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Welcome, check here how Mr. Nishchal Subba defines life and see how his philosophy penetrates it. If you want to send your articles to contribute in this column, just click here to get details of terms and conditions. 

Life is an admixture of pain and pleasure. If times people grow weary of sorrows. They lose all interest in life. They do not take interest in anything. Some people commit suicide even its highly improper. True there any difficulties at every step but we should not take things lying down. 

Life is a struggle, a conditions struggle. The brave deserve the fair. There are several people who have earned name and fame in the world. They were daring sows and they had the capacity for fighting through difficult. Let not over moral set Devon but face the situation manfully.  Life is meant for work. Do not be disappointed in the obstacles in your way. Take every obstacles as your well wishers and regard them as the means to make life your dream, successful. Fix the aim of your life. Its true and to be accepted that there would be numerous hurdles in its relation. But the means to remove them to are available here. To know these means to use them properly- that is true life. 

We should not be disappointed by failures. Success and failures are sisters. Failure opens up our eye. It also reveals our weakness to us. We can succeed by removing them. Great warriors are defeated in the wars, great scientists are failed in their experiment, great leaders lose in elections but they do try again and as a result they invariably succeed. We should take lessons from this whenever we get failure.

   İrewanta subba 2003, jan 6 All Rights reserved.