Beyond Dreams - Menu
Please make a selection.


Phantasmagoria 1
Review, Walkthrough, System Req.,
Easter Eggs, Bloopers

Phantasmagoria 2
Review, Walkthrough, Easter Eggs,
Movie List, Cheat Pack, F A Q,
Tech Support, System Requirements,
Theme Pack, Bloopers, Credits

Gabriel Knight, The Beast Within

Resident Evil
Walkthrough, Specials, Bio Hazard

Resident Evil 2
Specials, Monster List, Weapon List,
Hunk & Tofu, Game Shark Codes,
One Shot Gator Kill, Shooting Screen,
Ranking System, Film 'D'

Other Games to come.
Make sure to check back in the future
for updates, and new classic games.
If you would like to suggest a classic
horror based game that you feel is
appropriate for this site, please e-mail 

welcome to beyond dreams

Welcome to
Home of the Phantasmagoria 2 Ultimate Site and more

First, welcome to, one of the oldest GeoCities sites still active today. This site contains video game information, hits, walkthroughs and more for the classic Phantasmagoria series, Gabriel Knight - The Beast Within, and Resident Evil 1 & 2.

To choose a selection, use the menu on the top of the pages. If your internet browser does not support Java, you may use the menu to the left on this page or update your browser to it's latest addition.

We are currently still working on the new site, please be patient with us. The Resident Evil and Resident Evil 2 selections are currently not up.

Please feel free to direct any questions, concerns, and/or errors to the webmaster at: 

Thank you for visiting, we do hope you enjoy your stay.