<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/pollardgen/You_Make_Me_Feel_Mighty_Rea.mid" LOOP=INFINITE> onLoad="window.onresize=new Function('if (navigator.appVersion==\'Netscape\') history.go(0); else center();'); center();">




Welcome to the web site dedicated to the "Pollard" and "Pettigrew" families.

Originally, I was searching the internet for information regarding my lineage, when my mom had asked me to do a webpage for my grandmother.  Considering that it had never crossed my mind to construct a website, this has definitely been a labor of love (and frazzled nerves) ever since.  What I discovered was a period of history and memories that evolved right before my eyes as I contacted family members that I hadn't seen or spoken to in while, added music that had great meaning for me, and placed each picture with great care on their new "home."  All the memories . . . aw, so sweet.

I've lived in the state of Minnesota all my life and wouldn't trade it for anywhere else on the globe.  I've had the "great loves" of my life ~ as a child and adult.  It  just wasn't in the cards for me to marry and start a family of my own.  However, no telling where the path of life will lead me one day . . .

I hope that you enjoy your visit.  If you like what you see -- send me an email or sign the guestbook.
I'd love to hear from you.

Robin Pollard ~ "Webmistress"
Copyright 2001-Eternity PollardGen.
All rights reserved.
Song Playing: "You Make Me Feel Mighty Real"
No title