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by John Lee
© your income tax dollars at the White House

"The Queen turned crimson with fury, and after glaring at her for a moment like a wild beast, began screaming, 'Off with her head!'"
—Lewis Carroll (from Alice in Wonderland)

Ex-princess Diana's ex-husband was Prince Charles. Because of her scandalous divorce, Queen Elizabeth was considering that her son Charles would be passed over for the inherited job as the future dictator of England. Ex-princess Diana's teenage son William (the future AntiChrist?) would replace the future king, to prevent a revolt from the people against the monarchy—a monarchy that profits by nearly one billion dollars every year, tax-free.

White Eurotrash and the sand nigger? Official spy tapes revealed baby makes three

Di and Dodi and House of Windsor

Another scandalous action (to some people) the princess was undertaking was marriage to an Egyptian husband, Dodi Al Fayed. How would it look to the world for the King of Christian England to have a "black" Muslim stepfather? How would it look to the British people for the king to have Muslim siblings who actually had a claim to the throne? Even though he was extremely wealthy and respectable—heir to a multi-billionaire's fortune—that might be a sensitive issue for bigoted royalty with dynastic ties to racist Germany.

As the queen's husband Prince Phillip explained: "Such an affair is racially and morally repugnant and no son of a Bedouin camel trader is fit for the mother of a future king," as revealed in a Top Secret MI6 document leaked to the French traffic court inquest. This document also declared that "Reliable source reports palace seriously disturbed by liason." This same government document revealed "liberal" Prime Minister Tony Blair's opinion that he "considers any Fayed relationship politically disastrous."

Elizabeth, the German queen of England (House of Windsor a/k/a Sax Coburg-Gotha) is the richest woman in the world (and is almost as big as Wallmart). She reportedly earns a tax-free income of half-a-billion dollars-a-year, increasing every year by burearats who allot her an ever-increasing share of the taxpayers' booty, in return for knighthood. She is reportedly the largest landowner in Manhattan burough in New York City, united States of America (a current British colony?).

NAZIS IN THE ATTIC - 1899 Saxe-Coburg-Gotha Royal Anniversary. Photographic portraits, surrounded by decorative borders, from the Jan. 28, 1899 Illustrated London News. Title is "The Silver Wedding of the Duke an Duchess of Sax-Coburg-Gotha. The Duke and Duchess, with their Children and Grandchildren." ROYAL.GOV.UK The Official Website of the BRitish Monarchy - "The House of Windsor came into being in 1917, when the name was adopted as the British Royal Family's official name by a proclamation of King George V, replacing the historic name of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha. It remains the family name of the current Royal Family. The present Queen has familial ties with most of the monarchs in Europe. The name Saxe-Coburg-Gotha came to the British Royal Family in 1840 with the marriage of Queen Victoria to Prince Albert, son of Ernst, Duke of Saxe-Coburg & Gotha. Queen Victoria herself remained a member of the House of Hanover. The only British monarch of the House of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha was King Edward VII, who reigned for nine years at the beginning of the modern age in the early years of the 20th century. King George V replaced the German-sounding title with that of Windsor during the First World War [coincidentally at war with Germany]."

The citizens of England were becoming VERY restless, and there were people attempting to rein in the monarchy's extravagant wealth, perhaps to the meager level from 100 years ago, when Queen Victoria was nearly bankrupt. This was one reason why the press hounded Diana - she wasn't singled out (at first), since all the royals were fair game for looting the wealth of their royal slaves, er, "subjects".

Imagine how Americans would feel about the President earning that kind of money, over 250,000% more than his relatively meager $200,000 salary? Not only for the rest of his life, but the lives of all his heirs, without any elections (what kind of democracy is that?). There certainly is an awful lot of money at stake. Many tens of billions of dollars, if not trillions of dollars.

Could greed possibly be considered a motive for murder? In America, the news media publishes endless stories of muggings and murders over pocket change and tennis shoes. Is it conceivable that a murder might actually be orchestrated over billions of dollars rather than a pair of shoes? Could intelligent human beings actually be that greedy and sinister? Could people actually be employed who would be willing to commit murder-for-paycheck? When governments routinely employ police and military personnel to violently kill tens of millions of people—many of whom are their own citizens—might a government focus its might and expertise upon a single person, if eliminating that one person was worth billions of dollars? Could a 300-hundred-year-old royal family possibly be willing to commit murder like any ambitious gangster family? Despite a long and publicly acknowledged history of bloody murder, has the royal family not yet cured itself of blood-lust?

