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In This Issue: Volume # 1. Issue # 1. November 2002.

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20th Anniversary Logo

"Enlarge Your Tent..."
By Pastor Arthur P. Ornias


The Church is one of the best things that ever happened in the New Testament. The Lord, Himself, established this church by defining it the "called out ones". He is both the Foundation and the Founder. He is also the Cause of Flourishing.

However, it is distinguishable that in the New Testament the Lord chose forerunners for his sacred mission. He taught them all things that they needed to know. Interestingly, He explicitly instructed them that the Organism He established is not just to sit down and do nothing or even maintain their first converts but to bombard hell’s domain. Matthew 16:18 says, "And I tell you, that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell will not overcome it". This is the very reason why we chose this thematic issue on church growth in order for us to realize that this is our primary purpose to pursue with passion the ministry entrusted to us as a church. This is the very reason we exist. We’ve chosen Isaiah 54:2 "Enlarge your tent…" to point out an ever-enlarging mission of this church. Finally, we are going back to our original design. To God be the glory!



By: Cheryl Austria

This November, PFBF commemorates God’s evidence of His power, love, and provision as it celebrates its 20 years of existence.

In line with the church’s month-long anniversary celebration, different activities were prepared. First on the list was the PFBF Bible Quiz Bee that was held last November 03. This was done in two categories: Quiz Bee by families and Quiz Bee by groupings. To make it more exciting, the church members were divided into four teams namely: the Red, Blue, Green and Yellow. They competed in the second Bible Quiz Bee category.

At the end, the Balod family headed by Bro. Junamor Balod was recognized as this year’s Bible Quiz Bee winner in the "Family" category while the Yellow team won in the second category.

The Bible Quiz Bee was followed by the Inter-Ministry Poster Making Contest, that was held on the following Sunday, November 10. Each ministry n the church composed of the Young People, Young Adults, WOMISSO and Laymen showed their artistic skills as they made colorful and different posters for this contest. Winners are yet to be announced. The posters were used to decorate the car during the motorcade that was held that same afternoon.

The two consecutive Sundays of different competition, did not end the fun. On November 16 and 17 PFBF members will undergo another mental and physical challenge in the Sportsfest organized by the Young Adults. It will feature both indoor and outdoor games. All four teams will compete in the said event and the team with the most number of wins will be recognized as this year’s champion.

All of these activities are aimed at strengthening the relationship among members as the Church prepare for the new challenge to "Enlarge the Tent" which is also the anniversary theme. The most awaited day is November 24, the anniversary proper and the day will be made complete as Rev. Herman Moldes, Senior Pastor of Fairview Family Christian Fellowship exhorts on the said theme.




Dear Readers,

Pacita Faith Bible Fellowship welcomes its new baby, The Trumpet Sound. We thank God for His goodness. We did not experience much birth pains in preparing this issue of PFBF’s official newsletter. Moreover, God’s timing is perfect. We praise Him for making it possible for us to release this copy on our 20th anniversary.

God has provided us church members who are gifted and talented as well as willing and dedicated to his or her craft. Together we hope and seek to be loyal to our Lord and His Word and mindful of our readers. We want God to be pleased with our work and you to be helped in growing – spiritually as individuals and as members of a congregation.

Together we will work hard to provide you with good, useful and inviting materials. However, our best efforts will not bring out the best without your support and God’s grace. We need our prayers as we continuously rely on God’s inspiration and encouragement. We offer everything to Him who is worthy of all glory and praises. "And whatever you do, do it heartily as to the Lord and not to men." Colossians 3:23.

May God bless you as you seek to be grounded in the Word and growing in Christ through reading The Trumpet Sound.



Why "The Trumpet Sound"?
Leonor H. Vivo

Today, on her 20th anniversary, a new baby is born to Pacita Faith Bible Fellowship – THE TRUMPET SOUND. Why "The Trumpet Sound"?

In Numbers 10:1-2, "And the Lord spake unto Moses saying, Make thee two trumpets of silver,…that thou mayest use them for calling of the assembly, and for the journeying of the camps". And so the trumpets were used in the time of Moses for calling the assembly, either a general assembly, or an assembly of the princes of Israel to receive instructions from the Lord or from Moses or for feasting. The trumpet sound signaled the preparation for journey whenever the Israelites would move from one place to another.

It also served as a warning against impending danger or judgement, and was intended to bring men to their senses. Ezekiel 33:2-3, "…and set him for their watchman". If when he seeth the sword come upon the land, he blow the trumpet and warn the people.

