Our Lady of the Rosary of

San Nicolas

 Messages -1985

(Taken from the  book:
Messages of Our Lady at San Nicolas)

January / February / March / April / May / June / July / August /
September / October / November / December



January 1, 1985                  #430

    On this day, my Heart asks you to love the Lord, offerings  and complete self giving to the Lord.  Can you respond to these petitions?
    Do not be surprised at my question, because many of you must meditate on it.
    Blessed be the Lord Who will reign forever.
    Amen, Amen.

January 2                             #431

    Do God's Will and your work will be good.  Do not forget that what is pure comes from the Lord, truth comes from the Lord.  React, then, and you will see that the Lord hides nothing, He places everything before your eyes.
    The Lord wants each one can see earthly weakness and trust in heavenly strength.
    Praise be to Heaven.

January 3                             #432

    Man can avoid his fall today, but he is stubborn.  He embraces his vices, yield up to them and lives on the illusions that satan offers him, without seeing that they lead to  his destruction.  I ask these poor children to resist evil, to stop this course and meditate.  Let the Lord in, put roots in Him and no one will be able to move you from His side.  Christ Jesus protects all those who come to His Heart.
    Praise be to the Redeemer!

Read: 2 Theses.  3:2-5.

January 4                             #433

    How many children wish to reach the Lord's peace, and deliberately act against His law?
    My dears, how can you expect God's Mercy, if you do not go to Him?
    Go to Christ, for Christ is the Light.
    Amen, Amen.

January 5                             #434

    The Lord, the perfect guide of all human beings, sends you His protection, accept Christ;  it depends on you that my presence in your lives should not be useless.
    Listen, the call comes from the Lord.
    Glory be to the Lord.

January 6                             #435

    The Lord wants His work to grow, so I ask you to be the bearers.
    Many forget there is a God Who is waiting to live in them.  I tell you, I want you to come to my Son's Heart.
    Blessed is he who strengthens in the Lord.
    Praise be to the Lord.  Pray:

Lord, make a new person of me,
enlarge my heart and fill it with Love.
May Your Kindness take pity on me,
and may my prayer come to You.

January 7                             #436

    May every child live according to God's Will, and darkness will not fall on him.
    Understand me, since I am not speaking in any strange language.  I only let you know what the Lord's great Love for His followers can do.
    Amen, Amen.

Read: Ecclus.  24:17-22.

January 8                             #437

    If you were to meditate my words one by one, you could see how necessary they are to keep you pure, and to prevent evil to reach you.
    Take care, for this to happen you must not be far from the Lord.
    Beloved children, the choice is not difficult if you have an honest heart.  As you can see, the Lord is watching you and is concerned about you.
    Love the Lord!

Read: Deut.  8:6, 13:9.

January 9                             #438

    Do not doubt that the Lord will ever give you less than what you may deserve.  Look around you and you will see how the Lord intervenes.  He never deceives, do not look for anything beyond the Lord.
    Praise be to the Savior.

January 10                             #439

    Do not be too hard when you think of the Lord, because I remind you, He drives away fears and dangers, humiliations and scorn.  Christ's humility should be your example and encouragement.  Do not act as children who have strayed from His Fold, but as those belonging to the Fold.
    Amen, Amen.

Read: Ps.  33:12-22.

January 11                             #440

    Go towards the Lord!  I tell you, there is no distance between the Lord and His children.
    Many will be deaf to my supplications, children.  Tears burn my eyes when I see so much coldness in those I try to save, because I know that if they do not convert, they are going towards death.
    My daughter, I want this to be preached throughout the world, these are my beloved Son's wishes.
    Glory be to the Lord.

Read: Deut.  32:1-4.

January 13                             #441

    You are living under the Lord's presence.  Then, always keep His Name in your mouths.  You will discover that, with Him, there is no anguish, nor spiritual poverty.
    May the Lord be beloved by all His children, forever and ever.
    Glory be to God.


As from today I reject all evil,
from today I receive what is good.
I will not hesitate at the Lord's call,
because He will cover me with glory.
    My children, I come to you - you go to the Lord.  Dear people, continue learning on this work of the Lord.

January 14                             #442

    Do not commit the very serious sin of disobeying the Lord.  His Word is the first thing you should bear in mind.
    With Christ Jesus, misfortunes are unknown, as only Graces are received from Him.
    Amen, Amen.

Read: Rom.  2:7-11.

January 15                             #443

    My children, start praying a special Novena on the seventeenth, to finish on the twenty fifth.
    I say special, because I want you to make petitions, and I assure you that no prayer, said with love, will not be heard by your Mother.
    This Novena will be renewed every month and Graces will be plentiful.
    Praise be to the Lord.

January 16                             #444

    Mankind loves freedom, but they do not know how to keep it, and defend it.  They often fall prisoners, some get out, others do not.
    My children, you need God to be free, God is freedom.
    Remember that the Lord's children will not raise compassion, those who are far from the Lord will.
    Glory be to Heaven.

January 17                             #445

    The rebellions I see in the world are atrocious, my daughter, and I feel deep compassion for all those who are far from the Lord.
    They are orphans of love, because they have rejected it.  Their sins increase day by day, and they continue seeking, and committing more.
    Those children are the most needy, they are ill.  They are lacking health of soul and only God can save the soul.
    Amen, Amen.

Read: 1 Ptr.  2:1-2,11.

January 17                             #446

  On the first day of the Novena, at the place chosen and sanctified, She says to us:

    I rejoice seeing so much devotion here, my daughter.

January 18                             #447

    Children, do not complain when you go through moments of suffering, since you can expiate nothing without suffering.  You must accept them as an offering to the Lord for your sins.
    I ask you:  Go to the Church, attend Holy Mass.  My Son Jesus is waiting there with all His Love.
    Christ will be in you and you in Him.  This is lived at Mass, this is what Mass is for.
    You see how important your Mother's request is, that she wants you to feel the Love of Christ Jesus in a vivid way.
    Ask the Lord to make you feel the need that all Christians should have for Holy Mass, and you will discover how wonderful it is to live in the Lord
    Praise be to Him.

January 19                             #448

    He who is at the end of his strength and feels vanquished, should ask  the Lord for help.
    My children, if you understood what it means to the Lord to rescue a son!  If you could take part in my joy, when the Lord enters in that heart!
    Do not forget that He also stretches out His hand to the vanquished; do not deprive yourselves of the Lord.
    Amen, Amen.

January 20                             #449

    My daughter, sometimes I see that some weaken in their faith.  I ask these children, 'What is happening to you?  What are you waiting for to strengthen your spirits?'
    Be certain that the Lord knows when your faith grows or decreases.
    Give yourselves completely to Him, do not forget that one cannot deceive the Lord.

Read: Rom.  1:17, 8:24-25.

January 21                             #450

    Seek God's Mercy, and promise you will not forget His teachings.
    You shall not commit injustice.  You shall not curse.  You shall not be enslaved by evil, and you shall not reject the Lord.
    I want you to be agreeable to God, that is why I ask that in your hearts His Name should always prevail.
    Praise be to the Blessed Sacrament.

Read: Eph.  6:10-17.

January 22                             #451

    Make a song of hope of your life, and only look with eyes of love.  Then, you will certainly be able to live in the Lord.  If you were not to do so, the beat of your hearts would not be worth while.
    The Lord wants you to abound in love and charity, my dears.  Obey His Will.
    Amen, Amen.

