Around the World
Go Into all the World...


Romania was a blast!  After 14 hours in 3 planes and a 10-hour van ride that took us from Budapest, Hungary across the border into Romania, we arrived at 4:00 am local in a small village called Otelu Rusco, which means "red steel."  And the adventures did not stop there.
  The team broke up into small groups and stayed in area homes.  Kenny and another leader stayed in one couple's house.  Only after two days of their gorging them with food and hospitality did Kenny find that the husband was out of work!  Talk about feeling awful.  It was a real eye opener.
  We had an oportunity to do all kinds of things while in Romania.  The first two nights we put on youth rallies for the local teens.  We sang some songs in our faultering Romanian, performed dramas and had a message translated.
  Later in the week, we held a tent meeting in a remote gypsy village. One of the neatest events of the trip happened here when we were able to communicate with a Romanian gypsy who did noy speak English.  He knew Spanish!  Thank goodness for high school after all! Another exciting thing about the gypsy village was that we were able to buy the Christians there a church!  In planning  for the trip there is a contingency fund for any sort of emergency, such as bribing the Romanian officials to get Kenny out of prison... Well, nothing happened and we had $4000 left in the fund.  We were able to buy a plot of land with a house for $2500 and the labor and materials to renovate it into a church for $1500.  Praise God!
  Other activities included helping in the clean up of previous flood damage in the town of Rusca.  Our team rebuilt a wall, movied many stuck vehicals, as well as cleared out tons of mud from the flood.

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Around the World

  On our return trip we were able to stop in Vienna for a day before our flight. It was an awesome experience to conclude the trip. It was exciting to get to see such magnificent buildings and structures.  We had an odd experience though.  We had seen this great archway and decided to hike down a hill and view it up close.  From far away it was beautiful, but as we approached, we could see tons of graffiti.  We were angry.  How could someone do this?  Then we realized that the same thing happens here in America, only we do not hold the graffitied object as valuable since we see it every day.  Hmmm... just a point to ponder.

Well, this is a poor attempt to cram 11 days into one page, but it must suffice.  We will be adding more updates and stories soon!
Kenny & Jen