<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/rent_is_life/Rent.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Welcome to the site of the world's best-ever, greatest and never to be outdone musical...
people have seen the light.
This website is intended as a shrine towards the musical which makes "La Boheme" seem like the fraudulant piece of plagiarism that it is.

Soon the world will be taken over by
RENT and to an extent the Planet of the Apes. More so RENT, we are hoping.

not to do during a brush with fame. (19/12/05)

THE RESURRECTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (22/10/05)

Why did the cops come to my TWENTY-FIRST? (17/9/05)

Photos from my twenty-first! (17/9/05)

Why R'n'B Nightclubs are boring, stupid and in need of haircuts. (17/7/05)

Why I am going to be the next boyfriend of Kirsten Dunst.    (24/7/04)

The time I ran into
Dani and Charlotte from "Home and Away"!!! (12/7/04)

My Interesting Day   (1/7/04)

The Top 10 Instruments of ALL-Time!!! (30/5/04)

The Cat Empire (30/3/04)

Top 10 Jobs/Career Paths!!! (30/9/03)

Meet Rana, the BITCH!!! (13/9/03)


Come to the [ERKO] GREENWOOD!!! (18/7/03)

Are you a jerk? Take the
Jerk Quiz!! (1/6/03)

Fight for your Education!!! (31/5/03)

David Carter's Parties
: Simply cover for drug use by rowdy teens? (27/5/03)

An Erskineville King aims at
BROADWAY!! (22/5/03)

Get all the
QUOTES from the time we spent 17hrs at Gloria Jeans. (13/5/03)

(Go here for all the great sites!)

Photos from when The Erskineville Kings spent 17 hrs straight at
GLORIA JEANS. (27/4/03)

The Story of Bear.


Ever felt like nobody around you was speaking English? And I'm not just talking about going to Sydney High.

The story of the girl we all love, and the tragic stalking disease she developed at a young age: Ashley S.

Guess who I ran into and had a very "nice" chat with!!
Our Brush With Fame.

Unfortunately, the
PAU pages NOT written by Tom Norrie have now been taken down due to legal issues. Also the Pringle pages have been taken down, but for unrelated reasons we cannot mention.

Contact us if you, too, feel this way about RENT and wish to devote your life to its revival.

Keep in touch for more.

Dedicated to the memory of the brave men and women of the STA who served and became a bit smelly against the Yudge. We will remember you.
[Read my OLD Guestbook]
[Guestbook by
Uncle Red Wants YOU! to join the Violist's Liberation Army
So Far
(guitar solo)
We have real good news, people. Soon there shall be an addition to this site that is, well, very very good. It involves Jazdep's now world famous Essay titled 'The Ivory Dealer' or something like that. I swear you'll all love it. Well, we will anyway.
You finished school and orchestra
Please return your music folder
And return your English textbooks
Because now you’re so much older

And now you know what we all know
It’s what we’ve always said
You may be breathing at this time
But soon you'll all be dead.

[Sign my NEW Guestbook] [Read my NEW Guestbook]