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January 1 - First Foot Day and Z Day
January 2 - Run Up the Flagpole and See if Anybody Salutes It Day
January 3 - Festival of Sleep Day
January 4 - Trivia Day and Humiliation Day
January 5 - Bird Day
January 6 - Bean Day
January 7 - Old Rock Day
January 8 - National Joy Germ Day and Man Watcher's Day
January 9 - Play God Day
January 10 - Peculiar People Day
January 11 - National Step in a Puddle and Splash Your Friend Day
January 12 - Feast of Fabulous Wild Men Day
January 13 - Make Your Dream Come True Day and Blame Someone Else
January 14 - National Dress Up Your Pet Day
January 15 - Hat Day
January 16 - Hot and Spicy Food International Day and National
Nothing Day
January 17 - Blessing of the Animals at the Cathedral Day
January 18 - Winnie the Pooh Day
January 19 - National Popcorn Day
January 20 - National Buttercrunch Day
January 21 - National Hugging Day
January 22 - National Answer Your Cat's Question Day, National
Blonde Brownie Day
January 23 - National Handwriting Day, National Pie Day, Measure
Your Feet Day
January 24 - Eskimo Pie Patent Day
January 25 - Opposite Day
January 26 - Australia Day
January 27 - Punch the Clock Day and Thomas Crapper Day
January 28 - National Kazoo Day, Clash Day, Rattle Snake Roundup
January 29 - National Cornchip Day
January 30 - Escape Day
January 31 - National Popcorn Day and Child Labor Day
February 1 - Serpent Day
February 2 - Purification Day
February 3 - Cordova Ice Worm Day
February 4 - Create A Vacuum Day
February 5 - Disaster Day
February 6 - Lame Duck Day
February 7 - Charles Dickens Day
February 8 - Kite Flying Day
February 9 - Toothache Day
February 10 - Umbrella Day
February 11 - White Tee-shirt Day and Don't Cry Over Spilled Milk
February 12 - National Plum Pudding Day
February 13 - Get A Different Name Day and Dream Your Sweet Day
February 14 - Ferris Wheel Day and National Heart to Heart Day
February 15 - National Gum Drop Day
February 16 - Do A Grouch A Favor Day
February 17 - Champion Crab Races Day
February 18 - National Battery Day
February 19 - National Chocolate Mint Day
February 20 - Hoodie Hoo Day
February 21 - Card Reading Day
February 22 - Be Humble Day
February 23 - International Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day
February 24 - National Tortilla Chip Day
February 25 - Pistol Patent Day (Samuel Colt)
February 26 - National Pistachio Day
February 27 - International Polar Bear Day
February 28 - Public Sleeping Day
February 29 - National Surf and Turf Day
March 1 - National Pig Day - Believed to be one of the most useful and intelligent domestic animals, this is a day to honor pigs. Peanut Butter Lover's Day, First Parachute Day - A day to celebrate the first parachute jump from an airplane in 1912 by Albert Berry.
March 2 - Creation of the U.S. Department of Education - The creation of the current Department of Education in 1867.
Flight of the Concord - The first flight of the Concord was on this day in 1969.
Cat in the Hat Day - To celebrate the birthday of Theodor Seuss Geisel who was born in 1904, and who gave children hours of delightful reading.
First non-stop Flight Around the World - Completed by United States Air Force Captain James Gallagher in 1949.
March 3 - Missouri Day - Congress accepted the Missouri compromise and accepted Missouri to the Union as a slave state in exchange for Maine's entry as a free state, but only on the condition that slavery would be abolished in the rest of the Louisiana Purchase. Missouri was admitted to the Union in 1821.
National Anthem Day - On this day in 1931, President Hoover signed a bill to adopt The Star-Spangled Banner as the National Anthem of the United States of America.
On this day in 1816, the first stern paddle-wheel steamboat, the Washington, left Louisville, Kentucky for a round-trip voyage to New Orleans. By the end of the year, other steamboats were navigating the Mississippi River to penetrate into the Ohio River and other tributaries.

March 4 - First Tavern in America - Opened on this day in Boston, Massachusetts in 1634.

March 4 - First Meeting of Congress - New York City was the site of the meeting of the first congress of the United States.

March 5 - Naming of the Iron Curtain - British Prime Minister Winston Churchill first called the wall between east and west Germany the Iron Curtain at a speech at Westminster College in Fulton, Missouri in 1946.

March 5 - Crispus Attucks Day - It may have been a runaway slave, named Crispus Attucks, who was the first person to be killed during the Boston Massacre on this day in 1770.

March 8 - International Women's Day - A holiday which began in the United States, this is a day to commemorate working women.