When elderly technology by Luciferian NASA NAZIs can allegedly put soldiers on the Moon (and name the project for Satan in Revelation 9:11), while at the same time that same government employed hundreds of thousands of professionals to murder millions of Asians, could similar technology and governmental cooperation be utilized for a more modest gain? Could a simple traffic crash possibly be instigated and events thereafter controlled by ambitious government employees, then blamed upon alcohol beverage?

Princess Diana's well-publicized marital difficulties emphasized that the British royal family was human, just like everyone else's. (And if they are human, why should they deserve to get rich on the backs of the taxpayers?) On her wedding night, her husband told his virgin bride of his love for his mistress, Camilla Parker Bowles. "I was a lamb being led to the slaughter. I knew it and I couldn't do anything about it," she sadly professed in Diana: Her True Story, by Andrew Morton. This book blew the whistle on Prince Charles' adultery, sending the royal court into panic. Her bulimia, self-mutilation and suicide attempts were admitted to and were well-publicized. Her work with AIDS patients, before compassion for AIDS victims was politically correct, embarrassed the regal establishment.

Princess Diana on BBC and ABC, 24 Nov. 95:

"I found myself being more and more involved with people who were rejected by society—with, I'd say, drug addicts, alcoholism, battered this, battered that—and I found an affinity there…. I remember when I used to sit on hospital beds and hold people's hands, people used to be sort of shocked because they'd never seen this before, and to me it was quite a perfectly normal thing to do…. Well, there were three of us in this marriage, so it was a bit crowded…. I've heard people say that to me, you know, 'Diana's out to destroy the monarchy', which has bewildered me, because why would I want to destroy something that is my children's future?… I'd like to be queen of people's hearts, in people's hearts, but I don't see myself becoming Queen of this country. I don't think many people will want me to be Queen. Actually, when I say many people, I mean the establishment that I married into, because they decided I was a non-starter…. They see me as a threat of some kind…."

Daily Mail journalist, Richard Kay, phone call 6 hours before death:

"They were, to use an old but priceless cliché, blissfully happy."

Andrew Morton, book author:

"She was just a breath away from the new life she was attempting to build for herself."

Diana did not merely perform the routine duties as the wife of the future King of England. Telling the royal family to kiss off is not the way the richest woman in the world wants to be treated by her estranged daughter-in-law. The queen's hatred of Diana was well documented. The queen initially refused to even allow a public funeral for Diana.

How convenient for the Queen to be suddenly rid of her nemesis. Within 24 hours of Diana's death, the British public was smelling the stench of political (royal) assassination. Although the bulk of news media never considered even the possibility of such a crime, despite the long European history of such royal shenanigans, the British people were openly discussing the facts of life. The probability of murder spread like wildfire among the masses. Perhaps that is why she received such sympathy in death; British florists even declared a national shortage of cut flowers. One newspaper poll found that 95% of the British public suspected Diana was assassinated during this alleged DWI crash. Could the Queen and her Court really be that lucky?

US Spy Tapes Reveal Diana Was Pregnant

reposted by

EXPLOSIVE tapes on the secret life of Princess Diana will prove that she was pregnant and intended to marry Dodi Al Fayed, it was claimed last night.

American secret agents regularly monitored Diana's conversations and collated 1,000 secret documents using its "spy in the sky", the National Security Agency.

They were obtained by its Echelon satellite surveillance system and contain highly sensitive material including her marriage plans, her views on Prince Philip, who was known to be highly critical of her, and new details of her love affair with James Hewitt [author of Love and War]. Now, lawyers acting for Mohamed Al Fayed are trying to obtain the tapes through America's Freedom of Information Act.

They hope to present the evidence at Diana's inquest, which is expected to take place next year.

The covert monitoring was controlled from the ultra-secret NSA base at Menwith Hill in the north of England during the last weeks of Diana's affair with Dodi.

FAS.ORG - RAF Menwith Hill Station National Security Agency antenna farm, UK ( 54.0162 N; 1.6826 W ) Menwith Hill in the UK is the principal NATO theater ground segment node for high altitude signals intelligence satellites. The facility, jointly operated with the UK's Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), is now capable of carrying out two million intercepts per hour. Menwith Hill Station was established in 1956 by the US Army Security Agency (ASA). Menwith Hill was operated by ASA from 1958 until its turnover to NSA in June 1966. The Army 713th MI Group remains the Executive Agent for the NSA Menwith Hill field site, which was awarded the NSA's "Station of the Year" prize for 1991 after its role in the Gulf War. The Air Intelligence Agency 451st Intelligence Squadron (451 IS) as an integral part of Menwith Hill Station (MHS). Inside the closely-guarded 560 acre base are two large operations blocks and many satellite tracking dishes and domes. Initial operations focused on monitoring international cable and microwave communications passing through Britain. In 1984, British Telecom and MoD staff completed a $25 million extension to Menwith Hill Station known as STEEPLEBUSH. There are 23 spherical domes [housing small satellite dishes to hide their direction and protect from wind damage] and three [very large uncovered] satellite dishes, one of which is sixty meters in diameter, all pointing in an easterly direction.