January 23                             #452

    My children, the Lord sees all your acts, the good and the bad, your truths and your falsehoods. Understand, then, that by living in duplicity nothing is attained, because you cannot deceive the Lord.
    Glory be to God.

"Lord, You are so near and we do not see you, offering Yourself, and we do not receive You, feeling Your presence and we ignore You.  With shame we ask Your forgiveness".

January 24                             #453

   The Lord's Word is fruitful and should be deeply lived.  Mankind is  not yet aware that the Lord is speaking to them.  There will be resistance, but Christ Jesus will make he who accepts, prosper in love abundantly.
    Blessed be those who seek the Lord to save their soul.
    Amen, Amen.

January 25                             #454

    The Virgin says:

I am, breath of the weak,
spring of the thirsty,
warmth of the poor,
rest of the weary,
assurance of the hesitant,
hush of the lamentations,
joy of the hearts,
Ark of all people
and union between the children and God.  Amen.
    Daughter, this expresses the Love for my children.

January 25                             #455

    Truly, the Lord has touched you my children, praise Him because all praise is insufficient.  Amen.

January 26                             #456

    My dears: you are living the earthly life with great peace in your hearts.  I assure you, you will not go back, because Christ has entered in you.
    Children, continue sowing.  Glory be to God.

January 27                             #457

    The Lord will dispel every cloud, every shadow, every turbid water, and the Light, the smooth road, and the clear water will remain, all thanks to Him, to Christ's Love.  Respond to that Love with your love.
    Children, I see everything, nothing goes out of my sight and I tell you, the Lord warns, the Lord announces, accept the Lord.
     Praise be to Him.

Read: Heb.  6:7-8.

January 28                            #458

    My daughter, how much hatred there is  in men, how much mistrust and despair!
    They feel this for lack of faith and love, because God is absent in their hearts.
    Those children will perish if they continue in ignorance.  It would be enough to ask the Lord for help and He would transform them, remember that God protects.
    Glory be to the Everlasting Father.

January 29                             #459

    I see Jesus.  He is in a white tunic and in the middle of His breast there is a sparkling white light.  It is His heart, and He says to me:

    You are seeing My Heart shuddering at the world's hostility toward God.  I want them to discover salvation, that is the reason for this show of love for humanity.

    The Virgin says to me:

    Devote your life to the Lord.  He deserves all dedication and  all attention. Thank the Lord because His ear so is sensitive to your prayers.
    Amen, Amen.

Read: Phil.  1:8-11.

January 30                             #460

    The deep desire of your Mother is that the mistaken child should repent and see that the Lord is waiting.  I tell you, the return of the child is always accepted.  Be converted, you will be loved by the Lord.
    Glory be to God.

January 31                             #461

    Great things are happening in these days, all coming from the Lord.  You are being called to see, not to ignore God's existence, to discover that life can be everlasting, providing one is with Him.
    Advance towards the Lord, Who is security.
    Praise be to Him. 

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January / February / March / April / May / June / July / August /
September / October / November / December

February 1, 1985                             #462

    I say to my children: I will keep the love you give me in my Heart, and I will remove your suffering and miseries.  I will teach you to seek Christ, to love Christ.  Prepare your hearts!
    Amen, Amen.

Read: Heb.  10:35-36.

February 2                             #463

    Blessed be the moment that the Lord chose this city, and blessed because He chose it for me to have my Great House, this house that will be of peace and quiet, a place where I will cradle thousands of children who will come in search of love.
    I will attend the ill, the fallen, all the children belonging to the great family of God, because my mission is to serve the Lord's fold.
    Glory be to God.

February 3                             #464

    My Heart suffers and does not rest, calling my children; it is like a live coal.  My call is pressing, value it, because you will reach God's Glory by showing great determination to reach it.
    My children, you will only see the Lord's Light if you seek it.  Amen, Amen.

February 3                             #465

    Daughter, I want you to know the reason for my image with the Child and the Rosary.
    The Child means purity and new life, since the Child Jesus is rebirth to life, the source of salvation for all thirsty souls.
    The Rosary, I am offering it to you as consolation, so that on praying the Holy Rosary you should pour out all your suffering, your needs and prayers.
    As Mother, I listen to you dear children, my Love for you is great.  Amen.

February 4                             #466

    Oh people, before you were scattered, but now you are united and near God.  How the Lord values this coming closer!
    Before you thought the Lord was demanding, now you accept Him.  It is important, because you cannot avoid His request, as it would be to lose the salvation of your souls.
    Carry your cross without fear and give yourselves  to the Lord.
    Praise be to Him.

February 5                             #467

  In the  morning, I have a vision.  I see a street, I am standing, and some enormous monsters come toward me, it is like an avalanche.  They are horrible, some like dinosaurs and others seem to be people, but very ugly, with large heads and ears.  When they are very near me, there appears a blue wall which is interposed between the monsters and myself.
    Then I see the Virgin, and she says to me:

    These monsters represent the evil one, who wants to attack the Church, and the wall is my Protecting Mantle.  The Lord places me like a shield, like a guardian.  I will defend you, my children.

February 6                             #468

    My children, I beg you, do not silence the Lord's voice, that voice that asks you for faith, the voice that asks to live in you.  It is not enough to say, I believe in God.  You have to feel God, you have to love God.
    Amen, Amen.

February 9                             #469

    Daughter, how much danger is to be faced by a child who has given himself to God, how many obstacles to overcome, how much suffering to bear!  Do not let yourselves be carried away by panic, let yourselves rest in the serenity that the Lord offers.
    Glory be to the Lord.

February 10                             #470

    My dears, in truth I tell you that my children resort to God only at times of great need.  It is also true that out of ignorance, some do not know how to seek God.
    He Who should be in each thought, Who should find no rebellion, He Who is the most Sublime thing there is in life, is many times left aside.
    God, in His greatness, offers you His great treasure; He gives it to you.
    My children, you are coming to know the Lord, receive Him.
    Glory be to God.

Read: Is.  42:16.

February 11                             #471

    I say to my children: I have shown you a road, I have taught you a road that for many was inaccessible, the road toward the Lord.  Let no one be afraid of being alone, because I will never leave you alone, I am always attentive to my children's call.
    Amen, Amen.

February 12                             #472

    Beloved children: From the Lord you will receive blessings, those of you who wish to see His Light, who want to reject death and accept life, and those who seek salvation in Christ Jesus.
    Praise be to Him.

Read: Jn.  3:35-36.

February 13                             #473

    My children, in this coming Novena, you must ask the merciful God:

    By praying to the Lord for your neighbor, you yourselves will receive, since brotherly love is appreciated by the Lord.  Alleluia.

February 14                             #474

    The ones who hopes in God will be greatly rewarded.
    You are in all my thoughts, that is why I say to you: Fill yourselves with virtues, withdraw from defects.  The Lord asks this of you, do not doubt, follow Him.
    Amen, Amen.

Read: 1 Cor.  15:47-49.

February 15                             #475

    My dears, do not drown your lamentations, your needs, pray with deep faith, for the Lord has compassion for all those who trust in Him.  Let yourselves be driven toward Christ.  Christ is not a sudden burst of light, He is an eternal Light.
    Amen, Amen.

