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 North West Umstead Citizens Advisory Council - Raleigh, NC

Our CAC boundaries are approximately:

North - Strickland Rd heading west from Creedmoor Rd
West - Portions of: Mt Herman Church Rd, Lumley Dr, Globe Rd and portions of the I-540 corridor.
South - Umstead State Park connecting to I-40 to Wade Avenue then I-440 heading north.
East - I-440 to Glenwood Ave; up Lead Mine Rd to Millbrook; west to Creedmoor Rd. and north to Strickland.

map of CAC boundaries

 June 2001:

There is a Raleigh government plan in process to split the NW/Umstead CAC into three separate CACs. Before this can occur, the City of Raleigh must budget and assign community services staff to support the changes.


August 2002. No action taken as yet.



updated: June 2001