Old Books for Sale


The Mansion Henry Van Dyke 1910 Harper & Brothers New York New York Fiction  
English for Use Book III John H. Beveridge, Belle M. Ryan, William D. Lewis 1926 The John C. Winston Company Chicago, Philadelphia, Atlanta, San Francisco   Educational  
The Thundering Herd Zane Gray 1925 Grossett & Dunlap New York New York Fiction  
How to Teach Reading Mary E. Pennell & Alice M. Cusack 1924 Houghton Mifflin Company Boston, New York, Chicago, San Francisco   Educational  
China to Me: A Partial Autobiography Emily Hahn 1944 The Blakiston Company Philadelphia Pennsylvania Non-Fiction  
Nearby Elizabeth Yates MCMXLVII Peoples Book Club, exclusively Chicago Illinois Fiction  
The Rise of Our Free Nation Edna McGuire, Thomas B. Portwood 1942 The MacMillan Company New York New York Historical  
The American Mercury Reader Lawrence E. Spivak & Charles Angoff Edited in 1944 The Blakiston Company Philadelphia Pennsylvania Non-Fiction  
The Triplets Sign Up Bertha B. Moore 1943 Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. Grand Rapids Michigan Fiction  
Genghis Khan: Emperor of All Men Harold Lamb 1942 Robert M. McBride & Company Washington & New York   Fiction  
The Chase of the Golden Plate Jacques Futrelle 1906 A.L. Burt Company New York New York Fiction  
The Primary School Annie E. Moore 1925 Houghton Mifflin Company New York New York Educational  
The Yellow Room Mary Roberts Rinehart MCMXLV Farrar & Rinehart, Inc. New York New York Fiction  
Two Years Before the Mast and Twenty-Four Years After R.H. Dana, Jr. 1909 
The Harvard Classics 
Deluxe Edition
P.F. Collier & son New York New York    
Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc The Sieur Louis De Conte   Nelson Doubleday, Inc. Garden City New York Non-Fiction  
Cluny Brown Margery Sharp MCMXLIV Little, Brown and Company Boston Massachuesetts Fiction  
A History of the United States of America Horace E. Scudder 1897 
With an Introduction Narrating The Discovery and Settlement of North America
Sheldon and Company New York New York Historical  
The Girl of the Listening Heart Bertha B. Moore 1937 Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. Grand Rapids Michigan Fiction  
With All My Heart: The Love Story of Catherine of Braganza Margaret Campbell Barnes 1951 Macrae Smith Company Philadelphia Pennsylvania Non-Fiction  
Science Every Day Gerald S. Craig, Sara E. Baldwin 1946 Ginn and Company Boston, New York, Chicago, Atlanta, Dallas   Educational  
The Shaping of Psychiatry By War John Rawlings Rees, M.D. 1945 W.W. Norton & Company, Inc. New York New York Educational  
The Lord's Prayer for Today Royal V. Carley   The C.R. Gibson Company Norwalk Connecticut Religious  
My Spiritual Diary Dale Evans Rogers MCMLV Fleming H. Revell Company     Non-Fiction  
Reader's Digest   June 1960       Non-Fiction  
Reader's Digest #2   April 1956       Non-Fiction  
The Story of The San Miguel: Oldest Church in U.S.           Historical  
Philippians: Rejoice in the Lord Ray Frank Robbins 1980 Convention Press Nashville Tennessee Religious  
The Hiding Place Corrie ten Boom 1971 World Wide Publications Minneapolis Minnesota Fiction  
No Trumpet Before Him Nelia Gardner White MCMXLVII Peoples Book Club, exclusively Chicago Illinois Religious  
Countryman's Edition of Morey's Ancient Peoples William C. Morey & Irving N. Countryman 1915 American Book Company     Historical  
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn Betty Smith 1943 The Blakiston Company Philadelphia Pennsylvania Fiction  
The Witness Grace Livingston Hill 1917 Harper & Brothers     Fiction  

If you wish to make an offer on any of the books, please email me with the offer. Serious offers only. Do not ask me how much I will take, give me an offer and I'll let you know if I will take it or not.

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