A spokesman for Dodi's father, Mohamed Al Fayed, the millionaire owner of Harrods, said: "Mr Al Fayed believes that those intercepts will reveal conversations in which Princess Diana discussed her engagement to Dodi and her pregnancy.

Lady Diana's Secret Video Diary Reveals Her Grave Concerns About 'Assassination by Motor Vehicle'

Sources say there was 'intelligence presence' in run-up to car crash that claimed life of princess.

By Gordon Thomas
American Free
Oct 28, 2003

Paul Burrell, former butler of the late Diana, princess of Wales, is on trial for theft of more than 300 items, including letters, and photos of the royal family. Burrell had recently revealed knowledge of a secret video diary of the late princess. Above, mourners visit the Diana Shrine outside of London. What if Diana's death turned out to be an assassination?

WASHINGTON DC - Britain's senior intelligence service, MI6, has briefed the Queen about secret video cassettes Princess Diana made three months after she wrote the letter in which she predicted she would be murdered in a car crash made to look like an "accident." She and her lover, Dodi al-Fayed, died in a car crash in Paris in August, 1997.

The royal briefing followed interviews with several British expatriates in California by a senior intelligence officer.

One of those questioned was involved in the London video-production industry at the time Diana made her video diaries. Another is known to have had "a close relationship" with a male member of the Kensington Palace staff when Diana lived there. The interviews came after MI6 became aware of Paul Burrell's new book. It may become the subject of a breach of copyright action centering on the letters it contains.

One security service source said her video diaries clearly show her "obsession" of meeting a stage-managed death at the hands of one of the intelligence agencies she believed were shadowing her every move since her divorce from Prince Charles.

Evidence to support her fears has been reinforced by the admission of America's "spy in the sky" agency, the National Security Agency, NSA, that it holds some 1,050 transcripts of conversations Diana made in the last weeks of her life.

But a former MI6 officer, Richard Tomlinson has also claimed that, while working for the service, he saw a document "that was a plan to murder the Serbian leader, Slobodan Milosevic-a plan that has unsettling parallels to the way Di and Dodi died. The MI6 document stated that the 'accident' should happen in a tunnel where the chance of injury is high."

The NSA tapes are stored in a climate-controlled vault at NSA headquarters at Fort George Meade outside Washington.

The agency controls a worldwide eavesdropping system normally only used against America's enemies.

Some of the taped conversations are said to refer to Diana's campaign for a global ban on landmines.

Dodi's father, Mohammed al-Fayed, the millionaire owner of Harrods, has waged an unsuccessful battle in the U.S. courts to obtain copies of the tapes.

He believes they will confirm his own fears of "intelligence service complicity" in the deaths of Diana and his son.

Ari Ben-Menashe, a former Mossad intelligence officer, who was approached by Mr Al-Fayed for help after the deaths said, "there is no doubt there was an intelligence presence in the run-up to their deaths".

Such claims will fuel the demand for a full inquiry into the events around the deaths.

The royal coroner, Dr. Michael Burgess, has al ready indicated he will hold an inquest. But no date has been set. At the earliest it could be sometime next year.

Friends of Diana have indicated the full truth may only emerge if there is a Hutton-style enquiry.

Diana filmed her secret video diaries on a camera her former voice coach, Peter Sutherland, gave her.

But he has no knowledge that the camera was used by Diana to make her video diaries.

Originally, he had made six tapes with Diana to help improve her confidence when speaking in public.

Sutherland has been trying to retrieve those tapes. Their existence emerged after the collapse of the Old Bailey trial of Paul Burrell last year.

He was acquitted on all charges of stealing Diana's belongings after the queen made a dramatic intervention in the case.

Yet another row awaits Prince Charles

DH News Service
November 3, 2003

A public relations crisis looms for Prince Charles back in the UK as he winds up his successful nine day tour of India. The crisis stems from the emergence of upto 20 secret videos in which his late wife, Princess Diana, lays bare her troubled marriage. The tapes could be shown as part of a legal battle in a dispute over their ownership.

Controversy centres on about 21 hours of footage shot in the early Nineties by Diana's voice coach Peter Settelen, who was training the Princess to speak in public.

