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Background Info

About Homer
Character List

The Books

Book I
Book II
Book III
Book IV
Book V
Book VI
Book VII
Book IX
Book X
Book XI
Book XII
Book XIV
Book XV
Book XVI
Book XIX
Book XX
Book XXI

Character List

Odysseus – The protagonist and a conceited Trojan War hero who has left his city of Ithaca for around twenty years; the first seven spent at the Trojan War and ten years spent with Calypso on her island. He is the father of Telemachus and husband of Penelope. He undergoes a series of events as he attempts to sail back to his homeland.

Telemachus – The modest son of Odysseus that plans to inherit the throne if his father doesn’t come back to Ithaca, which everyone is predisposing. He sets off on a journey to Pylos and Sparta to find his forgotten father.

Athena – The “Grey eyed goddess” of wisdom, purposeful battle, womanly rights, and the daughter of Zeus. Aids Telemachus and Odysseus continuously throughout their troubles. She sometimes disguises herself as Mentor, an old friend of Odysseus.

Penelope – The loyal wife of Odysseus. She has many suitors asking for her hand in marriage, but somewhere in her heart still hopes Odysseus will return home.

Zeus King of all gods and men. His symbol is the lightning bolt.

Poseidon God of the sea. Holds grudge on Odysseus because he blinded his son, so he torments him whenever he sails, especially alone, bringing up fierce storms.

Calypso – The beautiful nymph who holds Odysseus on her land for ten years with her. Tries to persuade him to stay by offering immortality when Hermes, Zeus’s messenger, arrives to let him go.

Circe – A witch goddess on the island of Aeaea who turns Odysseus’s men into pigs. She falls in love with Odysseus and persuades him to stay with her for a year.

NestorKing of Pylos and an old friend of Odysseus from the Trojan War. He greets Telemachus and his crew nicely as he offers them to join his feast. His son, Pilistratus joins Telemachus and crew to continue quest to Sparta.

MenelausKing of Sparta, husband of Helen, and a friend of Odysseus from the Trojan War. Nicely greets Telemachus and crew when they visit him. Assists Telemachus in search for his dad.

HelenWife of Menelaus and queen of Sparta. She was the reason for the Trojan War.

Hermes – Zeus’s messenger who uses shoes with wings to fly.

Antinous – A particularly cruel suitor who makes the plans to kill Telemachus.

Eurymachos – A manipulative suitor who has an affair with Melantho, one of the maids.

Amphinomus – Neutral with Odysseus and Odysseus warns him to leave the palace at the end because danger is near, however he still doesn’t leave.

Eumaeus – A loyal swineherd to Odysseus. He has a hut ready for Odysseus disguised as a beggar, even though he doesn’t recognize him as his master.

Eurycleia – A loyal servant who nursed Odysseus and Telemachus. When washing Odysseus’s foot one day disguised as the beggar, she sees a scar and recognizes him but promises not to tell anyone.

Polyphemus – A Cyclops who traps Odysseus and his crew when they show up unexpectedly on his land. Despises Odysseus because he blinds his one and only eye, so he encourages his father Poseidon to be angry towards Odysseus as well.

HeliosGod of the sun whose cattle Odysseus’ men pilfer.

Perimedes – Crewmember on Odysseus’s ship.

Eurylokhos –An outspoken crew member who argues with Odysseus about stopping at Helios’ island.

Skylla – A huge sea monster with twelve tentacles and six heads. It eats six members of Odysseus’s crew.

Kharybodis – A giant whirlpool treat to Odysseus and his ship that sucks down anything near it.

Laertes – Odysseus’s old father who longs for his son, and finally meets up with him in the end in his garden.

SirensWinged sea nymphs, whose voices call sailors to drown. Odysseus doesn’t cover his ears and listens to what they sing when he passes them. His crewmembers tied him down to prevent him from danger.

Tiresias - A Theban prophet who lives in the underworld. He meets Odysseus when and shows him how to get back to Ithaca and allows Odysseus to communicate with the other souls in Hades.

Nausicaa Daughter of Arete and Alcinous. Meets Odysseus near a river, naked.

Alcinous – The king of the Phaeacians on his island of Scheria. He provides Odysseus a safe passage back to Ithaca after he hears Odysseus’s long and dreadful travels.

Arete - Queen of the Phaeacians, wife of Alcinous, and mother of Nausicaa.

Elpenor- A crew member who died by falling off a roof, and meets Odysseus in the underworld. He asked him for a proper burial and to be appreciated for what he did.

Theoclymenos – A prophet that Telemachus takes home with him back to Ithaca, because he is a fugitive. He predicts that Odysseus is on the island of Ithaca.

Irus – A beggar who challenges Odysseus to fight and thinks he can beat him, until he loses and almost dies.

Aeolus- The god of wind and the king of Aiolia Island.

Ino-Lecothea- A sea goddess who saves Odysseus when he is stranded at sea by giving him her veil to keep him from drowning.

Peisistratus- The son of Nestor who joins Telemachus on his journey.

Aegyptus, Halitherses- Two Ithacans still loyal to Odysseus.

Mentor- A loyal friend of Odysseus’.

Polycaste- The youngest of King Nestor’s daughters.

Diocles- The ruler of Phera; Telemachus and Peisitratus stop at his palace for hospitality.

Lord Elconeus, Asphalian- Two squires of king Menelaus.

Noeman- An Ithacan who provides the ship for Telemachus.

Medon- A loyal herald of Penelope’s who hears the suitor’s plans and reports them to Penelope.

Demodocus- The bard at the feast at the palace of King Alkinous who sings the song about the Trojan War and makes Odysseus cry.

Laodamas, Halius, Clytoneus, Euryalus- The sons of Alkinous who try and persuade Odysseus to play the Phaecian games.

Antiphates- A Laestrygonian noble in Laestrygon who kills many of Odysseus’ men.

Anticleia- Odysseus’ mother who meets Odysseus in the underworld.

Agamemnon- The former king of Mycenae who was friends with Odysseus during the Trojan War who was killed by his wife and her lover.

Achilles- A hero in the Trojan War who Odysseus meets in the underworld.

Ajax- Another Trojan War hero who was fighting for the Trojans who still refuses to speak to Odysseus.

Heracles- A son of Zeus who explains his story to Odysseus in the underworld.

Eupeithes- Antinous’ father who leads a revolt against Odysseus but is killed by Laertes.

Dolius- An old man who stays at the vineyard with Laertes and his family.

Philoeteus- Odysseus’ loyal bard at Odysseus’ palace.

Leiodes, Ctessipus, Amphinomus- Three of the suitors who stay at the palace.

This Section By: Katharine R., Anna Z.