Football Schedule

Friday, October 2, 2009 (Full Band Field Show - Homecoming)
Friday, October 9, 2009 (Full Band Field Show) - day before Cupertino TOB
Thursday, October 22, 2009 (Full Band Field Show) - day before a school day

Full Band uniform will be worn at the Full Band Field Shows.
Pep Band uniform is Band t-shirt or sweatshirt and blue or black jeans. (Red, white, and blue school colored jackets/sweaters are your cold weather gear in the band room now.) (*There are no football pep bands in 2009.)

5:15 P.M. Band room open

5:45 Sign in - sit in your seat, in uniform and with all equipment and music. There will be a short rehearsal (The Star Spangled Banner, Fight Song, and Alma Mater)! AYMATT = All your music, all the time.

6:00 Load vehicles and leave AHS for TAK (Washington High School) - You are responsible for your own transportation to and from the game. There will be no bus. Ask your parents to drive you and your equipment. Students with written parent permission may drive themselves only to and from the game.

Directions: Go south on Fremont Blvd. and turn left on Eggers Drive. Turn right on the access roadto drop off student. Parents may park and stay for the game (please pay for admission)  or drop students off at the gate. In this case, stay on Fremont Blvd., and turn left on Country Drive, then turn left into the parking lot.

6:15 Arrive at TAK Stadium - help unload truck, stay together & do not play unless instructed to do so by the director or drum major(s). (*For pep band, we will not march onto the track, but set up in the bleachers.)

6:30 March onto track with parade march, halt, play pep music, and, finally, play The Star Spangled Banner.

6:55 Exit track and set up in bleachers. Sit together in your section. Filter in directly from the parade block.

At 8:00 left in the 2nd Quarter (Game Clock), line up for the half-time show. Front Ensemble percussion should set up quickly after the football team has cleared the field. (*For pep band, we will not march the show on the field, but play in the stands.)

3rd Quarter - Break until 4:00 left on game clock, then return to bleachers. At 2:00 on game clock, be in seats, ready to play! If anyone is late, there will be no break next game! (If you do not need to leave the bleachers, then don't.) Play and stay in the bleachers until the end of the game. (*For games which will be followed by another activity the next day, you will be allowed to leave at the 3rd quarter break. Check out with me before you leave. Be discreet about it. Take everything with you, as I will not open up the band room until after the game. If you would like to stay, I encourage you to do so. We will ALL stay for the entire Homecoming Game, until the end of the game, until the end of the game, unless there are unforseen circumstances, such as inclement weather - stay tuned for updates.)

After game, play Fight Song and Alma Mater, march out. Go back to AHS to put equipment away. If you leave directly from TAK with parents or if you drove yourself, then check out with your Responsible Adult so that all students are accounted for - be safe! We will need a Responsible Adult to remain at TAK, until all band students are accounted for. Games typically end by 10pm,  but the time may vary, due to the nature of the sport.


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