If Mr Settelen wins the case, he could make millions by selling these tapes to broadcasters. To establish rightful ownership, the videos will almost certainly have to be played in court, meaning Diana would effectively testify from beyond the grave about her contempt for Charles and his partner, Camilla Parker Bowles.

Legal action over ownership could start as early as Wednesday if police do not return the tapes to the voice coach.

Mr Settelen insists he has copyright of the videos and is preparing to take the case to the High Court. But Diana's family say the tapes belong to them and want them destroyed.

The tapes were seized by police in January-2001 when they raided the home of Diana's former butler Paul Burrell. They have been held at a secret location ever since.

Last night, after a year of legal wrangling over ownership, Mr Settelen issued a statement, which is effectively an ultimatum to police to hand over what he says is his property.

The court will need to establish whether Diana was solely acting out her elocution lessons or providing a testament about her life. Legal sources say that the only way this point can be established is by watching the videos.

Lady Sarah McCorquodale, Diana's sister and executor of her will, is believed to be among the few who have seen the videos since they were recorded. They are understood to show the Princess at her lowest ebb, miserable and downcast.

Mr Settelen's solicitor, Marcus Rutherford, has confirmed that legal proceedings will begin on Wednesday if the tapes are not returned. "We want this matter resolved as early as possible," he said.

At first it was believed that there were only six tapes, but lawyers acting for Mr Settelen believe the Metropolitan Police are holding up to 20.

The content of the tapes was regarded as so sensitive that the prosecution agreed not to use them in Mr Burrell's Old Bailey trial, which collapsed last year.

Mr Settelen regards the tapes as an intimate record of his professional relationship with the Princess. He insists that he will keep them confidential despite their huge potential value.

A Scotland Yard spokesman said any dispute over the ownership of the tapes would have to be settled in court, and added, "Negotiations are continuing to establish the ownership of a number of items in our possession."

Lady Di inquest scrambles black helicopter brigade

By Lester Haines
Daily Register

Get The Reg wherever you are, with The Mobile Register

Conspiracy theorists are likely to have a field day over the inquests into the deaths of Lady Di and Dodi Al Fayed, which opened today in London.

Amid a veritable newsfest of tabloid speculation and TV punditry, former royal butler Paul Burrell will be ordered to hand over a letter written by Di in which she sensationally outlines a plot to kill her.

Dodi's father Mohammed Al Fayed, owner of upmarket London supermarket Harrods, has long maintained that the British secret services bumped of the pair of lovebirds to prevent the unthinkable: an Arab marrying into the aristocracy and, God forbid, the couple producing children.

If that's the case, then the spooks of MI5 and 6 would have had the full backing of Prince Charles, who apparently wanted his wife dead so he could remarry. Indeed, the letter in question, already quoted by the Daily Mirror, contains this shocking extract: "My husband is planning 'an accident' in my car, brake failure and serious head make the path clear for him to marry."

Of course, the Mirror is lending little credibility to the claim, but that won't stop the black helicopter brigade jumping energetically onto the remobilised conspiracy bandwagon.

A quick trawl of the available web material reveals just how much complete cobblers Di's death has generated. Everyone, it seems, has an opinion on the matter. The paparazzi (who were pursuing the tragic couple like a pack of hyenas to the bitter end, of course) must shoulder the blame, according to the pompous twitterings of Bruce Campbell. Bruce, for the record, is an American actor who recently starred as the voice of Ash in "Evil Dead: Fistful of Boomstick" for the PS2 and X-Box. Like all great artists, Bruce believes his status gives him carte blanche to give forth on any subject, no matter how thin his grasp on it.

Thankfully, though, Brucie restricts himself to a theory with at least some concrete foundation. If you like your conspiracies a little more off-the-wall, as it were, then try this beauty, which merits quotation at length:

Princess Diana and her soon-to-be husband, Dodi Fayed, were fatally injured in the Pont de l'Alma tunnel. The site is ancient, dating back to the time of the Merovingian kings (ca. 500 - 751 A.D.), and before. In pre-Christian times, the Pont de l'Alma was a pagan sacrificial site. Note that in the pagan connotation, at least, sacrifice is not to be confused with murder: the sacrificial victim had to be a willing participant.

In the time of the Merovingian kings, the Pont de l'Alma was an underground chamber. Founder of the Merovingian dynasty was Merovaeus, said to be descended from the union of a sea creature and a French queen. Merovaeus followed the pagan cult of Diana. In Middle English, "soul" (Alma) has as etymology "descended from the sea." "Pont," has as a Latin root "pontifex," meaning a Roman high priest. (See also pons, pontis -- bridge; passage.) "Alma" comes from the Latin "almus," meaning nourishing. One translation of Pont de l'Alma would be "bridge of the soul." Another would be "passage of nourishment." All true European royalty is descended from the Merovingians, which are believed to be descendants of Jesus Christ.

