
1] I Shawn am the HGM, I can and will sometimes tell you what to do. If it has to do with the game, then you gotta do it or suffer the consiquences. If it has absolutely nothing to do with the game, well then I'm being weird and you don't have to listen to me. It's just a game after all.

2] Don't GodMode.
It's rather annoying and nobody will like you if you do. And if a GM of any sort catches you then you're going to get punished for it.

3] Be Patient! Other people have lives, they can't respond to your posts right away. Likewise try and post in a timely fashion, waiting too long sucks.

4] Don't post on the RP boards untill you're in the game. You will know you're in the game because a GM will tell you so and give you a link to your stat page.

5]You're not a GM because you say so, you're a GM if I say so (you will become an assistant admin on a board or something to mark you as such officially)

Character Creation:

To play this game, of course, you need to create a character. This page will tell you how to do so. The old RW's included basic options like Name, E-mail, race, class, appearence, history, etc. RWF has now seen the adition of Ability Scores, and Weapons Specialties, as well as the addition of a few more races. Read through the following carefully, and create your character.

You will be following a certain format for how you submit your stats. We're now doing this soley with email and no more submission pages so download the txt file by right clicking and selecting "Save Target" on the link:

Blank Stats
Example: Sayla Renheart

NOTE: Please, do not base your character on things such as characters from DBZ, Video Games besides MMX, TV, Movies, etc. You can use ideas from those themes, BUT keep them as original as possible for your own sake. GMs don't normally accept characters that aren't MMX based. I have to warn everyone though...this section is EXTREMELY long but it is well worth it once you're through and have finished your character the correct way.


~NAME: The most important part of getting a character for RWS is creating a name. It's recommended that you wait until your character's appearence and history is developed... it makes it easier to choose a good name. Afterall, you'll be dealing with this character for the rest of RWS. I suggest going to a place like, or some Star Wars name generator for ideas.

~PLAYER's NAME: This part is not really needed to play RWS, but it helps to know what to call you outside the game. [optional].

~PLAYER's E-MAIL: IMPORTANT! YOU MUST include your e-mail address to play RWF! I will be simply copy/pasting your stats onto the Stats pages so to save me time, just be nice and do it.

~CHARACTER RACE: RWS is composed of many many races. These races work in unison to occupy the majority of Earth and beyond in the RWS world. The following races are not BY FAR the only races that can occupy RWS. You are free to create another race... but that just means we'll be harder on you when submission review comes around. It's best to stick to the races listed below, click the links to learn more:


~CHARACTER CLASS: The class of your character determines the area in which your character is experienced. Can your character fighter better than he/she/it can use a computer?? This is your choice, but in the new RW, classes were shortened to organize this better. Your start with one of four classes, then as your level goes up, you can upgrade to a new class with more stats and abilities. Your Advantages and Disadvantages are covered here.

~FIGHTER-CLASS: Fighters are the front men. They come a dime a dozen, but are worth their weight in gold. Fighters start off with 3 Special Weapons, 2 Advantages, and 2 Disadvantages. Their Primary Weapon of choice is either an RPG Launcher, or Plasma Cannon
~RANGER-CLASS: Rangers are the stealth. They go in, get the job done, and leave little or no trace. They start off with 3 Special Weapons, 2 Advantages, and 2 Disadvantages. Thier Primary Weapon of choice is either a Sensory Disruptor, or a Beam Saber.
~MECHANIC-CLASS: Mechanics are the life-savers of any group. Usually they specialize in one area, reploids, biologicals, weapons, computers, but can be well rounded in all. They start off with 2 Special Weapons, 3 Advantages, and 2 Disadvantages. Their Primary Weapon of choice is either a Laser Pistol, or Sensory Disruptor.
~MAGICIAN-CLASS: Ah, and who could forget the Magicians? These guys are here to throw a monkey wrench into the situation. They are Biologicals that prove that just because you are made up of flesh and blood, there is no reason you do not kick but. They start with 2 Special Weapons, 3 Advantages, and 2 Disadvantages. Their Primary Weapon of choice is either a Beam Saber, or Laser Pistol

CLICK HERE for the class-conversion chart. This chart explains what class you level-up in when you reach a certain rank (ranks explained below), and what you get when you reach that class!