March 9 - Panic Day - A day to let you panic go and run around screaming, "I can't take any more."

March 9 - Patent for False Teeth - In 1822, a New York dentist, Charles Graham, received a patent for false teeth.

March 9 - Bang Clang Day - A celebration of the Battle of Hampton Roads, the first battle between the Merrimac and the Monitor which were armored ships.

March 10 - Harriet Tubman Day - To honor her work as an American abolitionist and leader of an underground railroad.

March 10 - Paper Money First Issued - The $20.00 bill featured Lady Liberty, the $10.00 bill featured Abraham Lincoln, and the $5.00 bill featured Alexander Hamilton.

March 10 - Birth of the First Octuplets - Mexico was the scene of the birth of the first octuplets in 1967.

March 11 - Johnny Appleseed Day - To celebrate the life of Johnny Appleseed, who planted thousands of apple trees around the Northwest Territories.

March 12 - Fun Mail Week - Send "just because" letters, just because it's fun.

March 12 - Coca Cola Marketed - The first coca Cola went on sale to the public in 1894.

March 13 - Uncle Sam Day - The Uncle Sam character, which became a symbol of patriotism in America, was first published in the New York Lantern on this day in 1852.

March 13 - Patent Issued for Earmuffs - A Maine teenager patented the first earmuffs in 1877.

March 14 - Invention of the Baseball Cap - Phil Frank invented the baseball cap in 1860.

March 15 - Buzzard Day - To celebrate the return of the turkey vultures (buzzards) to Hinckley, Ohio.

March 15 - Andrew Jackson Day - The birthday of the 7th President of the United States of America is celebrated in Tennessee.

March 16 - Curlew Day - A day to celebrate the return of the long-billed curlew to Oregan's Umatilla National Wildlife Refuge.

March - 16 - The first black newspaper in the United States was published at 5 Varick Street, in New York, on this day in 1827, by local clergyman, Samuel E Cornish who also founded the firs black Presbyterian Church in the United States.

March 17 - Camp Fire Founder's Day - A day when Camp Fire Girls and Boys participate in their church of temple services and worship together. Founded by Mrs. Luther Gulick in 1912.

March 18 - Paper Dress - The first paper dresses were sold by Scott paper for $1.00 each.

March 18 - First Electric Razor - Invented by Schick, the electric razor was first marketed on this day in 1831.

March 19 - Chocolate Week - To celebrate American's love of chocolate.

March 21 or 22 - Vernal Equinox - The time of year when the sun crosses the equator to begin autumn in the southern hemisphere and spring in the northern hemisphere. On this day when day and night are equal length, men and women are encouraged to propose marriage to their true love.

March 21 - Children's Poetry Day - Encourage your children to read and write poetry.

March 21 - Memory Day - An historical examination of the use of memory aids.

March 21 - Fragrance Day - To celebrate perfumes and colognes and the effect they have on our lives.

March 21 - Bird Day - A celebration held in Iowa.

March 22 - National Goof-off Day - A day to have fun and act silly.

March 22 - Bed-In for Peace Day - At the Amsterdam Hilton, John Lennon and Yoko Ono staged their first bed-in for peace in 1969.

March 22 - Shopping Mall Day - The city of Southfield, Michigan, opened the first Shopping Mall in 1954.

March 23 - Near Miss Day - The day an asteroid missed hitting the earth by 500,000 miles in 1989.

March 23 - Cherry Blossom Festival - A day when Macon, Georgia, celebrates the blooming of the Yoshino Cherry Trees. The cherry trees originated when William A. Fickling, known as Johnny Cherry Seed, discovered a mystery tree on his lawn.

March 23 - Cable Car Day - The patenting of the first cable car in 1858.

March 23 - Liberty Day - "Give me liberty or give me death," were the words spoken by Patrick Henry as he spoke in favor of arming the Virginia Militia against the British in 1775.

March 23 - First Elevator Day - The first elevator was installed in New York City by Elisha Otis.

March 23 - First Standing Ovation Day - On this day in 1743, the audience stood to applaud the first performance of Handel's "Messiah," including King George.

March 24 - First Automobile Produced - Produced by the Duryea Motor Wagon Company of Springfield, Massachusetts, called the Haynes-Duryea motorcar rolled off the production line. The Stanley Steamer was also introduced at Newton, Massachusetts in this year.

March 25 - Color Television Invented - The first television set was the RCA manufactured in Bloomington, Indiana in 1954.

March 25 - Mary land Day - Commerates the first Roman Catholic Mass that was celebrated after the landing of the first colonists in 1634.

March 25 - Pecan Day - On this day in 1775, George Washington planted the pecan trees which were given him by Thomas Jefferson.