February 16                             #476

    The Graces of the Lord will descend on you; you need only walk where the Lord shows you
    May the Sacred Heart of Jesus strengthen your spirit, make you obedient, and faithful to His Heart.
    Praise be to the Savior!

February 17                             #477

    I tell my children: To follow the Lord often means to cry, but to cry on the outside.  Within is the joy, the true deep joy inside the heart, of feeling oneself a child of God.
    The Lord's kindness makes His children feel loved by him, makes them feel desire to live in Him.
    Glory be to the Lord.

February 18                             #478

    My daughter, I want to awaken in all my children, the love of God.  I want to take them from that overpowering force, that drags them to perdition.
    But that force will soon be destroyed.  It will perish; for many it has already disappeared, because they have listened to God's voice.
    Place yourselves now in His hands, do not let the Life be taken from you.
    Amen, Amen.

Read:  2 Cor.  6:18, 1 Ptr.  5:8-9.

February 19                             #479

    Go to the Lord, glorify the Lord, because many are the wonders that He does.  Who wants peace and does not get it?  What child asks, and does not receive from God?
    I remind you that only the sinner can feel forgotten by God.  He who lives shamefully can feel empty, the Lord forgets no one.
    Glory be to God.

February 20                             #480

    Come, children of mine, my hand softly heals your wounds, my warmly voice makes you hear the Lord's call.
    I will cradle you on my lap, warm the hearts still cold from the distance that only you impose upon yourselves.
    I want this message to reach all, like a balm of love, and remain in them.
    Amen, Amen.

February 21                             #481

    Today I see Jesus, as always with His white tunic and the Light around Him.  With a soft, but firm voice, He says to me:

I am not hiding, I want to save mankind.
I am with my Ark, this time, on land.
Blessed is he who gives himself to the Lord.
    Then I see the Virgin, alone, and she says to me:
God save you, my dears, in this time in which He is present.
He will deliver you, since at every step you take you are exposed to this world's calamities.
God knows how small man is, and how often man falls.
You must be warned, children, the plague is big.
    Glory be to Heaven.

Read: Deut.  8:17-18.

February 22                             #482

    As the days go by, you have seen the Love of God show itself, and by receiving that Love like a rain long awaited, the sleeping faith now revives in your hearts.
    Deep furrows have been opened, where Christ entered.
    My children, may the Lord continue being with you
    Amen, Amen.

February 23                             #483

    My daughter, I say to your brethren: Uncertainty must be far from you, advance with assurance, the Lord is present.
    Blessed be the child who does not hesitate in placing himself in His hands, because he will belong to the Lord.
    May He be praised.

Read: Jos.  23:11.

February 24                             #484

    Youth is sprouted seed, my daughter
    You are in charge of the Lord's fields, do not let His sown ground be ruined.  You must not allow this
    Amen, Amen.

February 25                             #485

    My daughter, here I am, and from here I call all my children, for them to be able to feel my presence and my protection.
    I listen to my beloved children, but the Lord's constant concern for all of them is beyond all imagination.
    Glory be to God.

February 25                            #486

    Be happy in God, my children.
    Cruelty comes from evil, mercy from God.
    Hear well what I say to you.

February 26                             #487

    My children, my wish is that you understand Christ Jesus, and that you receive Christ Jesus.
    He gives you what is good, what is just, and what is edifying.   He awakens those who sleep, for nothing to surprise them.
    He gives strength to resist all kinds of misfortune, and accompanies you in the joy of feeling the freedom and the life He is giving you.

February 27                             #488

    I say to your brethren: The Lord is all love, compassion, and mercy; you cannot ignore the Lord.  He really loves you.
    Praise be to the Blessed Sacrament.

Read: Jn.  15:1-5.

February 28                             #489

    The Lord blesses all those who do good works, those who appreciate His Word and obey Him.
    Children, His Light shines on you and His Light protects you, have confidence, since His Strength overcomes shadows and reduces them.
    Amen, Amen.

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January / February / March / April / May / June / July / August /
September / October / November / December

March 3, 1985                             #490

    My children, do not impose ambitions on your lives!  Do not be too ambitious, because it can make you forget that the only and real ambition you should have is to be able to enter the Kingdom of God.
    Try to always remember this, as it is the only thing that matters to the Lord.
    Praise be to Him.

Read: 1 Tim.  6:7-10.

March 4                             #491

    My daughter, may these messages reach your brethren and penetrate them.  God's Mercy makes them live these moments joyfully, have inner peace, feel the safety and the faith that Christ Jesus gives, and be able to say: 'In Christ we live'.

March 5                             #492

    When a child says, 'I believe in God, I am with God, I love God', I would ask him whether he says it and feels it in truth.
    To believe in God means to have faith in God; to be with God is to let oneself be taken by Him and to be united to Him.
    To love God is not to offend Him, to obey Him and love Him above all things.
    It is not impossible to attain; think that God's Love for His children is true.
    How not to return it!
    Blessed be the child who is able to do so.
    Glory be to God.
     I say this for all my children to meditate on it.

March 5                             #493

    At night I have a vision, I see many yellow stars, almost orange, going towards a very large light blue star.  Mother, what is this?

    Daughter, you are seeing the children going towards the Mother.

March 6                             #494

    In the world people want to do their own will, not knowing that they are not free, but slaves to that adulator, that false promiser who is satan.
    In the Lord's Word there are no false promises, you will find no lies, you will only find truth, love, and life.
    You will get that from the Lord.
    Amen, Amen.

March 7                             #495

    You must know how to hope in God.  He always answers.  You will never come up against His silence because His Heart is open to all who want to enter in Him.
    Daughter, do not let your hope sink, it must crop out and  be placed in the Lord.
    Glory be to the Blessed Sacrament.

March 8                              #496

    As water does not mix with oil, so good thoughts must not mix with evil thoughts.
    My dears, honor the Lord by being righteous in thought and in deed.
    Amen, Amen.

Read: Eph.  5:6-7.

March 9                             #497

    Children, do not pass by in front of a Church without stopping.
    I send you towards my Son, and also invite you to go to His table, to eat His Food and you will come out with your spirit full of joy.
    It is a great truth that Life depends on the Lord, and in the Lord you will find it.
    Praise be to Him!

March 11                             #498

    My dears, receive the Lord, do not prevent Him from reaching you.  He is not a stranger, and He will be so good for you!  From His Heart Love is flowing constantly, and He gives you that Love.
    Children, take refuge in the Heart of Christ Jesus.
    Glory be to the Lord.

Read: Osee 6:3.

March 12                             #499

    These days of Lent are good to devote to prayer and you need it, my children.
    In this month's Novena, I ask you:  'to pray for priestly and religious vocations', because in this time the Lord will awaken these vocations in many children.  He will awaken the absolute love for God.
    These children will see a great change in their lives.  They, who were looking for the reason of their lives, will have found it.
    They will see that the health and vigor of every life is God and no one but God.
    Amen, Amen.

March 13                             #500

    I say to your brethren: Try to be in perfect relationship with the Lord.  Woe to those who fail to do so, they are despising Him and despising themselves.  With this message I want to break shackles, since the Will of My Son is you live in His freedom.
    Daughter of mine, may the child who can see His rectitude and His wisdom feel blessed by the Lord.
    Merciful Jesus will make you understand this.
    Glory be to God.