~CHARACTER SEX/GENDER: Not a hard section. Is your character male, female, or neither or OTHER?
~APPEARENCE: What does your character look like. Be as descriptive as possible.
~ABILITY SCORES: When you are first starting the game, you get 30 DP to put into your Abilities..
~HISTORY: Your character has to have a brief history to back up where he/she/it came from. YOU CANNOT say your character had amnesia, that is cheating. Characters recieved like that will instantly be denied access to RWS.


A new feature to RW is the different aspects of a character's stats. Certain aspects include Vitality, Power, Strength, Speed, Intelligence and Magic. These make your character, and tell other players what you are capable of. In some cases, your stats may tell your opponent whether or not you can win the upcoming battle or not. Remember though, it's just a way of keeping track of your abilities and what you can do, but just because your strength is below your opponents doesn't mean you can't win. You may use your high POWER level to blow a boulder above your opponent, killing him/her/it. Also, IT IS possible to kill a GM, even though characters like a GM is at a higher level then yourself. The following are explainations of your stat enhancements:

VITALITY (VIT): Your vitality stat shows how much your character can take before giving way to death or destruction. The higher the number, the better.

POWER (PW): Power is the amount of energy your character has. This mostly relates to power weapons your character can use, or plasma cannons in Reploids. For instance, the higher the number, the faster a plasma weapon can recharge before fired again, or, the faster a gun can fire bullets or your character can reload. Basically, the higher the number, the faster your character can attack.

STRENGTH (STR): Strength is how powerful or strong your character is. Basically, it's the amount of damage that he/she/it can inflict on another character. The higher the number, the faster your opponent will get hurt and die or get disabled. Also, the higher the number, the more weight he/she/it can hold or lift.

SPEED (SP): Having a higher number in speed gives your character the advantage over terrain and movement on the battle field. Having a super-high number (over 15) will automatically give your character the ability to 'blur'. This ability lets you to move faster than your opponent can detect, allowing but an after-image of your character remain when you move. Essentially, it slows time momentarily, but in reality (and by reality I mean fictional game-playing, hehe), it just makes your character move "faster than a speeding bullet".

INTELLIGENCE (IN): Intelligence is probably the most important stat you can have on your character. Intelligence allows your character to "make" new weapons, armor, and items. The higher your intelligence level, the better weapons and etc you can make. Refer to the point value section to know what types of things you can make using your intelligence level, and how you can increase your level (as well as other stats).

MAGIC POWER (MAG): This stat is for MAGIC USERS ONLY! There is a way to incorporate magic into a non-magic character, but it takes high-stats. Consult a GM on how that is possible. Your Magic decides how capable you are with your spells and such. Spells are put into the Special Weapons slot instead of physical weapons (although physical weapons are allowed).


There are other points that you can get to enhance your character. EXP makes your character grow in RWS, and DP increases your character's stats, and Weapon Specialties tell you what it is your character specializes in. Here's how to get them and what to do with them when you do get them:

EXP (Experience Points) are awarded to characters after battles, missions, or just for the hell of it by GMs and other high-ranking characters sanctioned by the Head GM. The higher your EXP level, the higher your rank and the more experienced player you are. When you reach a certain EXP level, you raise your rank (refer to the rank listing below). BE SURE to keep track of how much EXP you have totaled so far.

DP (Development Points) These are awarded to you for every other rank you gain. They go on a scale of 0-20. These are used for yout Ability Scores

Weapon Specialties This is on a scale of 1-5. The more points you put into them, the more capable your character is with said weapon. Starting off you only get one point, and only in a Primary Weapon. It is recomended you continue to put these points into Promary Weapons, but not required.

Stat Values and Descriptions
0= Completely and utterly useless.
1= Inept.
2= Signifigantly below normal adult human average.
3= Below adult human average.
4= Adult human average.
6= Above adult human average.
8= Signifigantly above adult human average.
10= Highly capable.
12= Extremely capable.
14= Best in the land.
16= World class ability.
18= Legandary ablity.
20= Not a god, Demi-Being?

~NOTE: When you get DP, be sure to distribute them ASAP!!


