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This Page Belongs to Emily
Hi. This page was fun to do.  My mom has shown me a lot about learning stuff on the computer

One thing I would love is to get mail -- regular post office mail, from all my relatives who like this page.

You know my address.
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Welcome visitors.

Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah and blah.
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  A Doggie Christmas Song

the Pink Nosed Doggie

You know Molly and Wendy and Dooby and Boo-Boo, Misty and Maggie and Katie and Fred, but do you recall, the most famous doggie of all...

Maddie the Pink-nosed doggie, had a very shiny nose. And if you ever saw it, you would even say it glows.

All of the other doggies, used to laugh and call her names.  They never let poor Maddie, join in any doggie games.

Then one foggy winter night, Emily came to say, Maddie with your nose so bright, won't you guide our walk tonight?

Then all the other doggies loved her, and they barked out with glee, Maddie the pink-nosed doggie, you'll go down in history!
Special Family Days
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Emily's Page
Leah's Page
Jack's Page
Grandma's Page
Pets Page
The Dutch Language
Dutch Castles
My birthday is August 11, 1990.
(Get me toys!)
I like climbing trees, going to the beach, riding my bicycle, and playing with friends.  I like to teach my dog tricks. I also like playing the trombone and piano. My favorite subjects are writing and art. I like playing neopets on the Internet (  and playing The Sims. I like going to see movies,  too. I've seen Harry Potter 3 times!
I read Where the Red Fern Grows.  I had to read it for school -- it was good.
My favorite books are the Harry Potter books, but I like to read all kinds of books.
Right now my favorite color is green.
I love my mom, dad, sister and brother. My brother, Jack  is my role model. Not really, but he can make hilarious noises. I have several great friends: Christine and Shefali and Meg and Morgan and Jonathan and name a few.  I also love my dog, even if she isn't a person. She's the cutest and best dog in the world. And I love my rabbit.
When I grow up, I want to be an author and an artist and a doctor and a mom.
Special Family Days
More Photos
Emily's Page
Leah's Page
Jack's Page
A Recipe
Mom at Greenspring
The Dutch Language
Dutch Castles