Dominions Story:

The year 2151 saw many changes in Earth, and in the reploids and humans that sought to defend her. The remains of Dark Siege, a Maverick corporation bent on destroying all Maverick Hunters and the human race, was destroyed by secret agents from several different Hunter units around the world. Their new Dark Matter-class reploids would have wrought chaos on Earth if the Hunters didn't stop their production. KENT, leader of Unit 16, went with a cadre of Hunters to a secret Antarctic base to halt the threat posed by supposedly KIA Mavericks Agile, Serges, and Violen. Serges and Violen were finally destroyed, but Agile escaped what the Hunters had dubbed the "Dark Mission" and went into hiding. The threat was halted and peace once again appeared on Earth... for the time being.

Next came the Time Crisis with beings appearing from an inter-dimentional rift. This gate allowed Mavericks from the year 2151 from the current Earth to steal technology from the year 2506 on a parallel Earth. When KENT found out about this rift (that was later found to be artificially-created by the Mavericks) he took a small group of Hunters to investigate.

Strangely, Dark Matter-class reploids were found around the rift site, leading to the fact that the Mavericks used technology from a different time to re-create them. KENT and several other Hunters, including Crusader, Jare, and RAGE, destroyed the remaining DM Mavericks and set out to close the rift, but found that the Maverick Hunters from the parallel Earth had also decided to investigate the strage rift. In a strange, yet ironic mix-up, the Hunters from 2506 challenged the Hunters from 2151, insisting that the Hunters from 2151 were Maverick agents posing as Maverick Hunters. The future Hunters, included the fearless Hellfire, the terminally insane Mako Skynxx, and cunning Cell. KENT, Crusader, and Jare were barely able to strike a comprimise with the future Hunters (that were obviously far more superior) and they returned to their own realm. KENT then blasted the rift, sealing it forever... or so he thought. Later that week, another rift randomly opened near the Hunter base, releasing the psychotic Mako from the parallel Earth into the Earth from 2151. With his powers mysteriously reduced while he was lost in time, Mako arrived at Unit 16 and requested to do what he did best: train and lead the next generation of Maverick Hunters. KENT accepted the clown into his Unit and appointed him the illustrious position of Training Center Administrator.

A few months later, uprisings in the Hunter organization began, causing revolts and conflicts amongst the Hunter units. It all started in Unit 16, with a trainee challenging the ancient protocols on promotion. Trainees wanting to raise themselves in rank very quickly, joined the side of what was dubbed the "New Confederacy". The steadfast commanders allied together, forming the "New Union". After weeks of conflict among the two groups the Hunter Civil War ended with the deathes of twelve Hunters and another thirty-two wounded spread between twelve different Units around the world. Everything died down after a treaty was signed and new laws (most written by KENT and the new Unit 16 TranCen Admin Mako Skynxx) were implemented to prevent such conflict in the future. Not long after the Hunter Civil War, the deep space exploration vessel Teragant returned from a recon mission. Most of the crew, including the captain, had mysteriously died in the return. A specific member, Josh Scorpio, who had been placed on the ship ten months earlier as a punishment for espionage, survived with no memory of the mission nor the ten months of time they took to explore space beyond the Sol System. Most all charges were repealed from Josh. To this day, no one knows what happened on the mission, nor what happened to the crew.

In the late summer of 2151, a strange model of bio-organic reploid broke into Unit 16 and attempted to steal command codes from KENT and the mainframe computer. This reploid escaped, but not before it badly damaged Jare and fouled up the base's electrical systems. Jare contracted a never before encountered strain of a bio-computer virus that started to eat away at his systems, seemingly caused by the gash he received when the creature attacked him.

KENT and Crusader attempted to track down the creature in hopes of learning enough about it to create an anti-virus for Jare. Instead, KENT and Crusader were captured by more of these strange creatures, later to be known as Spyder-class bio-roid Mavericks. The bio-roids were created by Dark Siege, which had been working underground for months under the new name Dominions. Dominions began using the bio-roids, which seemed impervious to basic weaponry, against the Maverick Hunter units. In weeks, over four thousand Hunters died, and over twenty-three bases were destroyed in Maverick attacks. Most of the leaders went into hiding and formed underground Hunter cells. In just over a month, over twenty thousand reploids had been deactivated, and over a million humans were slaughtered. In the brutal Battle Of Protius, an explosion occured near the Hunter leader KENT, and he was presumed dead, even thought his bodily remains were never recovered. Jare, in a bloody rage, killed twenty bio-roids in one attack. Crusader was able to coax Jare back to the Hunters and into hiding along with everyone else. The fighting halted for a few months and the Hunters started to form units again. Rooks, a powerful prometheus reploid from Unit 25, took in KENT's unit as his own and began preparations to destroy Dominions and take back all that was lost...


Are you actually reading this?

Dude, you're either one dedicated newb, or you're one bored Vet.