Also, the trumpet sound will also signify the perfection of our salvation at rapture, I Thess. 4:16, "For the Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God…"

From the foregoing scriptural references, we derived the objectives of this newsletter. Hence, through the Trumpet Sound, we aim for each Christian readers to:

call for revival, for exhortation, for encouragement, for correction, for rebuke.
be always on the alert and available to evangelize the lost
be a watchman of the house against false teachings, and false practices.
keep him on his senses as he continuously serves the Lord.

Therefore, in behalf of the editorial board and staff, The Trumpet Sound invites anyone who is interested to contribute write-ups for the edifying of the Church.



True Unity in The Church
By: the webmistress

"Finally, be ye all of one mind, having compassion one of another, love as brethren, be pitiful, be courteous."

Verses from 1 Peter 2 and onwards, convey to the believer a life lived by faith and grace. The message is almost unnaturally human as the Word of God speaks to us and pierces against the very tendencies of our human nature. This indeed calls out the believers in Christ to live extraordinary lives. And 1 Peter 3:8 is a one verse summation of a message of love, submission, harmony and unity.

As a Church, we are called out to live that message. But practically, what does this really mean? How can we be truly called a united church? As a church, can we be truly called united in Christ?

At first glance, any common believer can answer these questions positively and firmly. But let us use the Word of God to truthfully answer these questions and let it search deep within our hearts. 1 Peter 3:8 gives us a command, "Finally, be ye all of one mind, having compassion one of another, love as brethren, be pitiful, be courteous."

Firstly, the command is addressed to us all – v.8a "be ye all…" Taken in its plural context, the command is addressed to each and every true believer, those who have true saving faith in Christ. Although 1 Peter is addressed to the elect scattered outside Jerusalem at that time, an important consideration of the timelessness of the Bible is placed herein. Thus, we can very much take part in this command. In its collective context, however, the problem of passivity, may tend to arise. It is important that the believer should very well know his individual role in the unity of the whole Body of Christ. The "all" is comprised of many "ye". The believer cannot and should not pass up the responsibility.

The unity of the Church starts from the union of the particular believer with Christ. And as every believer truly abides in Christ, then the universal Church can be truly said of having "one mind" with the mind of Christ. The mind of the believer should then be of unwavering, steadfast faith and of true knowledge of Christ; that which cannot be tossed to and fro with every wind of doctrine (Eph. 4:14).

From this will spring forth his/her devotion (the expression of the believer’s love for God) and the desire to be like-minded with Christ. With every believer in the church being like-minded with Christ, Peter then tells us to have "compassion one of another". Paul reinforces this in Romans 12:16, "Be of the same mind one toward another. Mind not high things, but condescend to men of low estate. Be not wise in your own conceits." In the original Greek, compassion referred herein is to "sympathize in the joy and sorrow of others". I Corinthians 12:26 would tell us more clearly, "And whether one member suffer, all the members suffer with it; or one member be honoured, all the members rejoice with it." This greatly points out to the relational attitude of the believer.

The problem of disunity in the church comes not so much in the form of disputes or contentions, but rather most commonly in the form of indifference or apathy. How well is our concern of one another, not just brethren in the church, but brethren in our own homes as well?

Next, Peter tells us to "love as brethren, be pitiful, be courteous." In 1 Peter 1:22 he further exhorts us in "…obeying the truth through the Spirit unto unfeigned love of the brethren, see that ye love one another with a pure heart fervently". To "be pitiful" also means to be merciful, always giving grace to others n their iniquities or even faults. While to "be courteous" is to exercise "genuine Christian politeness, stamped with unfeigned love at one side and humility on the other. This courtesy also entails willful or conscious effort to be "humble-minded" towards the brethren in faith.

Colossians 3:12 also teaches us how to be truly courteous, "Put on therefore, as the elect of god, holy and beloved, bowels of mercies, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, longsuffering."

Brethren, unity in the church starts from the personal level. A church burdened with apathy is as disunited as tuneless orchestra. On the personal level, it hinders personal Christian growth, opportunity for ministry and hinders blessings as well. And as a church, it hinders altogether the expansion of the work of Christ.

Pray to God to let 1 Peter 3:8 be worked upon in our hearts for true unity in the church and ultimately for our God’s highest glory.



By Hermie Bien

September 1981. Pacita Complex was then desert-like. Pastor and Mrs. Lamitar Sr. and Pastor Jesse Aludia regularly viewed Pacita Complex during their trips from Calamba to Manila for home Bible studies. Together, they felt a burden in their hearts for would-be residents of the subdivision.

God provided them acquaintances and contacts and soon, one after another home Bible studies started in Pacita Complex. God has opened the door.