Read:   Jn.  12:25-26.

March 14                             #501

    I share everything with you.  You see, children, how near I am.
    I am glad if you are glad, I feel sorry if you are sorry, everything concerns me.
    My wish is to draw away tears, make shadows disappear, and the Lord will do this.
    Amen, Amen.

March 15                             #502

    How many souls are being helped by the Lord!  To how many children He is showing that God exists!

March 16                             #503

    My daughter, there is in your city a moving response to the Lord.  I see a sincere repentance in many sinners.
    The goodness of God will be shown in these hearts and the Lord will show that there is no suffering by His side.
    I see that my children are sensitive, that they are going to pray with devotion.

(Special reference to the chosen place for the Sanctuary)

March 17                             #504

    The Lord does a good work in each child, and hopes the child will willingly help his neighbor.
    The Lord wants to awaken compassion in His children, because those who are not compassionate of their brothers cannot love the Lord.  To do an act of compassion is to do an act of love.
    The Holy Spirit will help your hearts to become pure and compassionate.  This will happen, nothing is impossible for the Lord.
    Glory be to the Most High God.

March 18                             #505

    He who asks much of God, has little trust in God!
    Understand that the trust in Christ Jesus must be well fed, only in this way will you be able to hope in Him.
    Amen, Amen.

Read: Is.  26:12-13.

March 19                             #506

    In the Lord you are safe, my children, only in the Lord.
    Are you unable to understand how fragile you are and that you need God's strength?
    He knows when you reject Him but He goes on insisting.  The Lord gives the necessary strength, do not hesitate.
    Praise be to the Almighty!

March 20                             #507

    My daughter: those who start a new life, who feel the great change that is taking place in them, can say how wonderful the Lord is.
    Many are those who feel and understand that having placed their love and faith in Christ Jesus, that also commits them to be worthy children of God.
    Amen, Amen.

March 21                             #508

    My daughter, if people could understand the wealth that the Lord offers them, if they were to understand it!  He is handing them a present for a glorious future.
    Praise be to the Lord.

"His sweet Name reaches us.
His Love wants to touch us.
He gives us His Heart.
His Peace wants to be our peace".
    Meditate on it, and let it be engraved on you.

March 23                             #509

    My daughter, this is for your brethren:
    Do the Lord's will!  Children, I ask this of you, since each disobedience of yours pierce my heart with a sword.
    Disobedience brings me great sorrow, because the Lord is being ignored and I tell you, it is abominable to the Lord.
    The one who disobeys God will be responsible before God.
    Amen, Amen.

March 24                             #510

    Do not do evil things in your life, think of the Lord, think of His Mercy.
    The Lord will show you that if your heart is given to Him, you will receive the extraordinary strength that His Spirit gives.
    Please God, my children, recognizing your mistakes.  Please God by following God.
    Glory be to the Blessed Sacrament.

March 25                             #511

    The Man who escapes from God is unhappy.  He burns his life and lives in the most complete desolation.
    My children: that is why I am here!  My eyes see further than yours, my feet walk with more safety than your feet, because the Lord guides them.
    Do not reject what comes from God, do not damn yourselves forever.
    Glory be to God.

March 27           #512

    Children, take care from now on to please the Lord, since wherever you may be, He is coming to you. You are not devoid of God's protection, you are receiving from the Lord.
    Praise be to Him.

Read: Heb. 10:16-17.

March 28                             #513

    I see Jesus and He says to me:

    My Heart is Immense, all those who give themselves trustingly will be able to come into It.

    The Virgin says to me:

    My children, I assure you, you could not be far from my Beloved Son if you were able to trust in Him.
    I tell you, the Lord answers your prayers.  He wants to take you out of misfortune and offers you a lasting Life.
    Amen, Amen.

March 29                             #514

  In a Holy Hour, after the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, the Virgin says to me:

    You are adorers of Christ, you will be received by Christ.

March 30                             #515

    Nothing replaces God's Love and nothing can substitute for it, may that be in each one's heart.
    The virtues that can be reached through Christ Jesus are manifold and valuable, children, and He is giving them to you
    Despite the rejection that His Words sometimes meet, nothing can dim them.
    The Lord's work will not succumb.
    Glory be to God.

March 30                             #516

  At night, at the place chosen by the Virgin, during the Holy Rosary, during the Fourth Mystery, I see a bed of white roses and over them several white rosaries.  They are like hanging in the air.  Later at home, I see the Virgin and she says to me:

    Do not stop praying at that place, because that is where the Mother is prayed to.  Petitions are made to the Mother, but above all things, the Lord is prayed to, and God is worshiped there.
  Amen, Amen.

March 31                             #517

    Continue walking with the Lord, my children, because you will never regret the perseverance you get in following Christ  as you are doing it for your own salvation.
    Amen, Amen.

Read: 1 Ptr.  5:6-7. 

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April 1, 1985                             #518

    The Lord's call to you cannot be deferred, my children.  Is this not justified?  Is it not the right moment for the Lord to decide to speak to His children?
    Understand that He wants to reach you, He wants to console you, He wants to make you  see that there is no cross without suffering.
    Put your shoulder to that cross, which is yours to carry, and you will find that beside that cross is Christ Jesus, to relieve you.
    Be grateful to the Lord, giving all for Him.
    Praise be to Him.

April 2                             #519

    My children, you cannot say that the Lord does not seek you.  He, in all humility, wants the purity of your hearts.  The Lord's warmth wants to touch you, do not draw away, the blessings for His beloved children are countless.
    Glory be to the Lord.

April 3                             #520

    I tell my children: He who curses, who hates, is only poisoning his own heart.
    Let no one curse, let no one hate, may there be not even one evil thought in you.
    Forgive as the Lord forgives, love as the Lord loves you, seek perfection in Him.
    Praise be to the Lord.

April 4           (Holy Thursday)                 #521

    How sorry will be those who do not let themselves be comforted by Jesus, who do not let themselves be guided by Jesus.  I tell you, open to Him, as in Him there is happiness.
    Change your road if you have not done so.  Offer yourselves to the Lord, as He offered Himself for you, with love and for love, knowing that with the Almighty, life is not extinguished, it lasts forever.

Read: Jn.  3:16-17.

April 5               (Good Friday)             #522

    My dears: my Son gave all His Blood for the world's salvation.  He knew His fate and did not rebel.  He suffered painfully and surrendered to His Father trusting Him completely.
    You must all imitate this great example of Jesus; may this complete self giving of Christ Jesus be of use to you for a complete self giving on your part, for His sacrifice to be justified.
    With Jesus, death is defeated, with Him you must not be afraid, with Him you will see the Eternal Father's promise.
    Amen, Amen.

April 7             (Resurrection Sunday)         #523

    This day is a day of glory for the Holy Church, for all mankind.
    Rejoice, and glorify the Lord, the Savior.
    Glory be to the Lord!

April 8                                 #524

    My children, may you know how to keep within you what the Lord so generously gives you.  Do not let my watchfulness  be in vain.
    The Lord, Who knows His children, knows how much you need His protection.
    He does not disappear, even for an instant, as God is the Light of the world, the Light of eternity.
    Amen, Amen.

April 9                                 #525

    Stay with the Lord and fear no attack, fear nothing, because nothing can prevail against God, my dears.  He gives safety to His beloved fold.
    Amen, Amen.

