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PoliticsKY is your official political news website in Kentucky. We are solely dedicated to bringing you the newest and most informed updates in the political ring in Kentucky. We are foused on assisting you in making a choice when you reach the ballot box, and intend to provide new, informing, non-bias information.

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PoliticsKY is constanly being updated, with new information every day on the campaigns and candidates. We provide a fantastic arena to get your name out and win votes.

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politicsky@yahoo.com. Remember, all advertising must be approved and paid for before being placed on the website.

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PoliticsKY is constanly being updated, with new information every day on the campaigns and candidates. We provide an astonishing forum for voters.

PoliticsKY's mission is to educate the public by streamlining news sources about candidates around the state. But we do need help to advertise ourselves so voters can be updated. If an individual or organization would be interested in placing a PoliticsKY button ad on their website, linking their website to us, it would be a great victory for the Kentucky people.

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