Through God’s grace, the first Daily Vacation Bible School was organized in May 1981 with an inspiring result, which ushered the children to the Sunday school. A month later, the children’s parents started attending their Adult Sunday school.

A schedule of services done by a typical church was accomplished starting November 1982 in an unoccupied house of one among the regular attendees. Pacita Faith Bible Fellowship was born.

From 1982 to 2002, exactly 20 years, God has shown His mighty power to and through this church. He has shown His love and faithfulness to His children providing them opportunities to grow together in faith. God has used a lot of people in conducting Bible studies, Sunday School for children and adults, organizing Daily Vacation Bible School, in discipleship, in evangelism, operating a church school, maintaining the music ministry, Laymen, WOMISSO, Young People and Young Adults and even in acquiring its own house and lot and improving its worship hall.

In May 1990, the church was registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission as PACITA FAITH BIBLE FELLOWSHIP INCORPORATED.

From a simple vision to a big and even bigger mission, PFBF Inc. has grown into a huge family of faith with its daughters:

Hidden Valley Baptist Church
Biñan Faith Bible Fellowship
Malaban Faith Bible Fellowship
San Lorenzo Faith Bible Fellowship
Silang Faith Bible Fellowship

The members of PFBF acknowledge the unselfish services of Christ’s shepherds from 1982 to date:

Rev. Evigildo Lamitar, SR.
Rev. Jerry Lepasana
Rev. Ferdinand Quiratman
Rev. Ezzard Ayson
Rev. Evigildo Lamitar, Jr.
Pastor Arthur Ornias

A lot more workers and servants may not be mentioned but God surely will not miss their names and they will not miss their crowns when the great day comes. We praise and thank God for them.

For all these blessings, the glory belongs to God. He alone deserves the honor for the salvation and the joy of all believers reached through PFBF.

For twenty solid years much had been accomplished in His Name and through His mighty powers. There is more to do. God will open wider the door. God will continue to put burdens in our hearts and empower us as we enlarge our tent.

Surely God will sustain us as he promised in His Word, "let us not be weary in well-doing, for in due season we shall reap if we faint not." Galatians 6:9-10.



"…And Gladly Teach"
by: Luz M. Enriquez

"Go then, to all peoples everywhere and make them my disciples;…and teach them to obey everything I have commanded you…and I will be with you always to the end of the age." This is the Great Commission, Matthew 28: 19-20, which Christ left to His disciples. And the disciples journeyed on…

In our pilgrimage to service, we are all part of this Great Commission. Jesus said to His disciples: Go…and they continued to move along. Even to this day and in the days to come…

Because of this, God and man become partners in service. God participates in human affairs. God is never detached from the struggles of His beloved people. God realizes His purpose in men and for men through men.

Therefore, this partnership in service makes us God’s instruments. But this is not without any reward, as it is not without sacrifices either. God says to Abram; "I will commission you to go and leave your own family and house and possessions" – these indeed, are the sacrifices; but at the same time, "I shall bless you and make your name great" – surely, this is the reward of obedience and service.

Many a time, we choose ourselves to serve; we anoint ourselves to serve; we select the manner we serve; even the place and the time we would like to serve.

We serve according to our own convenience.

In our pilgrimage to service, our personal choices and agenda will compete with our attention and priorities. As we perform our task, the temptations, which the disciples of Jesus faced during their time, would present themselves to us in a variety of situations and intensity. Nevertheless, let the life of Abram be a constant inspiration to us; that as Christians, the path of service towards greatness is faithfulness to our calling and commitment to our being chosen, for it is in being chosen that our service becomes a covenant with God.

The Great Commissioner orders us to reproduce Him. We are to multiply Him through dedication and utilization of our talents, knowledge, skills and compassion. Through our lives others may know and experience His love and grace, especially at this time of crisis when every wound, pain and hurt needs the soothing and unifying effect of the Great Healer – Jesus Christ, our Lord.

It is when we participate in the healing of the broken human condition through our service that we do not only experience the unfaltering presence of Christ, but we likewise radiate His unconditional love to the lives of others and, therefore, lead them to the redemptive knowledge of Jesus.

The Great Commission therefore is an act of service that leads others to God. And as we choose to serve, we are never alone. God is with us always, even to the end of the age.

Therefore, "Go… and teach". To God be the glory!




"For leadership to be effective there must be obedience. The Church is like a body and it cannot work properly unless there is full cooperation among its members."

"We are called to a global task. Not just campuses, nor cities. But countries and continents."

From The Navigator Ministries Inc.


