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A Romantic Fiction Novel

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Origins of This Tale

This novel actually began as a running monologue in my head. I heard Hawthorne’s words before I ever saw the room in which he stood, surrounded by his “concerned” family. Hawthorne came across to me as a man who had lived well, worked hard, and was angry that his inattentive nieces and nephews only felt the need to contact him because of a choice he had made in her personal life. The age of the woman he is pursuing bothers them, but in reality, at his time of life, anyone would have been objectionable, and he knows it.

They say that they are worried about him – but he thinks their concern is nothing but hogwash. That’s because they believe that the $4 million in his bank might end up becoming their inheritance. His death they feel is imminent and they only think this because they’ve never taken the time to get to know the stuff he’s made of.

Hawthorne has told them they stand to inherit nothing, but they apparently feel the possibility enough to now mourn the loss. He doesn’t care. He wishes their hearts were differently disposed, but he is not the one to try to fix them. Instead, he is determined to leave them in the Lord’s hands, and in the meantime to hunt this gorgeous vixen, and marry her! And he’s intrigued by the fact that she makes no pains to hide the fact that she’s interested in him because he has money.

Why would I write this story? Well, I not only heard his voice and saw his face, but I also felt Hawthorne’s heart. It is strong, purposeful, and full of dreams. He is young where it matters, and his story needed to be told. So here it is. Read it at your own risk. (smile)



Preview & Summary


Hawthorne was at a company party – one of many – an event that seemed to blend into the others before it and held no promise for anything new. Then, Dory walked through the double doors directly across from him. She looked gorgeous, and she stole is breath.

Hawthorne knew all about Dory, a young woman who had apparently graduated high school in her early teens, college within two years of high school, and that by correspondence while overseas on some non-profit work. Upon arriving back home in the US, this dynamo set to work shaking things up, climbing the corporate ladder at lightning speed. She was good girl, and smart, if somewhat too strong and ambitious for a female, in the opinion of some of the leadership.

Still, her skills could not be discounted. And so, while censuring her for her methods and begging her to be gentler with her words, they continued to elevate her to the position she so richly deserved. And now, after getting stares and glares for her attitude, she was getting looks of a totally new kind tonight, with a red dress and too-tall pumps. She was, after all, a knockout. If it was the last thing he did on this earth, Hawthorne decided, he would get her to agree to spend an evening dining with him.



Table of Contents


Chapter 1

The Gold Digger


Chapter 2

The Middle Aged Virgin


Chapter 3

A Blunt Question


Chapter 4

A Shared Kiss


Chapter 5

A Positive


Chapter 6

Shared Laughter


Chapter 7

Just the Beginning


Chapter 8

The Benefits of

a Bumpy Road


Chapter 9

Night Music


Chapter 10

Funny Frogs and Secret Plans


Chapter 11

A Surprising Revelation


Chapter 12

Going to CHURCH!






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