I am a descendant of primarily French-Canadians and Eastern Europeans of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Rather than simply copying other materials on the Internet, which only creates more noise in cyberspace, I am only posting materials which are in some way new to the Internet (as far as I can tell), either due to their content, organization, concept, or expression.

Since most French-Canadian genealogy is already published, I will not be including my Canadian family tree. If you would like more information or have questions, please contact me. I have completed my French-Canadian family tree back to Europe on all sides, except those which lead to English or Native American people. My Canadian ancestors come from four different regions of Canada: Montreal, Quebec, Kamouraska/Rimouski, and the Gaspésie. The most important projects on which I am currently working are Philippe-Henri Stiber, German mercenary soldier and Pierre Hannatorenha McGregor For a full list of projects, please see my French-Canadian genealogy page.

My Eastern European genealogy is more challenging. Currently, four ethnic groups are known to be present: Czech, Hungarian, Slovak, and Slovenian. The project I am focusing most of my efforts on is that my Hungarian ancestress Sophia Mokos. However, I am working on and have information for all my ancestors.

Follow this link for a list of the current dead ends on my ancestral tree.
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