JAWS. One of the best movies ever made. It both terrified and intrigued me, and started my interest in sharks. To this day if I'm flipping through the channels and see it, I stop to watch, even though I have it on vhs, laser, and now DVD. I never get tired of watching it. Recently I've been lucky enough to catch it twice on the big screen during the 2003 re-release - it's an incredible experience to see JAWS on the big screen with a group of people! If it plays in your area, be sure to catch it!
JAWS Ride - Dry!!
Click here to see the shark from JAWS in 2001...
The Cast:
Roy Scheider  as
Chief Martin Brody
Richard Dreyfuss as
Matt Hooper
Robert Shaw as 
JAWS - Behind the Scenes Information
¥ The mechanical shark used in film was named Bruce - named after Steven Spielberg's lawyer.

¥ Bruce rarely worked the way he was supposed to. The crew spent more time  trying to get the shark to work than having it work properly. The salt water wreaked havoc on the mechanics, and all of this helped cause the shooting schedule to be far longer than anticpated.
¥ The story Quint tells about the USS Indianapolis was actually written by Robert Shaw. Shaw didn't like the way the screeriters scripted the speech, so he did it himself. The story is based on a  true incident, although Shaw got the date wrong that the ship sank  - it was on July 29th, 1945, but Shaw  wrote June 29th, 1945.

¥ Actual shark footage was used in the movie. This footage was filmed at Seal Rocks, in Australia.  A midget was filmed under water in a miniature cage with a real shark for some of the footage of Hooper being attacked in  the cage.

¥ Some of the  film was shot at Martha's Vineyard - including Quint's boathouse. In order to get permission to build the set, the crew had to sign an agreement with  the city council to take it down afterwards and return everything to exactly the way it was before they started.

¥ Peter Benchley, author of JAWS, had some other casting decisions in mind for the big 3 - Robert Redford, Paul Newman and Steve McQueen

¥ When the shark is blown up, a groaning noise is heard...that sound effect came from an old dinosaur movie.  Speilberg also used that sound bit for his first film, Duel.

¥ JAWS almost didn't get made - it was so far over-budget and behind schedule the plug was almost pulled. Luckily they were able to get the extra time and funding to finish.
¥ While in the shark cage, Hooper's spear is dropped twice.

¥ Chief Brody's watch disappears while he is lounging on the beach with his wife.

¥ When the shark enters the pond, he knocks a man off his boat. That man has no shoes, although later the man's leg drops to the bottom and it suddenly does have a shoe.
¥ While Hooper is  telling a group of men they are overloading their boat, one of them descends the ladder to the boat three times  - watch for the man in a blue jacket.

¥ After Hooper measures the Tiger Shark that was caught, he puts his tape measure away two times.

¥ The fishing chair on the Orca will occasionally  disappear and reappear

¥ The girl who is killed in the opening - Chrissie  - has one ring on her hand when it is found on the beach.  Later, the hand is wearing more rings.
¥ While Hooper is in the cage, the shark attacks and bends the bars. Hooper exits the cage, and the next time we see it the bars are in place.
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