
My Mokos Family

The most obscure branch of my family is the Hungarian ancestress Sophia Mokos. All I have from the earliest generation is a family photograph from 1874 which is very faded and deteriorated. If you recognize anyone or know anything else about this picture, please contact me.

Mokos Family Békéscsaba 1874

Having asked for advice from some people on this photo, and merging it with the data below, I am guessing, from left to right:

I have put together the following sketch of the Mokos family by gleaning everything I could from known family sources.
(Father and Mother unknown)

It seems likely that other members of the Mokos family besides Sophia moved to Nagyvarad, because the Mokos family had a cleaning and dyeing works, "Mokos Kelmesto Vegyi Tisztito" in Nagyvarad. They had exclusive rights to use Indigo dyes and were the first to use French solvent dry cleaning in Austria-Hungary. They also paraded Sophia's eldest daughter around the city to show her off in the hopes of securing a good marriage for her.

Mokos leads in Hungary

The Budapest Philharmonic

According to family cousins in the United States who have recently visited Hungary (in the last 20 years), there were two cousins of the family in the Budapest Philharmonic. Upon visiting their web site,, I discovered an Adam Mokos in a list of names which I believe is the members of the orchestra.

Lazarus Mokos

In the Hungarian electronic archives, (Magyar Életrajzi Index), which I learned can be reached via Petőfi Irodalmi Múzeum, link Adatbázisok, link Adatbázisaink: Magyar Életrajzi Index, I found a László (Lazarus, Leslie, or Vladislav) Mokos, born in 1933 in Nagyvárad, Románia, and probably still living. It seems to me that this is the same city as Nagyvarad, Hungary and Oradea, Romania. Perhaps the name did not change to Oradea until after World War II?
His profession is given as "kosárlabdázó, vegyészmérnök." As best as my translation skills tell me, this means he is a basketball player and chemical engineer. What, if any connection, might this Mokos have to my family?
For information on sources, please contact me.

1 I am not able to verify the source, but I believe it was an Hungarian genealogical book, possibly by Duncan Gardner, which indicated that Csaba, Bakesh Charva, is an obsolete naming of Békéscsaba in Békés Megye (county). The identification of the locale is further corroborated by other family notes (an inscription on the back of the photograph) and old maps showing Békéscsaba as simply "Csaba" back

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