During the Merovingian era, if two kings had a dispute over property, it was settled in combat at Pont de l'Alma. According to legend, anyone killed there goes straight to Heaven and sits at the right hand of God, watching over all his foe was to do. The person killed in combat was actually considered to be the "winner," since he became God's eyes on earth and even could manipulate events.

The current British royal family are imposters. The House of Windsor is a fraud. But the lineage of Lady Diana Spencer goes back to Charles II of the House of Stewart. The House of Stewart is of *true* royal blood. Diana's sons, William and Harry, have 3-quarters true nobility in their blood.

Princess Diana was in a powerful position. Two main factions vied for control over her: (1) the New World Order faction, founded on an alliance between King William III (Bank of England, modern system of finance, and "national debt" all beginning during his reign) and later, the Rothschilds, and (2) the true nobility of Europe.

Blimey. This chilling exposé rightly merits a mention on's overview of Di conspiracy madness - worth a look for the revelation that Di was in fact the bride of Satan, among other things.

Of course, the whole sorry saga could have been avoided, if only we'd heeded the warnings:

There's another BIZARRE twist to Diana's death.

A well known mystic in the US name Sollog, who is also known as the Nostradamus of the 90's, put in a US Federal court record in 1995 the FACT that Diana, who he called GODDESS of the MOON, would die a tragic death on the 31st.

Diana of ancient Rome was the Goddess of the Moon.

DIANA did die on the 31st.

He also published in 1995 in the US before it happened that another Goddess of the Moon Selene or Selena, would die on the 31st. Selena the top pop star in the US, did die on the 31st also! Selene was the Goddess of the Moon in ancient Greece! He even mentioned FRANCE in his amazing warning!

We have a link below to this document known as the May 13th Prophecy. It's a real exhibit in a US Federal court case. The case is number 96 CV 1499.

It was written in May of 1995.

Even more bizarre, it also warned the President of the US to expectect a fall or trip and to injure his leg!

Both events in this warning have now occurred.

It also warns that Nuclear Terrorism is about to strike major cities!

The author of the May 13th Prophecy has stated that Diana agreed to be born and die when she did, to give this WARNING to MANKIND about Nuclear Teroorism. It fits the pattern of the life that Lady Di lived. Always being a humanitarian.

Perhaps when the rest of the events in the May 13th Prophcy unfold, MANKIND will become aware that Lady Diana was sent to give a very large WARNING to save many lives from NUKES!

When the major media reports about this bizarre connection, perhaps many will be saved from Nuclear Terrorism.

The Nostradamus of the 90s? We don't want the monkey - bring on the organ grinder:

Nostradamus - Century 2, Quatrain 28

"The last son of the man with the Prophet's name
Will bring Diana to her day of rest.
At a distance they wander in frenetic grief
Delivering a great people from ruin."

Uncanny. And here's how the authors of this authentic piece of Nostradamorama analyse his terrifying prophesy:

Fayed's father, self-made billionaire Mohamed Al-Fayed, owns London's fabled Harrod's department store, the Hotel Ritz in Paris and has 11 homes around the world.

Mohamed Al-Fayed had been friendly with Diana's father, the late Earl Spencer.

Note that Mohammad is a Prophet's name and Harrod was involved in the death of Jesus Christ.

Brilliant. So, King Harrod killed Jesus and then the Merovingian-led lizard people in unholy alliance with Prince Charles, MI5 and French paparazzi terminated the Queen of Hearts in order to provoke nuclear war and prevent Mohammed Al Fayed getting a British passport. Yup, it all makes perfect sense. Carry on. ®

Cardinal Winning's 526 Tiny Tributes

Family & Life, Ireland
February/March 2003

More than 500 babies have been saved from an untimely death by abortion in Scotland. The late Cardinal Winning set up the Pro-Life Initiative in 1997 to save babies from abortion, and the scheme is now operated by the Catholic Church throughout Scotland. The "cash for babies" scheme — much derided by feminists at the time — has helped women, tempted to choose abortion, give birth to 526 children in six years. The youngest mother helped last year was a mere 14, though girls of 12 and 13 were aided in earlier years. The oldest was 46.

Since the late Cardinal Winning launched the scheme in March 1997, only four children have been given up for adoption or taken into care. The Pro-Life Initiative's annual report for 2002 reveals 109 babies born to 93 mothers included a record 16 pairs of twins.