Read: 2 Tim.  2:19.

April 11                                 #526

    My dears: you are my children and my concern.
    The Lord commends your protection to me and I feel responsible for what might happen.
    Keep a place in your heart for this Mother and I assure you that the Love that is there, in my Heart, will soften every blow, every fall.
    The more love there is in you, the less you will have to bear.
    Near God there is no sorrow, no bitterness, and even less, defeat.
    Glory be to the Lord.

April 12                                 #527

    The Lord will have pity on those who make a need of prayer, but a need so as to be near Him.
    Pray for atheism not to increase; this atrocity must not happen in the world.
    God is here and there are many who do not want to hear, my daughter, do not want to believe in Him.
    That is why I ask you in this coming Novena to pray for your atheist brethren, for them to be able to also go toward the Lord.
    Praise be to Heaven.

April 13                                 #528

    I say to all my children: Your strength should not be exhausted, faith in God should not be exhausted.  The evil one attacks everywhere, in all places, reject him!  He is like a violent tempest.
    This, you can face with closed doors, with a strong house.  You can face the evil one fortified in the Lord.  I assure you, he will not knock you down, nor will he attack; he will not attempt it, because he only does this with the weak.
    That is why I ask you for faith in God and hope in God.      Amen, Amen.

Read: Heb.  10:38.

April 14                                 #529

    I speak for all my children, for all people, my messages must be deeply meditated in each heart.
    I do not want a single word to be lost, as it would be like spilling water before a thirsty person, without letting him drink.
    Everyone needs the Truth.  I invite all to live that Truth, that is my name for God's Word.
    The Lord has a time for everything and this is the time for the call.  It is up to you to answer.
    Glory be to God.

April 16                                 #530

    My children, may your life be accompanied by Christ Jesus, and it will be healthy in the eyes of God.  Nothing could be worse for you if you failed to reach God, and nothing more painful for me, to be unable to reach a child, unable to make him understand that God is the uttermost reason of all existence.
    The Lord's Glory will be for those who offer Him their heart.  Amen, Amen.

April 17                                 #531

    Only a mean heart can doubt the presence of God at this place.  Only a poor soul can fail to understand that the Ark is here and that there is room enough for those who wish to enter it.
    The Lord stopped me here, so that from here, I should call my children and receive my children.  Amen, Amen.

April 18                                 #532

    My children, never offend God!  Never neglect God!
When a child calls upon Him, immediately he wants the Lord's response.
    I tell you, do not be impatient, let the Lord act and you will see that He answers duly.
    The Lord succors His children.  Glory be to the Lord.
Read: Is.  40:27-29.

April 19                                 #533

    Daughter, all things come from the Lord, everything good, everything lasting, and what is true.
    He teaches how to appreciate this and how to keep it also.  Happy are those who understand this.
    Praise be to the Lord.

April 19                                 #534

    During the night, She says to me:

    Great is the advantage of those who live in faith, because Christ lives in them.  The Most Holy from Heaven acts, for all of you to see His path clearly.
    Amen, Amen.

April 20                                 #535

    I say to my children: There is nothing beyond the Lord!  I say this for those who still think it is possible to live forgetting God.
    Nothing can be reached ignoring Him, nothing worthwhile.      Glory be to God.

April 21                                 #536

    I tell your brethren: Go to the Lord, sinners, for in Him you will find forgiveness.  Go, hard-hearted, for He will soften you; go, faithless, that the Lord will give you faith.  I only ask you, acknowledge that God exists.
    Amen, Amen.
    Preach it.

April 22                                 #537

    Daughter, what would I not do for my children, or advise them, knowing that with their conduct they are not only committing a bad action, but they are also pleasing the enemy.
    I tell them: In this way, children, you are destroying yourselves completely.  Repent and you will not be sorry later.  Love the Lord.  Praise be to Heaven.
    Preach this.

April 23                                 #538

    In the Lord there is understanding towards you, my dears.  Turn to Him, and then ask the Lord to light the flame of love in your hearts, and you will see the transformation that God brings about.
    Blessed be the Lord forever.  Amen.
    Preach it.

Read: Heb.  13:6.

April 24                                 #539

    God loves you, children, and takes pity on those who stretch their hands out towards the wind, grasping nothingness, without understanding that they are toppling their lives.
    They are not moved by the Divine Call, they do not want to be touched.  Daughter,  the wheat is still green for them.      Amen, Amen.

April 25                                 #540

    Daughter, I am a Mother who takes pity on her children, who wants to relieve their grieves and dry their tears.
    I am the Mother of the ill, of the poor, of those who suffer.  Come close, let me start drawing near you.
     Amen, Amen.

April 26                                 #541

    I tell you, to love God and to have knowledge of His Word, is truly necessary in everybody's life.
    These days more than ever, the wicked one pursues you and danger is constant.
    Put Christ ahead of you and you will see that if evil appears, as it came it will disappear.
   Glory be to the Most Holy.

Read: Apoc.  17:14.

April 28                                 #542

    The Lord is powerful, my children, so be sure that He, from above, is giving you His protection.
    The Lord asks faithfulness from His children, so be a people faithful to God's Love.
    Glory forever to the Lord.

Read: Eph.  1:17-18.

April 29                                 #543

    I am always with you, I do not abandon you, my children.  My joy would be great, were I to know that all my children receive me in their hearts.
    I await those who have not yet opened their eyes, those who leave the Love of the Mother of Christ aside, without discovering that the Mother leads them toward Christ himself.
    Amen, Amen.

April 30                                 #544

    Raise prayers to the Lord, thankful for His continual offering of love and redemption.  May His wonderful Word remain deeply rooted in you, and with it Jesus Christ will stay eternally.
    Praise the God of all times, the God of Love!
    Amen, Amen. 

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May 1, 1985                                 #545

    Today I ask you for reflection, I call you to meditation.
    The Holy Spirit will enlighten you to find balance, since many of you have lost it.  Do not forget my advice, practice it, because it has God's Wisdom.
    Glory be to God.

May 2                                 #546

    Today the Virgin tells me what Jesus was like when He was small.

    I will tell you: At three years old, He already had a great intelligence.  He had the understanding that God the Father gave Him.  He grew, knowing that He was the Son of God.  He was always very quiet, He was always meditating, but when He spoke it was with humility and great wisdom, the great wisdom of God.
    Daughter, this is what my beloved Son was like on earth.  He was the most faithful preacher and Shepherd of His Father's Fold.  Amen.

May 3                                 #547

    Daughter, my feet do not tire of walking, my hands of knocking on doors, and great is my sorrow when I find them closed.
    I ask clemency of the Lord for those who do not fear Him and offend Him; they do not know God's strength.  If they knew, their hearts would be ashamed.
    Praise be to the Lord.

May 4                                 #548

    The world's peace is very important at these moments, and prayer for peace is also important.
    The prayer and behavior of good Christians will make your days, days of peace and prosperity.
    Amen, Amen.

May 6                                 #549

    Great is the Name of God, my children, and should be thus acknowledged.  Listen, all peoples, it is probably difficult to accept that you must obey God, but I tell you, God is nourishment for your souls, do not deprive yourselves of Him.
    Glory be to the Lord.

Read: 1 Ptr.  3:12.

