Media Arts Studio Surrealism Assignment

This was the first of four (? see note below) projects assigned for the class. Our task was to create a surrealistic piece while learning to use ADOBE Photoshop. This piece is called "NoodleHenge", for obvious reasons. I sat there for a few hours just scanning in beef and chicken flavored Maruchan Ramen noodle packages, all in the name of art. I found this wonderful picture of StoneHenge, and, with a little help from Photoshop, came up with this. My original picture had the shaft of light coming down the center, but it just looked entirely too non-real. A few filters and a dash of color later, I achieved the desired effect. Behold the beauty that is "NoodleHenge"...

NOTE: Ahhhh, so, just how many assignments were there? Well, I don't know. I went to class. I paid attention. However, have you ever heard the term "absent minded professor?" She would assign us stuff, assign things to her Computer Arts class, and then she'd assign things from the two classes to the other one. Maybe I was supposed to do five assignments. Some people did. I did four, because about a minute after someone had asked her exactly what we had to do, and she spouted off a list of things, I told her what she had told me, and she said "Oh... I'll have to look at the syllabus later." What a funny lady. So, noone ever figured out just what she wanted, so we all kind of did our own thing. Rather amusing at times, but also a bit fustrating...

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last modified 05/07/04