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Brasse's Page

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In May 2001, about six months after Findus had disappeared and Maya had come, again, somebody called and said that they found our cat! They had seen our posters that still were up after the winter. Of course we rushed over just to find a big, beautiful, orange tabby, but unfortunately it was not our Findus. He was in excellent condition and as it was Memorial weekend we just thought that he had escaped and that his family would return after the weekend. So we decided to take him home, put up posters and advertise in the papers and in no time he would be reunited with his family. I must admit, I fell in love with this guy immediately. He was so beautiful and purring louder than I've ever heard a cat do. After a nerve wrecking week, when nobody had called to claim him, we could declare him ours! Brasse was probably born in 1998.

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Hi folks! I don't really know why I was out there in the street that day when I was picked up. I just know that I had lived a comfortable life with my family, but now I was on my own. And I'm happy that I got a new family. The first week I had to stay on the screened porch, away from my to be siblings. But when I was introduced to them I liked them all at once. There were no problems with the dogs as they were used to cats, and little Maya and I soon became the best of friends. 

It's only Sir Jerry, who is such a macho man, who has to pick a fight ever so often. But that's not a big deal, occasionally we can even be this close!  I am an indoor cat, but during the summer I spend a lot of time outside on a leach. That doesn't bother me at all. It's so fun to be outside by the pool and especially in the evening when I can listen to all the sounds of nature.

I am a very special cat with special needs, for example, I don't want to drink water from a bowl, I only do running water from a tap or the fountain that they finally bought for me. I love to dip my paw in the water a lick it. 

I also love to be high up. One of my favorite spot is on top of the kitchen cabinets. When I walk behind the antique kitchen jars I can hear my hu-mom grasping for breath. But so far nothing has been broken, I'm very careful.  In the winter I enjoy being in the sauna with my hu-dad and there the two of us can have some men talk.

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Home | Conrad | Molly | Findus | Lucy | Jerry | Maya | Brasse | Bennie    
|Cat Rules|

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