about us



Proposed Departments :-

1.Department of Cancer & Radiotherapy
2.Department of Casualty
3.Department of Otolaryngology & Audiology
4.Department of Opthalomology
5.Department of Medicine
6.Department of Surgery
7.Department of Radiology & Imaging
8.Department of Pathology, Microbiology and Biochemistry
9.Department of Cardiology & CCU
10.Department of Anaesthesia
11.Emergency unit & ICU

Supporting Departments :-

1.Nursing Department
2.Electro-Medical Department
3.Department of Information Technology, Library & Record Keeping, Research Laboratory
4. Rehabilitation program for the blind, deaf, handicapped and disabled

Proposed Organogram


Joint Director(Finance)
Joint Director(Medical body)
Asst. Director (Finance)
Asst.Director (Medical body)
1. Head of payable & Receivable Accounts
2. Head of Pharmacy & Warehouse
3. Purchasing function
4. Revenue office
5. Third party service
  Nursing Department
Administrative officer
Office Assistant
Telephone Operator
Ward Master
Assistant Matron
Office Assistant

Each Clinical Department will consists of following personnel :-
1. Chief consultant
2. Senior Consultant
3. Junior Consultant
4. Registrar
5. Senior House surgeon
6. House surgeon
7. Sister
8. Nurse
9. Nursing Clerk
10. Office Assistant
11. Ward boy
12. Cleaner

Individual Departments :-

Department of Ophthalmology

Will have the following subspecialities :-

1. Retina and vitreous
2. IOL and anterior segment microsurgery
3. Cornea and external eye diseases
4 .Paediatric ophthalmology and strabismus
5. Glaucoma
6. Orbit and Occuloplastics
7. General ophthalmology
8. Neuro-ophthalmology
9. Department of ophthalmic pathology and radiology

We plan to have the following :-

a. Seven operation theatres

1. Two for posterior segment surgery
2. Five for anterior segment surgery
3.one for lasik and excimer laser and refractive corneal surgery

b .Each time at least one visiting surgeon from outside world for each department.
c.All departments will be enriched with the latest skill and facilities
d.There will be one paying for able people and one non paying section for poor people
e.Laser facilities

Department of Casualty

This department will deal with the trauma victims resulting from R.T.A, social violence & other natural calamities. There will be arescue team at the site of incidence to take necessary emergency measurement and carry towards our center. This department will deal with soft tissue injuries, abdomen and chest injuries, different limb injuries and head injuries as well. We shall have a I.C.U along with our department.

Cancer & Radiotherapy

It will be the largest department, consists of onco surgeons of every discipline. As like as Paediatric onco surgeon, gynae oncosurgeon, ENT Oncosurgeon, Colorectal onco Surgeon etc. This department will carry out all necessary measure to diagnosis & treatment of cancer patients.

There will be a radiotherapy unit under the guidance of radiotherapists. Highest possible radiotherapy machine will be setup. Research, Rehabilitation & Preventive Programmed will be taken by this department.


This department will carry out all the operation of general surgery including laparoscopic surgery, plastic surgery. Later on orthopaedic, Urology, Neuro surgery unit will be established phase by phase.

Department of Otolaryngology &Audiology

All types of head neck surgery including FESS, Tympanoplasty, Oncosurgery, skullbase surgery, laser assisted surgery will be done in this hospital.

In the audiology department, all types of audiological tests will be carried out. Hearing aids will be given. A school will be run for the deaf children. Later on, cochlear implants will be carried out.

Few ENT camps will be carried out in different areas of the country throughout the year.











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