The Mosquito Zone Things I Made Masterpieces Of Artwork The Master Cow's Game Menu About Me

The Master Cow's Game Menu

Author: Jason Quattrini (The Master Cow)
Current Version: 0.99k5
Modified: July 2, 2007

latest changes:
v0.99k5- 07/02/07  1:15pm
       - Re-added saving the config file if command line options are used.
           At some point, probably long long ago, it ran away.

v0.99k4- 05/28/07  6:20pm
       - Additional tweaking of the path storing.  Running the menu in DOSBox
           was breaking some things.  Hopefully all path issues are good now.
           Sooooo... should work fine in Win98, DOS, XP, and now DOSBox

v0.99k3- 05/25/07  2:54 pm
       - Removed a /n in the creation of the file to store the path...
           It worked fine in Win98, broke the menu in XP

It's a game menu with a lame name. It runs in MS-DOS, Win9x, Win XP and perhaps in other things. DOS emulators perhaps. I don't like to program, so this is kind of an odd thing for me to do. But, I did it. And it is working satisfactorally. Try it, you might like it.

I tried to make it useful while still being fairly simplistic. I found someone else's "Game Menu", but it's really complicated (to program, don't know about using it, as it didn't seem to be what I wanted), and another that used to be called "Game Menu" (hence my having to change my lame "Game Menu" name to something even more lame) which isn't really even a menu as I would tend to think of one. (Not ripping at them, just commenting. No offense intended :P) My menu is easy to use, not half bad looking, and semi-powerful. And I like to make it sound good.

Generally, it can be used in one of two ways:
1) It can be used as a menu to run anything.
2) It can be used as a (limited) front-end for emulators and such. This could be accomplished by, instead of filling the list with seperate things, fill it with the emulator's games, running the same exececutable file each time, but with a different game file in each game's option slot. If this just sounds stupid, look below. I will put a screenshot showing what I mean.

TMC's Game Menu v0.99k2++
TMC's Game Menu v0.99k2
TMC's Game Menu v0.99b
TMC's Game Menu v0.96b

The Game Menu readme file
The changes from the beginning
The little pseudo icon I made. (Comes in the zip file now)
TMC's Game Menu v0.99k2 source code
TMC's Game Menu v0.99b source code

And, for your viewing pleasure, screenshots of TMCGM.

What it looks like.

Two screenshot from v0.96, one showing the display of very long options.
[New Screenshot 1] [New Screenshot 2]

Older screenshots
[Screenshot 1] [Screenshot 2] [Screenshot 3]
[Screenshot 4] [Screenshot 5] [Screenshot 6]

Some color variations.

[Color var. 1] [Color var. 2]
Using it as a front end for one particluar emulator. (In this case, fictional "Emulator X" Muhahahahahahahahaaaaa!!!!)

Front End 1] Front End 2] Front End 3]

The Mosquito Zone Things I Made Masterpieces Of Artwork The Master Cow's Game Menu About Me

last modified 07/02/07