May 7                                 #550

  In the afternoon, I see Jesus and He says to me:

    I know each man's actions, I see his constancy and his weakness.  I will place My hand according to his behavior.  I am showing this to mankind and will continue to do so.

  Later I see the Virgin, and She says to me:

    Christ Jesus asks you for perfection.  Get rid of your sins at once and promise the Lord to mend your faults and honor His Name.
    I say nothing undue, because everything comes from God.
 Amen, Amen.

May 8                                 #551

    I speak for my little children, the young, they who are in this corrupt and terrifying world.
    Do not let yourselves be trapped in the calamities you see before you eyes.  Do not forget that they only lead to perdition as one is submitted to evil.
    For you I want healthy and pure hearts, and minds.  Pray that you may become a peace wishing youth, self given to God.
    May this month's Novena be then for all the young.  You will see that the children who seek Him will not be cast from His side.
    Praise be to God.

Read: Matt.  18:6-7.

May 9                                 #552

    Children: Pity on the man who lets pride into him, because it is good for nothing and leads to nothing.  The Lord's great Love and humility teach you that you must also practice it with your neighbor.
    Give love to your neighbor, and humility, my children.  May Christ Jesus' humility be an example to you.
    Glory be to the Savior.

May 10                                 #553

    My daughter, the Lord started His work and will continue with His work, nothing stops the Lord.
    From here, the Lord rescues souls.  At all times it can be seen that God acts for the good of all.
    Blessed be the Almighty.

May 11                                 #554

    Christ's face is being stricken, continually, without compassion, by those who commit serious sins.
    You, who think of God, who listen to God, do not hurt Him, go to Him well disposed and trustingly.  The Lord is your great guide.
    Amen, Amen.

Read: Ecclus.  5:4-8.

May 13                                 #555

    I tell my children: My Mother's Heart does not demand, it only asks.  Let God's Mercy touch you, since it is over you.  Glory be to God.

    In the midst of Her breast I see a heart shaped white light.  She says to me:

    You are seeing my Heart, overcome with sorrow for my poor children's unhappiness.

May 14                                 #556

    My children: God protects you!  Do not reject His protection, avoid that feeling.  Blessed be those who wish to lengthen their life in the Lord, for it will truly be eternal.  Pray to Him:

Come, Jesus, that I repent
for my faults and sins.
Come to me, do not stop,
for You will save my life.
    May this prayer always be with you.

Read: Heb.  12:25,28.

May 15                                 #557

    The Lord asks you to act correctly, but mankind is not aware it can only be done with God's help.
    Be obedient to the Lord, praise Him, as He never hesitates at coming to help His children.
    Glory be to the Lord.

May 16                                 #558

    My children, it is marvelous to see how your lives are being transformed spiritually, how the Lord is taking His place and covering your needs.
    Never act against God's Will!  Meditate on this, because much is enclosed in these words.
    Amen, Amen.

Read: 1 Kgs.  8:60-61.

May 18                                 #559

    Show love for God by accepting what God asks: love and union amongst brethren.
    This is an imperious call that I make, my dears.
    You are going through terrible situations, in which material things want to be above what is spiritual, and where brothers want to vanquish brothers, transforming their love into hatred, without giving way to the truth and to the Love God places in each one.
    He, who sees everything, wants to save you from all sufferings.
    Amen, Amen.

May 19                                 #560

  Today, I see Her surrounded by Light as always, and She says to me:

    Daughter, this is the Light of Hope.  It is the Light that will lead you toward the Lord.  My Love is given without measure, trust in the Mother of Christ.
    Praise be.

    I see a large field of ripe wheat.

May 20                                 #561

    Daughter, God's goodness is such, that He gives everyone a chance for repentance.
    The Father does not abandon, His children do.
    Today they are aching and desperate.  I tell them: It is easy to reach God if the spirit is willing and there is love in the heart.
     Glory be to Heaven.

May 20                                 #562

    At night She says to me:

    Daughter, how distant some of my children are from Me!

May 21                                 #563

    I say to all my children: Do nothing that may offend God, because the Lord will stop in a clean heart.
    I am in a continual watch over your union with God, and over your salvation.
    Amen, Amen.

May 22                                 #564

    The Holy Spirit will be, in these days, the one to lead you on the road to goodness.
    Pray my children, devote to prayer!  The Lord is beyond everything.
    Blessed be.

May 23                                 #565

    The Lord wants His Word to be spread all over the world.  The Lord wants to prepare His children.  The Lord wants a true Fold.
    Do not doubt it, you are blessed by the Lord.
    Amen, Amen.

Read: Acts 3:19, 17:30.

May 24                                 #566

    Christ Jesus is a song to life, as He is Life.  His feet leave tracks that invite to follow.  Christ is full happiness; Light forever is the Lord.
    Praise be to Him.

May 25                                 #567

    My daughter, today with prayer, love for the Lord will be lighted in many hearts.
    With a prayer, your brethren reach this holy place, and they will leave with a Grace, for God's Mercy is infinite.
    Everything that is accepted without complaints or lamentations is agreeable to the Lord, since everything is trial on the road toward the Lord.

May 25                                 #568

    In the evening at the Cathedral, after Mass:

    Daughter, today I have felt my children's warmth, ardently.

May 26 #                                569

    My children's fervor will not be extinguished.  It will rise, because the Lord is in the midst of you, and He will stay forever.

May 28                                 #570

  This morning I see Jesus.  He says to me:

    I, the heir of My Father's Love, pour that Love on the world, so it may return to its source, My Holy Father.

May 28                                 #571

    In the afternoon I see the Blessed Virgin and She says to me:

    Daughter, the poor who live in grace with God will be wealthy.  The weak who count on the Lord's strength will be strong.  The proud will become humble, if they find humility in humility itself, in Christ Jesus.
    This is to be deeply meditated.
    Glory be to God.

May 29                             #572

    Daughter: The Lord will continue to open the roads, but be careful, evil is always besieging.

May 30                                 #573

    Today I see Her very illuminated, alone, with her hands on her breast.

    I tell my children: Do not wait to be in agony to call upon God, because it will be sad to see the time lost.
    The Lord makes it possible to draw near, He offers Himself.  The Lord always appears and He is indifferent to nothing; everything concerns the Lord.
    Amen, Amen.

Read: 1 Ptr.  4:18-19. 

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June 1, 1985                                 #574

    Today, I ask for prayer and a special devotion to the Sacred Heart of my Son.  Do not forget that from His Heart, His Divine Love flows.
    Ask forgiveness for your evil deeds, promising absolute love and complete obedience, my children, and His Heart will take pity on yours.
    Blessed be Jesus.

June 2                                 #575

    There are so many mad passions everywhere, my children, that blindness has taken hold of many people.
    Sin surpasses all measure.  The devil wants to have full domination over the earth.  He wants to destroy.
    But the Lord does not want you to be vanquished, but to be  victors.  You must definitely overcome the wickedness that surrounds you.
    Victory is in God!
    Amen, Amen.

Read: Apoc.  21:6-8.

June 3                                 #576

    My daughter, God from above sees sorrow and solitude.
The man who suffers, does nothing to mitigate the pain, and he who is alone, does not see it is the right moment to seek God.
    Beseech the Lord for your souls.
    Pray To God who heals wounds, however deep they may be.  To God who  saves the oppressed, no matter how strong their chains may be.  To God who never sleeps, the Almighty.
    Amen, Amen.
    Make it known.

