Store / Pricing
What can you expect to pay
for professional magic entertainment?
That depends entirely on...

1) The type of magic (closeup, parlour, or stage) you are looking to provide,
2) Whether you are seeking magic for your restaurant, party, or a special event,
3) Whether you hire a professional or amateur magician,
4) What your purpose for the magic entertainment (simply entertainment, for a
    commercial, to get a message across, & etc.) is,
5) If you desire to have the magic customized to your event or company theme,
6) If you want illusions, assistants in the show, animals, to make a guest of
    honor the star of the show,
7) Your budget for the magic entertainment, and/or
8) Other various factors. 

Every magician is different and thus provides magic entertainment that is different from every other magician.  Since no two magicians provide the exact same magic entertainment, the fees for such entertainment can vary widely. 

A magician's fees are commensurate with her/his experience, the type of magic entertainment you are seeking, and how much the magic routines need to be customized for your event, restaurant, party, and so-forth.
So, how much does magic entertainment cost?
That is a very good question.  I would love to tell you.  However, since there are so many variables involved, it is impossible to just give you a flat fee that covers all venues.  Therefore, for pricing, please contact me directly,

Vikki, The Magic Lady
713-957-1367 set up a complimentary consultation.

We will discuss exactly what it is you are looking for and your purpose for hiring magic entertainment.

I do assure you this...
Contact Vikki, The Magic Lady NOW!

713-957-1367 discover how magic can enhance your next event!
Special discounted pricing for...


Authorized Charitable organizations

Schools, &


Birthday Parties
Anniversary Parties
Wedding Receptions
Company Events
Holiday Parties
Church & School Events
any other special event!
Local:  713-957-1367                                                            E-mail:
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A Touch of Magic by Vikki, The Magic Lady
Entertaining Through the Art of Magic!                    
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