In RWF, your EXP goes towards your rank. The higher the rank, the better the class you can get, and the more powerful your character becomes. Below is the list of ranks and how much EXP you need to get to them:

~Trainee- 0
~Recruit- 50Exp
~Private- 150Exp
~Private First Class- 300Exp
~Petty Officer- 500Exp
~Ensign- 750Exp
~Lance Corporal- 850Exp
~Corporal- 1050Exp
~Sergeant- 1350Exp
~Color Sergeant- 1650Exp
~First Sergeant- 2050Exp
~Master Sergeant- 2550Exp
~Sergeant Major- 2700Exp
~Warrant Officer- 3000
~Sub Lieutenant- 3450Exp
~Second Lieutenant- 4050Exp
~First Lieutenant- 4800Exp
~Lieutenant- 5700Exp
~Captain- 5900Exp
~Major- 6300Exp
~Lieutenant Commander- 6900Exp
~Commander- 7700Exp
~Lieutenant Colonel- 8700Exp
~Colonel- 9900
~Commodore- 10,150Exp
~Brigadier General- 10,650Exp
~Major General- 11,400Exp
~Lieutenant General- 12,400Exp
~General- 13,650Exp
~Supreme Commander- 15,150Exp

As you move up in rank, you also gain more weapons, advantages, and disadvantages. They are as follows:


~Trainee- Base
~Recruit- Add 1 Advantage, Gain 1 DP
~Private- Add 1 Primary Weapon
~Private First Class- Add One Special Weapon, Gain 1 DP
~Petty Officer- Add 1 Advantage, 1 Disadvantage
~Ensign- Add 1 Weapon Specialty, Gain 1 DP
~Lance Corporal- Add 1 Advantage
~Corporal- Add 1 Primary Weapon, Gain 1 DP
~Sergeant- Add One Special Weapon
~Color Sergeant- Go on to next Level in Class, Add 1 Advantage, 1 Disadvantage, Gain 1 DP
~First Sergeant- Add 1 Weapon Specialty
~Master Sergeant- Add 1 Advantage, Gain 1 DP
~Sergeant Major- Add 1 Primary Weapon
~Warrant Officer- Add One Special Weapon, Gain 1 DP
~Sub Lieutenant- Add 1 Advantage, 1 Disadvantage
~Second Lieutenant- Add 1 Weapon Specialty, Gain 1 DP
~First Lieutenant- Add 1 Advantage
~Lieutenant- Add 1 Primary Weapon, Gain 1 DP
~Captain- Add One Special Weapon Major- Go on to next Level in Class, Add 1 Advantage, 1 Disadvantage, Gain 1 DP
~Lieutenant Commander- Add 1 Weapon Specialty
~Commander- Add 1 Advantage, Gain 1 DP
~Lieutenant Colonel- Add 1 Primary Weapon
~Colonel- Add 1 Advantage, 1 Disadvantage, Gain 1 DP
~Commodore- Add 1 Weapon Specialty
~Brigadier General- Add 1 Advantage, Gain 1 DP
~Major General- Add 1 Primary Weapon
~Lieutenant General- Add One Special Weapon, Gain 1 DP
~General- Add 1 Advantage, 1 Disadvantage
~Supreme Commander- Go on to next Level in Class, Add 1 Weapon Specialty, Gain 1 DP


Dear God that was long huh? Well, this page isn't for submissions alone. It also where our players figure out where they are, so it has to contain all that info. SO now here's a check list to make sure you didn't forget anything.

YOUR NAME: Be sure to put YOUR name in the form. You don't have to use your last name, but for organizing sake, put your first name
PICK Your Character Race!!
Choose A CLASS Wisely!
YOUR GENDER (for your character... be reasonable and mature)
What Does Your Character Look Like??? Choose An Appearence!
Primary Weapon! Choose one.
What is your character's history!? Make it at least one paragraph LONG or your character will NOT be accepted!
Ability Scores: Adjust your stats accordingly! Be careful at this part. The handler will know if you add extra points or NOT! Be fair!
Your rank is Trainee!
Submit Your Character, wait for a response, do as the submissions handler tells you. Once accepted your name will be added to the forum list and you'll be given access. Have FUN!

Email your finished stats to:
(Just remove the @NOSPAM. This is a spam-bot precaution.)


GodMode, Posts, and all species save for "Atlas" and "Dryad"
The rest will be up later on. Sorry for the trouble.