One Man

What can God do with one man?
Answer: Unlimited.

From one man He made every nation of men (Acts 17:26).

Through one man a great nation was born (Gen. 12:2).

The least one can become a thousand……a mighty nation (Isa. 60:22)

When God wants to do something great for His Name
He starts with one man.
From the multitude, He singles out one man.
Not many. Just one.

One Moses to deliver a nation.
One David to conquer kingdoms.
One Elijah to defeat hundreds of false prophets.
One Jonah to bring a mighty nation to repentance.
One Paul to shake the Roman Empire with the Gospel.
One man. One Life.

In the hands of God Almighty
The power of one man is a miracle.
He declares, "And I looked for a man among them who would build up the wall and stand in the gap before Me for the land…(Ezek. 22:30).

Disciple, you can be that one man.

(From the book "No Cross No Crown" by Philip C. Flores, Navigator Ministries Inc.)





Malimit nating marinig na "Mahirap magpatawad kapag ikaw ay nasaktan."

Subali’t kapag si Kristo ay nasa puso mo , madaling kalimutan ang hapdi at madali ring sabihing, "Dahil sa pag-ibig ni Kristo, pinatatawad kita".

Paano naman kung ikaw ang nagkasala? Hindi madali ang humingi ng kapatawaran lalo na’t tunay mong nasaktan ang isang tao. Kapag ikaw ay nasa ganitong kalagayan, maaari mong subukan ang mga sumusunod na hakbang:

Kausapin mo ang Diyos at aminin mo sa Kanya ang iyong kasalanan. Hingin mo ang tulong Niya upang magkaroon ka ng pagkakataong makausap ang taong nasaktan mo. Hingiin mo ring ihanda at hipuin ang kanyang puso at pang-unawa.

Humingi ka ng tawad. Ito ang dapat. Ito ang kailangan. Kung imposibleng gawin nang harap-harapan, tawagan mo siya o kaya’y sulatan.

Sa paghingi ng paumanhin, tukuyin mo ang nagawa mong pagkakamali. Ang "sorry" lamang o "patawad" ay mababaw. Mas may kahulugan kapag sinabi mong "Sorry sa nawalang librong hiniram ko sa iyo", o kaya’y "Patawad, nasigawan kita kanina". Sa ganitong paraan, pinalalaya mo rin ang bigat ng iyong damdamin.

Itanong mo kung pinatatawad ka niya o "Bati na ba tayo?". Sa ganong paraan, binibigyan mo siya ng pagkakataong ibigay ang hinihingi mong kapatawaran – at may katiyakan kang pinatawad ka na.

Paano kung hindi siya sumagot? Sapat nang unawain mong talagang nasaktan siya at maaaring hindi pa siya handa. Patuloy kang manalangin na mapatawad ka niya.

Paano naman kung tumanggi siyang ipagkaloob sa iyo ang hinihingi mong kapatawaran? Itanong mo kung ano ang dapat mong gawin para mapatawad ka niya. Kapag hindi pa siya sumagot, unawain mong nagawa mo na ang nararapat. Ibigay mo sa Diyos ang suliraning ito at hintayin mo ang resulta. Magtiwala ka sa magagawa ng Diyos.



Mumunting Panalangin

…..Panginoon, sa kabila ng akin mga kabiguan, aawitin ko ang tungkol sa iyong kadakilaan at pupurhin ko ang iyong banal na Pangalan …..

…..Ama, hubarin mo po ang mapagmataas kong puso at palalong diwa. Puspusin mo po ako ng iyong pag-ibig at kabanalan…..

…..Ipahintulot mo nawa na magkaroon ako ng maunawaing pag-iisip at matulunging dila…..

…..Ipagkaloob mo O Diyos na sa kabila ng aking araw-araw na kaabalahan ay makita ko pa rin an iyong layunin at kalooban para sa akin…..

…..Iukit mo po sa aking isipan ang iyong kalooban, Nawa’y maging pagpapala ako sa iba dahil ako’y walang sawa mong pinagpapala, Ama….

……O Diyos na banal, iligtas mo ako sa maling turo ng iba; subali’t ilayo mo ako sa sarili kong pagkakamali…..

…..Panginoon , salamat sa kabutihan mo sa aking pinansiyal na kalagayan.Tulungan mo aking huwag maipako ang aking paningin sa aking tinatamasa, manapa’y ibaling ko ang aking paningin sa pangangailangan ng iba…..

….. Butihing Diyos, iniligtas mo ako . Ngayon, tulungan mo po akong paglingkuran kita nang buong puso na may pagpapasalamat at kagalakan…..