June 4                                 #577

    The Lord pours blessings on His children throughout the universe, therefore, reject sin and you will receive these blessings.
    Praise be to the Lord.

June 5                                 #578

    I am the patient Mother who calls her children,  who says, go and preach the Lord's Word!  The Mother who asks for faith so that you may say: 'My God, without conditions I give myself to You, do with me according to Your will.  Amen'.

June 6                                 #579

    I tell you children: Evil goes before goodness.  But I also tell you, you must be watchful.
    Happy are those who offer themselves to God with love, and blessed are those who devote themselves to His work.  You are beloved to God!
    Glory be to Heaven.

Read: Matt.  12:35-37.

June 7                                 #580

    Everyone is aware that the earth is in great danger.  This is what mankind's ambition leads to!
    If man should want to get rid of his desire for earthly merits, to drive towards  a crash!
    If he desired to discover God, this would be an earth of peace for all, because only God can make peace reign, that peace so longed for by many!
    Children: During this month's Novena, pray for peace of nations, and I repeat what I said so often, that man should find God.
    If there is true repentance in him, he will not waste his life.  Amen, Amen.

June 8                                 #581

    Many want to stain God's work in these days and I once said to you: 'Listen to my words and make them heard', because they bear a great teaching!
    I want to warn you; it is necessary that I do so.
    Amen, Amen.

June 9                                 #582

    In the morning, the Virgin says to me:

    In Holy Mass, one not only symbolically receives the Body and Blood of Christ; Jesus Christ is really present, and He truly offers Himself.
    May all my children see the Savior in the Holy Eucharist; may they feel an intimate communication with Christ, and feel that Christ enters in them.
    Children, also appreciate the immense treasure that the Lord is putting within your reach.  Make an effort to deserve it, do not lose something as valuable as eternal salvation.  Do not leave it for tomorrow, because salvation starts  here on earth, today, during this present time in which the Lord is speaking to you.
    My dears, may the joy I feel in bringing you close to the Lord, also be your joy.
    Glory be to God.

June 10                                 #583

  Today I see Jesus and He says to me:

    Never will the night be greater than the day, God would not allow it.
    Darkness will not touch you.  The snares will be just snares, because the strength of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit will protect you.

    Later I see the Blessed Virgin, She says to me:

    The Lord is the perfect protection for you, since He is in each one of His children.
    Be then part of the Lord, as the Lord is part of you.
    Amen, Amen.

June 11                                 #584

    Daughter, since a long time ago, I have sown Love, but I have reaped thorns.
    Here, with you, all the contrary has taken place.  I sow Love and reap love.  Here, my rosebush budded.  It will not wilt and the rose will continue to leave its petals, bearing its message of love.  Amen.

June 13                                 #585

    What value prayer has for the Lord, you cannot imagine!  My children, that is why I ask for so much prayer!
    Pray the Holy Rosary, meditating!  I assure you your prayers will rise like a true song of love to the Lord.
    Glory be to the Lord.

June 14                                 #586

    Daughter, pray the Holy Rosary continually, during the twenty-four hours of the twenty-fifth day of the month.    My Son Jesus Christ will reward this devotion to Mary, His Mother.

June 15                                 #587

    My dears, never be afraid of telling the truth, because the truth provides safety.  Lies are bad for mankind, that is why I tell you, be upright, the Lord wants you so.
    Praise be to God.

June 16                                 #588

    Beloved children, start each day living in close union with God and it will be marvelous for you to live.
    With Him, you will not be lost; the Lord does not let His children be lost.  You will never be without the Lord.
    Amen, Amen.

Read: Jn.  15:6-7.

June 17                                 #589

    See how the Lord does not tire of showing you His Path.  See how He is blessing you; do not be surprised at the Mercy of God.
    He comes before you, His children, and makes you see you must be loving and pious.
    He teaches you so that you are prepared for the daily trials that every Christian must know how to overcome.
    Beloved children: May no one wish to escape from their cross.  Remember this that your Mother says.
    No cross will be heavier than the Cross of Christ!
    Praise be to the Savior.

June 18                                 #590

    I say to your brethren: Examine yourselves children, and seek God!  Do not deceive yourselves trying to ignore Him.  He makes Himself accessible; then, give your hearts to Him.
    Christ Jesus loves, blesses, redeems and heals.
    The Lord is admirable.
    Amen, Amen.

June 19                                 #591

    My children, in spite of all that is negative around you, I am glad because nothing stops you.
    You are enriching your spirits with the words that come to you from the Lord.  Go on obeying God, all of you.  Continue walking beside me, my Mantle protects you.
    Amen, Amen.

June 20                                 #592

    Many times man does not want to understand God, since this would force him to go deep within himself.
    Can this remain beyond God's knowledge?
    Can the Lord be unaware that, for the sake of comfort, man rests in ignorance?
    In this way he presumes to live far from what is good, but he is touching evil.
    The Lord as the Vintager knows His vine, as the Sower, His seeds, and as the Shepherd, His Fold.
    Glory be forever to the Lord.

    Read: 1 Cor.  10:12-13.

June 20                                 #593

    In the afternoon the Blessed Virgin says to me:

    Daughter, true and pure love comes from the Lord and is fed by the Lord.
    Blessed be the child who does not rise against God and does not sin, because that child is obedient to the Eternal Father's commandments.
    Amen, Amen.

June 21                                 #594

    My children, I speak to you with my Heart.
    Build your spiritual life on faith in the Lord.  That will be your answer to the Lord, since faith is the foundation of hope.
    Every child's happiness must be in the hope for Eternal Life in the Lord.
    Amen, Amen.

June 22                                 #595

    In the morning:

    I watch over you, my children.
    You call upon God, but, how far the Lord is for many of you.
I tell you, be constant in prayer and do not despair; the Lord gives Light to all.
    May your humility be known to the Lord.
    Glory be the Most High God.

June 24                                 #596

    In the morning She says to me:

    Give thanks to the Lord because He comforts all.  Give Him thanks, because you are the cause of His contemplation and give Him thanks because He bears you in His Heart.
    Amen, Amen.

June 24                                 #597

  In the evening, at the "Campito" [the field chosen and blessed by Our Lady and the site of the new Sanctuary] She says to me:

    Never in the suffering of a child will the Mother's love be absent.  You are blessed, because you do not leave this Holy place desolate.
    My beloved children!

June 25                                 #598

    Daughter, I am the Mother who guides you to the Truth, the Mother who shows you the perfect path towards the Lord.
    I am the Mother, forever Mother.
    Amen, Amen.

June 26                                 #599

    The Mother is always a reason for hope, because the Mother does not disappoint.  I belong to all my children, although some do not yet know me.

June 27                                 #600

    Rejoice!  To suffer on account of the Lord is health for the soul; it is to live for Christ.  This is life in Christ.
    Glory be forever to the Lord.

June 28                                 #601

    Poor are those who are blinded by insane feelings, my daughter.
    Poor those who defame, those who want to build on muddy ground; poor, because they become unworthy before the Lord.
    I tell them: Have peace in your hearts my children, go to God; may your actions be directed by God.
    Sow peace and you will reap peace.
    Amen, Amen.

Read: Ecclus.  19:22-24.

