Uranus Aspects to Pluto

Uranus Conjunct Pluto Uranus Trine Pluto Uranus Square Pluto
Uranus Sextile Pluto Uranus Inconjunct Pluto Uranus Opposite Pluto

Note: For semi-sextile, read the sextile. For semi-square, read the square. The same traits and characteristics apply, but they will not be as prominent, as pronounced or as influential as they are with either the sextile or square.

Uranus in the Signs Uranus in the Houses Uranus Aspects to the Neptune
Uranus Aspects to Ascendant Uranus Aspects to Midheaven Uranus Aspects to North Node

Uranus Conjunct Pluto: Your independence will be of the utmost importance and you're often considered a revolutionary because you seek to overthrow or regenerate outdated social institutions. You must be made aware of your obligations and responsibilities because, if afflicted, you can be selfish. There is much interaction between personal will and Divine Will. You have great stamina, power and regenerative ability, but be sure to use it properly. If evolved, you're able to channel and express ideas for the betterment of mankind. As a child, you need a firm, steady and careful upbringing. You respect all life: human, animal and plant. You're highly occult, especially in dealing with regeneration and death. You're able to understand the laws that govern conditions needing improvement in your civilization.
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Uranus Trine Pluto: You're a true idealist, appalled by injustice and possessing a dynamic will to reform society. You have endurance and strength and won't stand for obstacles or opposition. You often join or start groups that initiate sudden changes designed to improve the status quo. You're able to accept the new, especially if you feel it's for the betterment of the world. You have a strong interest and often involvement in science and the occult. You're aware of higher forms of energy and understand spiritual rebirth and regeneration. You have an interest in death and life after death. Spiritual and occult traits of Scorpio find their highest expression through this aspect.
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Uranus Square Pluto: You live in a time of such drastic upheaval that you never feel secure, even if you're affluent. Your life is often interrupted by war, natural disaster, economic collapse and revolution. You have a strong tendency to reform the established order and your motives and ideals are worthy, but you can be willful, eccentric, revolutionary or have radical political tendencies. This aspect indicates how mass destiny affects you and in what areas it manifests. You can be a fighter of injustice or let others do it. Your intense self-preservation instinct can make you thoughtless, impatient, combative and unable to compromise. Sudden emotional outbursts are a result of inner tension. Women tend to resent the inferior role they feel they have. You have serious lessons to learn regarding sexual function.
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Uranus Sextile Pluto: You're a true idealist who's appalled at injustice and possesses the strength and endurance and ability to accept the new, especially if you feel it's for the betterment of the world. You have the opportunity to advance scientifically and spiritually through discovery and application of laws pertaining to subtle electrical, atomic and psychic forces of nature. You receive sudden intuitive insights on how to expand and use the present knowledge to bring about revolutionary changes to improve society. You actively seek higher knowledge and an understanding of your intuitive flashes.
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Uranus Inconjunct Pluto: You feel frustrated since you're subjected to circumstances beyond your control. You worship achievers, yet you resent their achievements. Sudden emotional outbursts are due to inner tension. Creative talents in research and literature and leadership ability are realized once you overcome feelings of frustration.
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Uranus Opposite Pluto: You live in a time of political and social upheaval and mass destiny is beset with these changes through war, revolution and violence. Your tendency to fanaticism often manifests in extreme political and social doctrines, but you should avoid radical action, especially if you have an explosive temper. Sudden emotional outbursts result from inner tension. You often respond to upheavals automatically and in line with social norms. You can be a fighter of injustice or let others do it. Occult involvement can be dangerous if not properly directed. Women tend to resent what they feel is an inferior role. Your intense instinct for self-preservation can make you combative, impatient, thoughtless and unable to cooperate with others.
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