March 25 - First Catholic Mass - The territory of Maryland was the scene of the first Catholic Mass celebrated in 1634.

March 26 - Prince Kuhio Day - A celebration of the prince who worked vigilantly to preserve the old Hawaiian customs and traditions. Held on the island of Kauai where he was born.

March 26 - Discover Your Own Holiday - Be creative, go wild, create your own holiday.

March 27 - Fire Engine Day - The first steam fire engine was being tested in New York City.

March 27 - Mormon Temple Day - Kirtland, Ohio was the scene of the dedication of first Mormon temple in 1836.

March 27 - University of Virginia - First classes were held on this day in 1825 in Charlottsville, three miles west of Thomas Jefferson's Monticello estate. Thomas Jefferson was instrumental in obtaining the charter and planning the grounds.

March 27 - First Phone in the White House - On this day in 1929, the first telephone was installed in the White House. The first long distance telephone was also made from Boston to New York.

March 28 - Washing Machine - The first washing machine was patented on this day in 1797 by Nathan Briggs.

March 29 - 23rd Amendment - On this day in 1961, Congress ratified the 23rd Amendment to the Constitution, which citizens of Washington D. C. the right to cast their votes in the Presidential election.

March 30 - Pencil Day - The first pencil with an eraser was patented on this day in 1853 by Hyman Lipman.

March 30 - Circumnavigation Day - To celebrate the first passenger ship, the Laconia, to sail around the world in 1923.

March 31 - Virgin Islands Day - The day in 1917 that the Virgin Islands were transferred to the United States by Denmark for a price tag of $25 million.

March 31 - Ford Day - On this day in 1932, Ford Company introduced the V-8 engine manufactured by Ford.

March 31 - Robert Bunson Day - To celebrate the birthday of Robert von Bunsen, the inventor of the Bunson Burner.

