My House



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Nov 2, 2007

Well.. I have news, First back in Jan when MO had an ice storm and everyone was freezing I fell and cracked my wrist. In Feb when I went to my yearly VA Dr's appointment I told her (My DR) about it... She asked if it still hurt and yes it did so she made me a orthopedic appointment.. LOL well in June when I saw the Ortho Dr. (Remember this is VA)... he asked if there was a problem I said no it healed months ago.. so he asked if I had any ortho problems and I said yes that's what I got out of the service on.. Ortho problems.. mainly degenitive arthritis.. so he asked what's hurting the most.. and I said my back he said he didn't work on that.. (this VA has specility clinics)  so what else well I said my knees, the left hurts more then right.. so xrays and total knee replacement for right knee.. but since I'll need daily therapy after I come home and I can't drive out to get it... they will send a therapist in.. well not in my RV.. no space.... so work on foam house has halted for a while. I've rented a rent to own 12 x 30 building and it will be ready for occupancy by Spring when I have agreed to have the surgery...


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