dangly bits...

(the interview)

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Interesting...you gave me a lot to think about. I was watching Carte Blanche a few weeks back, when they interviewed that f2m who stole to finance his op, and I remembered you refused a considerable sum of money to tell your story in the press, which would have enabled you to pay for your own op on the spot. Was that always about morals (I know you feel very strongly about protecting your family's confidentiality), or was there any part of you that was reluctant to 'go all the way' and have the operation at that stage? How are you feeling about getting the prosthesis now?

I think a lot of f2m's would probably not consider me a true f2m. I will not beg, steal or borrow to realise my dream. And that has nothing to do with the confidentiality of my family, it has a lot to do with who I am. I worked hard for whatever I have, and I work according to a set of priorities and principles.

Yes, I was offered a lot of money - which would, in effect, have paid for my operation ten years ago. Yes, I did consider what it would do to my family to have my photo's splashed all over the country. But no, that was not my main reason for turning down the offer. I was the main reason. I'm not a freak, and accepting what they were offering me was admitting that I was a freak of nature, needed to be set to rights by operation.

I have accepted what I now have. It is functional for me, even if it isn't what I want. The prosthesis is not what I really want. I want a penis. No, I don't want a penis. That is reducing me to a shet (she/he/it). I want to be a man. Just having something dangling between my legs does not make me a man in the real sense of the word.

I am a man, in spite of the fact that I don't have a penis. Putting one there, and especially one which is not guaranteed to be 100% functional is not going to make me a better man than I already am, except perhaps in the eyes of lesser men than I am. It would mean I can make use of urinals in the men's loo, and urinate while standing up. It means I can have sex penetrating a woman (if I'm lucky and the things works). Do I want to take those chances?

No. I am comfortable with being the man I am. My colleagues, clients and business associates already think I am a man. A penis is not going to make me any different in their eyes.

So, yes, I will go for my prosthesis, if only to complete the job I started. I am excited about it. I know I can live with it. And I just need to find someone who can live with it and me.

No doubt you will! I'd never heard the word 'shet' before - it sounds vaguely obscene...

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