For the Stage:


80's GIRL (One Woman Show) - This solo show is in workshop mode. Portions of this piece have been workshopped at Stage Left Studios in both 2006 and 2007. In 2008 80's GIRL was accepted into Emerging Artists Theatre's One Woman Standing Solo Festival.

Pretty Little Mess (one act) - December 2007, Groove Mama Ink - Centerstage, NYC

Rock & A Hard Place (monologue) - May 2006, Brooklyn Writer's Festival, Producer's Club, NYC

Twinkle, Twinkle (one act) - January 2006 - Theatre Studio Inc, NYC

The Life Adventures of Freda M. Gleason (one act) - November 20005 and July 2007Theatre Studio Inc, NYC

Break Night (one act) - April 2005 - Producer's Club, NYC

Birdcage Sketch Comedy & Improv (one act) - October 2004 - Centerstage, NYC (co-writer)

Meeting Zelda Zonk (one act) - February 2004, Producer's Club, NYC



For the Screen - this is just a taste of the over twenty shorts  & features Rachel has written. Some have been produced, some are still open to production:


Inside David Kane (horror/thriller) ~ An ambulance takes a detour into the dark corners of one man's mind. Info: Entered into the NYC Midnight Madness Screenplay Competition and placed as 1st runner up and made it into the finals. (short)


Pass the Lotion (comedy) ~ We follow the company gym adventures of Freda, a mousy haired secretary who is thrust into the world of physical fitness by her annoyingly attractive and extremely fit co-worker Gwenn. (short)


Breaking Night (comedy/drama) - Four strangers haphazardly meet at a local diner in the wee morning hours, forming a temporary, albeit, life altering connection with each other. *Currently looking for interested producers to come on board. (feature)


Short Screenplays Produced:

Meeting Nightshade (2004) - Info: 1st runner up Midnight Madness Competition, Best Direction, screened NYU Cantor Film Center

Engagement (2004) - Info: Selected for inclusion on the Cinemasports 2004 short films DVD

Show Me Yours (2004) - A short available on

Art of the Chips (2004) - A short shot in Central Park, NYC

Six Tulips (2003) - Shot on 35mm B&W film. Made the festival circuit and received a four star review on


Trailer For Six Tulips


Other Musings (articles, poetry, columns, short stories...)


The Magic of Convention - OrigamiUSA Magazine (Feb 2008)

The Prince Wore Patches

Eight Forever

Spire Wire - A poem published in Geoff Bramley's art book "ABSTRACT REFLECTION" in 2006.

On the Cheap: A Taste of the Sweet Life for $3 Bucks -

The Fly; A Love Story & other tales my mother told me -

Steals and Deals for Actors in NYC: short  piece about El Barrio Bakery located in Spanish Harlem - BACKSTAGE EAST

Daydream Believer: An Interview with Debra Eisenstadt - The NY MONITOR

Tech Expo: Not Just for Geeks Anymore - Credit Suisse Newsletter