April 1 - One Cent Day
April 2 - National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day
April 3 - Tweed Day and Don't Go To Work Unless It's Fun Day
April 4 - Tell-A-Lie Day
April 5 - Go For Broke Day
April 6 - Sorry Charlie Day More Info on Sorry Charlie Day
April 7 - No Housework Day
April 8 - All Is Ours Day
April 9 - Winston Churchill Day and Name Yourself Day
April 10 - Golfers Day
April 11 - Eight-Track Tape Day
April 12 - Look Up At The Sky Day
April 13 - Blame Somebody Else Day
April 14 - National Pecan Day
April 15 - Rubber Eraser Day
April 16 - National Stress Awareness Day and National Eggs
Benedict Day
April 17 - National Cheeseball Day
April 18 - International Jugglers Day
April 19 - National Garlic Day
April 20 - Look Alike Day
April 21 - Kindergarten Day
April 22 - National Jelly Bean Day
April 23 - Read Me Day and World Laboratory Animal Day
April 24 - National Pigs In A Blanket Day
April 25 - National Zucchini Bread Day
April 26 - Richter Scale Day and National Pretzel Day
April 27 - Tell A Story Day
April 28 - Great Poetry Reading Day and Kiss-Your-Mate Day
April 29 - National Shrimp Scampi Day
April 30 - National Honesty Day
May 1 - Mother Goose Day and Save The Rhino Day
May 2 - Fire Day
May 3 - Lumpy Rug Day
May 4 - National Candied Orange Peel Day
May 5 - National Hoagie Day
May 6 - Beverage Day
May 7 - International Tuba Day, Paste Up Day, National Roast
Leg of Lamb Day
May 8 - No Socks Day and Have A Coke Day
May 9 - Lost Sock Memorial Day
May 10 - Clean Up Your Room Day
May 11 - Eat What You Want Day and Twilight Zone Day
May 12 - Limerick Day
May 13 - Leprechaun Day
May 14 - National Dance Like A Chicken Day
May 15 - National Chocolate Chip Day
May 16 - Wear Purple For Peace Day
May 17 - Pack Rat Day
May 18 - International Museum Day and Visit Your Relatives Day
May 19 - Frog Jumping Jubilee Day
May 20 - Eliza Doolittle Day
May 21 - National Memo Day and National Waitresses/Waiters Day
May 22 - Buy-A-Musical-Instrument Day
May 23 - Penny Day
May 24 - National Escargot Day
May 25 - National Tap Dance Day
May 26 - Grey Day
May 27 - Body Painting Arts Festival
May 28 - National Hamburger Day
May 29 - End Of The Middle Ages Day
May 30 - My Bucket's Got A Hole In It Day
May 31 - National Macaroon Day
June 1 - Dare Day
June 2 - National Rocky Road Day
June 3 - Repeat Day
June 4 - Old Maid's Day
June 5 - Festival Of Popular Delusions Day
June 6 - Teacher's Day and National Applesauce Cake Day
June 7 - National Chocolate Ice Cream Day
June 8 - Name Your Poison Day
June 9 - Donald Duck Day
June 10 - National Yo-yo Day
June 11 - National Hug Holiday and King Kamehameha Day
June 12 - Machine Day
June 13 - National Juggling Day and Kitchen Klutzes Of America Day
June 14 - Pop Goes The Weasel Day
June 15 - Smile Power Day
June 16 - National Hollerin' Contest Day
June 17 - Watergate Day and Eat Your Vegetables Day
June 18 - International Panic Day
June 19 - World Sauntering Day
June 20 - Ice Cream Soda Day
June 21 - Cuckoo Warning Day More Info on Cuckoo Warning Day
June 22 - National Chocolate Eclair Day
June 23 - National Pink Day
June 24 - Museum Comes To Life Day
June 25 - Log Cabin Day
June 26 - National Chocolate Pudding Day
June 27 - National Columnists Day
June 28 - Paul Bunyan Day
June 29 - Camera Day
June 30 - Meteor Day
July 1 - Creative Ice Cream Flavor Day and Build A Scarecrow Day
July 2 - Visitation Of The Virgin Mary Day
July 3 - Stay Out Of The Sun Day and Compliment Your Mirror Day
July 4 - National Country Music Day and Tom Sawyer Fence-
Painting Day
July 5 - Workaholics Day
July 6 - National Fried Chicken Day
July 7 - National Strawberry Sundae Day
July 8 - Video Games Day
July 9 - National Sugar Cookie Day
July 10 - Clerihew Day
July 11 - National Cheer Up The Lonely Day
July 12 - National Pecan Pie Day
July 13 - Fool's Paradise Day
July 14 - National Nude Day
July 15 - National Tapioca Pudding Day and Respect Canada Day
July 16 - International Juggling Day
July 17 - National Peach Ice Cream Day
July 18 - National Ice Cream Day and National Caviar Day
July 19 - Flitch Day
July 20 - Ugly Truck Contest Day
July 21 - National Tug-Of-War Tournament Day
July 22 - Ratcatcher's Day
July 23 - National Vanilla Ice Cream Day
July 24 - Amelia Earhart Day
July 25 - Threading The Needle Day
July 26 - All Or Nothing Day
July 27 - Take Your Pants For A Walk Day
July 28 - National Milk Chocolate Day
July 29 - Cheese Sacrifice Purchase Day
July 30 - National Cheesecake Day
July 31 - Parent's Day
August 1 - Friendship Day and National Raspberry Cream Pie Day
August 2 - National Ice Cream Sandwich Day
August 3 - National Watermelon Day
August 4 - Twins Day Festival
August 5 - National Mustard Day
August 6 - Wiggle Your Toes Day
August 7 - Sea Serpent Day
August 8 - National Sneak Some Zucchini Onto Your Neighbor's
Porch Night
August 9 - National Polka Festival
August 10 - Lazy Day
August 11 - Presidential Joke Day
August 12 - Middle Child's Day
August 13 - Blame Someone Else Day
August 14 - National Creamsicle Day
August 15 - National Relaxation Day and National Failures Day
August 16 - Bratwurst Festival
August 17 - National Thriftshop Day
August 18 - Bad Poetry Day
August 19 - Potato Day
August 20 - National Radio Day
August 21 - National Spumoni Day
August 22 - Be An Angel Day
August 23 - National Spongecake Day
August 24 - Knife Day
August 25 - Kiss-And-Make-Up Day
August 26 - National Cherry Popsicle Day
August 27 - Petroleum Day

August 28 - World Sauntering Day
August 29 - More Herbs, Less Salt Day
August 30 - National Toasted Marshmallow Day
August 31 - National Trail Mix Day
September 1 - Emma MNutt Day

