to emphasize that families go through an extensive selection process that takes into account students´ characteristics and preferences.


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Fill out the

Housing Application Format