Kaylee's 1st Birthday Party
Please do not duplicate anything off these pages. These pictures & items are very special to us.
Here are some of my pictures from my 1st birthday party. Mommy & Daddy held it at our house on August 10th, 2002. Even though I had already turn 1 on August 5th. We have a cook out with hamburgers & hotdogs. I had a bunch of my friends there. And, They brought me a bunch of neat toys & clothes. Thank you everyone for all the presents. Mommy & Daddy said the party went really well. We had a really good turn out. I can't wait to see all of you again. Please check back mommy is always adding pictures to my site. Thanks again everyone for everyone that came. 
This is Marco (daddy's long time high school friend) & Zane (daddy's best friend & long time school friend John's son.)
Click the arrow button to see Kaylee @ 1 year old.