Spokeswoman Frances Shand Kydd said the 500th baby milestone was a living tribute to Cardinal Winning. Princess Diana's mother said: "There were those who said his scheme would neither last nor save many souls. Now we have 526 reasons to be grateful to his great foresight. He was ahead of his time and must be smiling down on us even more broadly now".


October 2003

Damage Control for kilted "King" Philip on October 21, 2003 - Prince Charles is a chip off the old ugly stick according to Darwin's theory of inbreeding - Does anyone wear the pants in this royally disfunctional family?

'The publication by Paul Burrell of a letter written to him by Diana, Princess of Wales, declaring that that someone was… 'planning "an accident" in my car, brake failure and serious head injury', confirms the suspicions I have so often voiced in public and which have thus far been ignored.

'I am disappointed that it has taken Burrell six years to reveal this extraordinary correspondence and it raises questions as to what other important secrets he may be harbouring. I believe that he may have withheld this vital evidence because of threats he himself received from the Royal household, in particular the 'Head' of the Royal household, Prince Philip.

'In what must now be seen as a cynical attempt to silence him, Paul Burrell was prosecuted in the criminal courts but this bungled move has simply served to highlight the involvement of the Royal household in the strange circumstances surrounding the deaths of Diana and my son Dodi.

'During the investigation which led to that failed prosecution Scotland Yard acquired a mass of explosive evidence from Burrell, in the form of letters, tapes and video-tapes, which again has not seen the light of day.

'On several occasions Diana told me of the threats she had received and of her fears for her own life. She told me: "If anything happens to me Paul has all the documentary evidence to support what I am saying".

'It is extraordinary that Paul Burrell did not volunteer this evidence in time for the French investigation into the crash but it is now vital that he be called to give evidence in an independent public inquiry. It is his civic duty now to tell all that he knows about the involvement of others, including the security services, in this conspiracy.

'Several years ago I made a personal appeal to the Prime Minister, Tony Blair, for a public inquiry. I met him and delivered a two-page letter setting out the reasons for such an investigation. My pleas fell on deaf ears and my request was refused without reason. The Prime Minister must now accept that the time is right for a full public inquiry. Further delay will look as though he is colluding in a cover-up and the people of this country will not tolerate that.

'The recent ruling by the House of Lords supporting Article 2 of the European Convention on Human Rights is most encouraging since it demonstrates that everyone has the right to an inquiry when their loved ones die a sudden violent death'.

Princess Blair plans law to make it a criminal offense to criticize government policy

Sunday Herald
November 2003

SWEEPING new emergency legal powers to deal with the aftermath of a large terrorist attack in Britain are being considered by the government.

The measures could potentially outlaw participation in a protest march, such as last week's demonstrations during President Bush's state visit, making it, in effect, a criminal offence to criticise government policy.

In an attempt to give the UK government similar powers to those rushed through in the US after the 9/11 attack on New York in 2001, it is understood that a beefed-up version of current civil contingencies law is being considered. It will allow the government to bypass or suspend key parts of the UK's human rights laws without the authority of parliament.

In the US, the Patriot Act has been widely condemned by civil rights groups throughout the US. Many lawyers have blamed the Patriot Act as an excuse for eroding civil rights that dated back to the founding principles of the US constitution.

That the UK government is considering seeking similar power in a crisis situation indicates the heightened level of concern following the terrorist bombings in Istanbul.

The new powers would only come into force if a state of emergency was proclaimed with the authority of the sovereign. The government, if the new measures were introduced, would be able to prohibit any assembly or activity it believed threatened national security. However, government legal sources have urged that any new laws in such a sensitive area would not be forced through without widespread consultation.

Aware of the current level of scare-mongering following the Istanbul bombing and the threats made by al-Qaeda-linked groups that further suicide attacks were being planned on targets both in the UK and abroad, a source close to the Home Secretary, David Blunkett, last night denied his department were seeking a massive and immediate injection of cash from the Treasury. This would be needed to foot the bill if Britain's streets were to be flooded with armed police in an almost constant level of red alert.

Despite Blunkett saying he was "sick and tired" of people pretending there was not a threat from terrorists and insisting only "very, very good intelligence would save us", the Home Office seems to have no plan to boost security spending this or next year.

If "Fortress Britain" were to be achieved, with countrywide security checks, increased police surveillance and widespread detention of any suspect group or individual, the Home Office's annual budget would rocket.

The Home Office source said: "We have absolutely no plans, advanced or otherwise, for seeking a level of increased spending. And we haven't even begun to think about next year."

