11 Months Old!!!
"Guess what I have learned to do this month?" I have taken my very 1st STEPS. Yep, That is right I am trying to walk. Mommy & Daddy where both there to see my 1st steps. Mommy & I went out about bought me my very first pair of walking shoes at Stride Right. I am having to learn how to walk in them. I do much better barefoot around the house. But, I will get the hang of it soon. Well my 1st birthday is less then a month away now. The last 4 pictures on this page are for a contest mommy has entered me into for my picture to be place on a Double Blessings candle.
Double Blessings Candles is a candle company that was started by a couple that struggled with infertility. They take a portion of all sales to help couples battle infertility. And, Help them become a family. Their contests is for models to be pictured on their candles. But, The babies had to be conceived with the help of fertility treatment.
To learn more about Double Blessings Candles or to place a order. Please click below.
Please do not duplicate anything off these pages. These pictures & items are very special to us.
Click the arrow button to see Kaylee's 1st B-day party pictures.