September 2 - National Beheading Day
September 3 - Skyscraper Day
September 4 - Newspaper Carrier Day
September 5 - Be Late For Something Day
September 6 - Fight Procrastination Day
September 7 - Neither Rain Nor Snow Day
September 8 - National Date Nut Bread Day and Pardon Day
September 9 - Teddy Bear Day
September 10 - Swap Ideas Day
September 11 - No News Is Good News Day
September 12 - National Pet Memorial Day and National Chocolate Milkshake Day
September 13 - Defy Superstition Day
September 14 - National Cream-filled Donut Day
September 15 - Felt Hat Day
September 16 - Stay Away From Seattle Day and Collect Rocks Day
September 17 - National Apple Dumpling Day
September 18 - National Play-doh Day
September 19 - National Butterscotch Pudding Day
September 20 - National Punch Day
September 21 - World Gratitude Day and International Banana Festival
September 22 - Hobbit Day and Dear Diary Day
September 23 - Checkers Day and Dogs In Politics Day
September 24 - Festival Of Latest Novelties
September 25 - National Comic Book Day
September 26 - National Good Neighbor Day and National Pancake Day
September 27 - Crush A Can Day
September 28 - Ask A Stupid Question Day
September 29 - Poisoned Blackberries Day
September 30 - National Mud Pack Day
October 1 - World Vegetarian Day and Magic Circles Day
October 2 - Name Your Car Day
October 3 - Virus Appreciation Day
October 4 - National Golf Day
October 5 - National Storytelling Festival
October 6 - German-American Day and Come and Take It Day
October 7 - National Frappe Day
October 8 - American Tag Day
October 9 - Moldy Cheese Day
October 10 - National Angel Food Cake Day
October 11 - It's My Party Day
October 12 - International Moment Of Frustration Scream Day
October 13 - National Peanut Festival
October 14 - Be Bald and Free Day and National Dessert Day
October 15 - White Cane Safety Day
October 16 - Dictionary Day
October 17 - Gaudy Day
October 18 - No Beard Day
October 19 - Evaluate Your Life Day
October 20 - National Brandied Fruit Day
October 21 - Babbling Day
October 22 - National Nut Day
October 23 - National Mole Day
October 24 - National Bologna Day
October 25 - Punk For A Day Day
October 26 - Mule Day
October 27 - Sylvia Plath Day
October 28 - Plush Animal Lover's Day and National Chocolate Day
October 29 - Hermit Day
October 30 - National Candy Corn Day
October 31 - National Magic Day and Increase Your Psychic Powers Day
November 1 - Plan Your Epitaph Day
November 2 - National Deviled Egg Day
November 3 - Sandwich Day and Housewife's Day
November 4 - Waiting For The Barbarians Day
November 5 - Gunpowder Day
November 6 - Saxophone Day and Marooned Without A Compass Day
November 7 - National Bittersweet Chocolate With Almonds Day
November 8 - Dunce Day
November 9 - Chaos Never Dies Day
November 10 - Forget-Me-Not Day
November 11 - Air Day
November 12 - National Pizza With The Works Except Anchovies Day
November 13 - National Indian Pudding Day
November 14 - Operation Room Nurse Day
November 15 - National Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day
November 16 - Button Day
November 17 - Take A Hike Day
November 18 - Occult Day
November 19 - Have A Bad Day Day
November 20 - Absurdity Day
November 21 - World Hello Day and False Confessions Day
November 22 - Start Your Own Country Day
November 23 - National Cashew Day
November 24 - Use Even If Seal Is Broken Day
November 25 - National Parfait Day
November 26 - Shopping Reminder Day
November 27 - Pins And Needles Day
November 28 - Make Your Own Head Day
November 29 - Square Dance Day
November 30 - Stay At Home Because You're Well Day
December 1 - National Pie Day and Eat A Red Apple Day
December 2 - National Fritters Day
December 3 - National Roof-Over-Your-Head Day
December 4 - Wear Brown Shoes Day
December 5 - National Sacher Torte Day
December 6 - National Gazpacho Day and Mitten Tree Day
December 7 - National Cotton Candy Day
December 8 - Take It In The Ear Day
December 9 - National Pastry Day
December 10 - Festival For The Souls Of Dead Whales
December 11 - National Noodle Ring Day
December 12 - National Ding-A-Ling Day
December 13 - Ice Cream and Violins Day
December 14 - National Bouillabaisse Day
December 15 - National Lemon Cupcake Day
December 16 - National Chocolate Covered Anything Day
December 17 - Underdog Day and National Maple Syrup Day
December 18 - National Roast Suckling Pig Day
December 19 - Oatmeal Muffin Day
December 20 - Games Day
December 21 - Look At The Bright Side Day, National Flashlight Day, National French Fried Shrimp Day, and Hamburger Day
December 22 - National Date-Nut Bread Day
December 23 - Roots Day
December 24 - National Eggnog Day
December 25 - National Pumpkin Pie Day
December 26 - National Whiners Day
December 27 - National Fruitcake Day
December 28 - Card Playing Day and National Chocolate Day
December 29 - Pepper Pot Day
December 30 - Festival Of Enormous Changes At The Last Minute and National Bicarbonate Of Soda Day
December 31 - Unlucky Day

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Last Updated: January 1, 2005