Passengers can be guilty of drunk driving, too

Accepting a lift from a driver who's over the limit could land you in legal hot water.

Penny Lewis
The Independent
13 January 2004

The most high-profile drink-driving inquests in history have finally opened and adjourned. It will be a while before the causes of death of the Princess of Wales and Dodi Fayed are determined, but there is little doubt that the amount of alcohol consumed by their French chauffeur on that fateful Parisian night six years ago will be central to the coroners' inquiries.

Despite continuous efforts by police and their political masters drink-driving is still an astonishingly common offence in this country. According to figures just released by the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) 1035 drivers from the 5,002 motor accidents over the festive period tested positive for alcohol.

Accepting a lift from someone who has drunk too much could also generate unexpected complications. In a pre-Christmas case, Booth v White (2003) explored whether drivers can raise a defence of contributory negligence on the basis that the passenger should have declined a lift.

Margaret Greene, a partner at Badhams Law who specialises in defendant personal injury litigation clarifies that if a passenger sues a driver "the general principle confirmed in Booth is a passenger will be found contributorily negligent if he accepts a lift knowing the driver has consumed too much alcohol." She reassures passengers that: "There appears to be no requirement as yet to interrogate the driver on whether he is safe to drive or has had too much to drink."

What should you do if you smell drink on someone's breath? Greene says: "Every case will depend on its facts. Much will depend on whether you had been with the driver before the offer of a lift." The lead case on accepting lifts, Brignall v Kelly (1994) said passengers need not quiz drivers about alcohol consumption where they had seen the driver consume small quantities and there was no visible intoxication. Nevertheless, she advises that "it would be sensible for anyone accepting a lift from someone they know to have consumed alcohol to take steps to determine how much the driver had to drink before getting into the car".

Matthew Tom, of Tarlo Lyons, explains how contributory negligence applies to road traffic accidents. If fault is proven on the passenger's part, he says, "whilst this would not exonerate the driver from liability, it would transfer from him to them a percentage of the overall blame and with it the same proportion of any liability for damages." Exceptionally, a passenger might be charged with aiding and abetting a drunk driver.

Establishing contributory negligence is difficult. Court sympathy is unlikely to lie with the drunkard. Tom believes the key issue is "what state of knowledge can be imputed to the victim. The matter is straightforward where intoxication is obvious." He agrees you need not "conduct a thorough examination or questioning on each occasion."

Where the driver is professional, Tom says that if they had been the employee of a hotel, "the hotel could also be sued for negligence under the principle of vicarious liability. This states that, wherever an employee is acting in the course of his employment, his employer will be liable for his actions. Case law states that where the employee is doing something he was employed to do, albeit in a way that the employer would not have authorised, the employer will remain liable for the employee's negligence."

The only defence is to demonstrate that the employer "did everything it reasonably could to prevent the employee's misdemeanour. It is unlikely to be enough simply to have issued a rule against drink-driving." This must be "communicated to all staff regularly and rigidly, and consistently enforced".

Interestingly, the fact that the person at the wheel is a professional chauffeur is irrelevant. Negligence is "judged according to the standard of care expected of the ordinary driver, unless they are specifically held out as being trained to a higher level. In such a case, they would have to be judged according to the higher standard to which they were trained."

Whereas qualifications do not affect liability, conviction can impact very seriously on your career. The Law Society confirms that at least one solicitor has been struck off because of drink-driving. Drink-driving is also incompatible with judicial office. A statement from the Department for Constitutional Affairs reiterates that, in assessing applications, and "in relation to those who already hold judicial office" the Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State take a strong line against drink-driving convictions.

But in cases where drink-driving leads to fatalities, such as those of Diana, Princess of Wales and Dodi Fayed, recourse to the law is little comfort to the grieving families.


