
Japanese exchange students from
Kobe, Japan visiting their "sister
school" Gibson Elementary in early
October of this year. 

From left to right, top to bottom: Jack,, Shun,VIctor,Ami, Cho,Aiko,Gin,Hana, Kiyoshi,Mamoru,Kita,, Midori,Rini, and
Let me introduce
myself.  I have
assumed the Grade 3/4 position
from Jim Duncan,
and will strive to
maintain the excellence of teaching Jim has provided to you. I look forward to meeting you and working with you in making2004/2005 a memorable and
rewarding school year.
Welcome Letter to Division 3 Parents
Related Links:
School Bell
Dear parents welcome to Division 3, Mr.
Kamaszewski's class at Gibson elementary!!
Grade four is a challenging, new experience
for children for many reasons.  First of all,
the class size increases considerably  (from
22 to maybe 30 or more).  Secondly, student's
work is evaluated a little differently; they get
letter grades and marks! This can be intimidat-
ing, scary,  confusing at times for students as
well as the parents.  Also, the teacher expect-
ations change as we encourage students to
take more "self responsibility" in terms of using
their planners effectively to copy homework,
notices to parents as well as reminders for
future field trips , or special days.  Despite all
these "new and harsh" expectations, let me
assure  you that Division 3 students are work-
ing hard to cooperate with me and with their peer to "get used to" the new grade 4 agenda,
routines, procedures, and expectations.
inued on page 3/
Some ideas from my desk)
Word Games
Around The World
Email me! Science Experiments and Activities
Mr. Kamaszewski
Canadian History Comes Alive!

Canadian history is another focus during the fourth grade. Students learn how Canada has changed over time.  The unit concludes with a real lifetime experience at the provincial legislature in Victoria.

The focus on Canada's History tries to help the children answer the following questions about Canada:

1. What is a timeline and rationale for the establish
ment of Canada?

2. What was the role of the
French and British governments throughout Canada's history to nationhood?     
(Continued on page 2)
GB DIV 3 Handouts/Notices/Homework:

10/20:  Read Chapter four in your Socials
Text Book  Answer q. 1-8

10/25:  Written form of the "Weekly Letter"
(first page only) is due Monday, Oct. 25/2004
Please refer to the assignment sheet.

10/29: Subject: 
Family Treasures.

Each student is required to share an item
that is valued by their family for one reason
or another.  It may be an artifact handed
down from other family members.  It may be
something that represents some cherished
memories of family activities  or events.  The
item does not have to be of great value.  The
student is required to write a page on the
item and share their written piece with the
class with the aid of the overhead projector.