The Lone Piper

Bill Jenkins

Visit to Agram  Cemetery, ASC Officer's Mess, Bangalore

Saturday, 11th March, 2006

The next schedule for Bill Jenkins this day was to visit the Agram Cemetery in the ASC Officers Mess  premises around 4.30 in the afternoon.

ASC Band welcomes Bill Jenkins and Admiral Dawson

The Admiral OS Dawson arrived with Bill and Jean and were met by the Bagpipers Band of the ASC in the Cemetery. They played a few tunes for Bill (Bill was not in his outstanding Scottish attire as he wasn't scheduled to play at Agram Cemetery).

Posing with the band
Maisy gets inbetween
Admiral shows the officers his work on Agram
Bill's tribute in a Poem to 16th Lancers
Jean and Maisy pose against the graves
The Bagpipers Band pose with Bill (and Ronnie's wife Maisy finds her way between two of the pipers!), while Admiral O.S. Dawson shows the ASC Officers the work he has done on the Agram Cemetery over the years, and Jean and Maisy use the graves as a backdrop. Bill brought out a memorial poem for the 16th Lancers thinking they were buried in this Cemetery.

Bill tries out the bagpipes, only to find out that they were too small for his size. He was used to playing with a large bag full of air to get the volume he blows up!

Going around the Agram cemetery

 The ionic pillars, the pride of teh Cemetery

A figure of a dancing girl

Bill, Jean, Admiral OS Dawson were accompanied by Ronnie and Maisy Johnson, escorted by one of the Officers of the ASC, and went they around the Cemetery which contained 200 year old graves. Admiral observes the foundation of the wall that has come very close to the graves.

a panormic view of Agram Cemetery

A panoramic view of Agram Cemetery

Relaxing in the ASC Mess

The officer who accompanied the group
They all retreated from the hot sun to the lounge for a cup of tea kindly provided by the ASC.