"CONSPIRACY- A person who conspires to commit an offense under this section shall be subject to the same penalties (other than the penalty of death) as the penalties prescribed for the offense, the commission of which was the object of the conspiracy."
–Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism (U.S.A.P.A.T.R.I.O.T. ACT) Act of 2001, SEC. 802. DEFINITION OF DOMESTIC TERRORISM (H.R.3162) [Written by and signed into law by Skull & Boner and Satanic Bohemian Grover 5-TIME CONVICTED FELON AND WAR DESERTER George "Texascutioner" Bush Jr (sued by the 9-11-2001 families of the terror massacre for $7-Billion for perping the terror massacre), 3rd-cousin to the German Queen of England (accused in court and Parliament for paying the IRA to bomb Britian so she can justify martial law in Northern Ireland), son of Sir George "Poppy" Bush Sr, Knight of the British Empire (sued for racketeering, organized crime, narcoterrorism and mass murder during Iran-Contra), and his cousin Barabara Pierce (ancestor of the Gunpowder Plotters to blow up British Parliament), grandson of Wall Street trial lawyer and bankster Senator Prescott Bush (arrested and handcuffed 3 times, and paid a $750,000 fine, DURING World War 2 for supplying Adolf Hitler and NAZI Germany with half the steel it used to murder 55-million people for the Satanic AntiChristian Jews to justify a new Israel for Jewish Hitler Shicklegruber Rothschild's New World Order), who arrested and deported over 150 Jewish Israelis in USA for their role in perping the 9-11-2001 terror massacre (without torture at US Navy base at Guantanimo Bay Commie Cuba, without trial, without air strikes and without invasion of Israel - so USA invaded Iraq and gave all the oil pipeline profits to Israel FOR FREE)

"[Satanic] Boy wizard Harry Potter has conjured up enough cash to catapult [Satanic] author J. K. Rowling past Queen Elizabeth on Britain's annual 'rich list,' published in this week's Sunday Times newspaper. With 280 million pounds ($445.5 million), the author -- who wrote her first novel about a boy wizard while a single parent living on a state benefit of only 70 pounds a week -- is now Britain's 122nd richest person [thanks to Satanic AntiChristian Jewish publishers halting all promotion for all other authors and staging Satanic churches for little children and their gullible retarded parents inside their mega-bookstores]. Of her fortune, 150 million came from her books and the rest from film rights and Harry Potter merchandise. The fifth book in the series is due out this summer and the third film is on its way. Queen Elizabeth, with 250 million pounds is ranked a mere 133rd on the list of her wealthy subjects [not counting her $500-million/year tax-free income, and her assets as the largest landowner in Manhattan, New York City, USA]. For the third year running, Britain's richest person is the Duke of Westminster, whose property empire, including vast swathes of central London real estate, adds up to a total fortune of 4.9 billion pounds. Hans Rausing, creator of the Tetra-Pak long-life milk carton, remains number two, with 4.8 billion. Formula 1 motor racing czar Bernie Ecclestone is in third place, moving up from fifth even though his total wealth actually fell. [So F1 really is a narcotics import/export and money laundering business, like Skull & Bones F1 sponsor FedEx (who took over the Queen's and CIA's Air America and Evergreen Aviation Indycar Iran-Contra contracts for opium airlift from Afganistan and Commie China, just like undercover cop from Isle of Man, Sir Nigel Mansell, reportedly reported. This webmaster's former boss John McDonald, at Superpower Racing and manufacturing (formerly RAM F1), took the fall and went to prison for Bernie, for crimes perpetrated at their London car dealership, so Bernie granted him an F1 franchise. As McDonald said of his philsophy on business education, "You don't need to know how to do engineering when you can afford to buy everything and everyone you want."] The global market slide has hurt Britain's super-rich: the total wealth of the 1,000 richest Britons is down by about two percent on last year. But there are still 21 billionaires in the country, the same number as last year."
The Jekyl Archives, LONDON (Reuters), 30 April 2003

"There is no such thing, at this date of the world's history, in America, as an independent press. You know it and I know it. There is not one of you who dares to write your honest opinions, and if you did, you know beforehand that it would never appear in print. I am paid weekly for keeping my honest opinion out of the paper I am connected with. Others of you are paid similar salaries for similar things, and any of you who would be so foolish as to write honest opinions would be out on the streets looking for another job. If I allowed my honest opinions to appear in one issue of my paper, before twenty-four hours my occupation would be gone. The business of the journalists is to destroy the truth, to lie outright, to pervert, to vilify, to fawn at the feet of mammon, and to sell his country and his race for his daily bread. You know it and I know it, and what folly is this toasting an independent press? We are the tools and vassals of rich men behind the scenes. We are the jumping jacks, they pull the strings and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities and our lives are all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes."
–John "Dean of his Profession" Swinton, Chief of Staff, New York Times, drunken (truth serum) toast at the New York Press Club in 1953 (note that in 2002, Allen Myerson, New York Times's editor for looting-of-ENRON coverage on George Bush Jr's golfing partner Ken Lay, allegedly "murdered himself", by taking a high dive off the top of the New York Times sky scraper - or perhaps was ordered to walk the plank by his pimp? The NYT journalist joined the crowd of ENRON-cides, just like Goldman Sachs' ENRON trader two weeks prior). ENRON not only looted US and South American public utilities, it also looted British utilities...)
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