June 30                                 #602

    Do not let your voices weaken, because you are preaching God's Word.  The disciple must listen to his master, the son to his father.  In these messages God is heard and known.
    Blessed are those who respond to the Lord.  Glory be to the Lord.
Read: Is.  30:8. 

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January / February / March / April / May / June / July / August /
September / October / November / December

July 1,1985                                #603

    In the morning I see Jesus, and He says to me:

    All hope must be placed in God, since the wonders of the kingdom await those who believe in God's justice.

    Later I see the Blessed Virgin:

    Listen to my Beloved Son, may it serve to awaken you.  There are souls that are still asleep; it is my duty to remind you.  Glory be to God.

    After She speaks to me, I go on seeing Her and I have a vision.  I see a chalice on an altar; it is full of wine.  For a moment I see it so full that it overflows.  More than wine, it seems to be blood.  The Virgin says to me:

    It is the Most Precious Blood of Jesus being offered.

July 2                                 #604

    Daughter, you know of my fragility, my docility, and my strength.  I need to be strong and I am strong, as the work of the Lord is involved, and nothing can affect it.  That is why I am here, for that purpose.
    My daughter, the Lord's work is so prodigious!  It bears the salvation of the souls so beloved to the Lord.
    All glory forever be to Him.

July 3                                #605

    I tell my children: Break away from your own sufferings, because Christ will enter there, and Christ will heal there.
    Wherever you are,  my children, no matter how great your grief, seek the Lord and trust in Him.
    May no one doubt the Lord.
    Amen, Amen.

July 4                                #606

    My daughter, it is cause for horror and much sorrow to see such wickedness, and to know of such ill thoughts in many of my children.
    That behavior is not at all agreeable to God, and it is very bad to act like that.
    With this attitude, hearts are destroyed and the Lord is offended; He, who is showing Himself and offering a new life.
    I ask for reflection and inner meditation.
    Glory be to God.

Read: Eph. 5:1-2

July 5                                #607

    Daughter, in all cities, in every corner, the Lord's words said to you should be made known.
    Nothing must be hidden.  I say preach, then preach it.
    The Lord is the Law, in Heaven and on earth.
    Amen, Amen.

July 6                                #608

    You must hope in the Lord.
    He tries His Children, but does not leave them unprotected.  The sweetness of His Love is poured on you.
    My children, may bitterness not be your company, may grief not be reflected in tears.  Celebrate the approach towards Him, that the Lord is allowing you.
    Praise be to Him.

July 9                                #609

    Not everything is corrupt in the world, but a great part is.
    This great part is what must be fully and completely renewed, since they despise God.  They are God's enemies.  They are being used by the devil craftily and very coldly.
    The enemy has not the warmth with which the Lord treats His children, the ardent Love of His Heart,  nor the greatness of God to give Eternal Life.
    Praise be to the Lord.

Read: 2 Cor.  7:1, Col. 3:2

July 10                               #610

    How poor the weak are, my daughter, and by not confessing it, their weakness deepens.  They do not ask for the necessary help to lean on, that is God Almighty.
    This Novena will be for the weak in faith, for the Lord to strengthen them and grant them His Peace.
    My dears, ask for spiritual strength and it will be given to you.  It will appear like a light in the darkness, because the Lord is the Light of the hopeful. Pray this:

Strengthen me, Lord,
with your inexhaustible Love.
Look at my poor soul
and have pity on me.
Fill my heart, my spirit,
all my being, with faith.
Receive me and guide me.
May You be blessed.

July 11                               #611

    Just is the Lord, my daughter, and no one should be horrified of His trials, as they always go together with His Mercy.  The Lord goes on working; there is fullness in the Lord.
    Praise be to Him.

July 14                               #612

    In the night I see Jesus, and He says to me:

    There are truly rebellious people.  That is why My dear Mother speaks to you, to draw out the hardness from their heart.  Only this way will they not suffer.
    Let everything that My Mother tells you be known.  God permits it.

    Later I see the Blessed Virgin alone and She says to me:

    Daughter, I know all and everyone.  I will shake them and convert them.  What great joy I feel when I see a child converted! for a repentant child will never live in darkness again because he is already with the Lord.
    Amen, Amen.

July 15                               #613

    In days of anguish, of suffering, of spiritual leanness, entreat the Divine Heart of my Son, and He will dwell in your hearts.
    He will calm you and you will find reward in Him.
    Have thirst for God, my children, and God will quench it. Glory be to Heaven.

July 16                               #614

    Daughter, the offerings to the Lord rejoice Me.  They have much of self giving, of sacrifice, and of love.
    An offering to the Lord is to open one's heart to Him, to give oneself to Him and, if it is spontaneous, it is so much more appreciated.
    Praise be to the Lord.

July 17                               #615

    My children, start to pray and you will see nothing confusing, since later you will see the fruits.
    Your Mother tells you, Love leads to Love.
    Children, come to Him, to Jesus Christ.
    Glory be to the Lord.

Read: Jn. 6:35,63.

July 18                               #616

    Daughter, poor are those, who feeding the body, forget the spirit; poor also, the enemy's friends.
    It is good to love God and it is good to know how to benefit with God's wisdom.
    Amen, Amen.

Read: Luk.6:24-25.

July 19                               #617

   My daughter, blessed be the Lord, who takes pity on His children.
    Do not forget that He does not promise only a part, He promises you all.  He promises you Eternity.
    May the Lord's Word be known to His children.
    Amen, Amen.

July 20                               #618

    The Lord has poured His Mercy on you, my children.  The Lord does not want you to draw away.
    With His presence, hope appears.
    Praise the Lord.

July 21                               #619

    Today I have a vision.  I see something burning, I do not know what it is, but I see a lot of fire and later, there is much water that puts the fire out.  The Virgin says to me:

    The water you see is the Lord's strength that sweeps the malignant, who wants to destroy that which is so hard to achieve: faith in the Lord and love for the Lord!
    Glory be to Him forever.

July 22                               #620

    The Lord takes nothing away, the Lord gives.
    Listen, I want you near the Lord, I want that many of you should receive Him.
    With Christ Jesus you will not fall down, you will be raised.
    Amen, Amen.

July 23                               #621

    I am your eyes, let me show you where you must go.
    I am your ears, and I will help you to listen to God.
    Be you my mouth, preaching my messages.
    Glory be to God.

Read: Jn. 17:20,24.

July 24                               #622

    My daughter, the Lord will save your brethren when they forget of themselves.
    When they offer themselves and belong to the Lord, and when they are firmly convinced as to who is the true Savior.
    Amen, Amen.

July 25                               #623

    My daughter, I will place my hands today on my children and the Grace of God will touch them.
    My Heart will receive them and will carry them towards my Beloved Son.
    Praise be to the Lord.

July 26                               #624

    The Lord's Spirit is powerful, my children.  May your faithfulness be as the Lord expects.
    Listen with attention; I address you, to be with you.
    Amen, Amen.

July 27                               #625

    My children, don not feel like orphans.  You have your Mother who loves you , and is ready to defend you.
    Do not forget,  my people, that the Lord also asks you not to rebel.
    Christ Jesus is faithful to His faithful.
    Glory be to the Most Holy.

Read: Jer. 7:23, 13:17

July 28                                 #626

    I say to your brethren: You are praying the Holy Rosary as I asked you.  It is necessary,  my children; that is why I insist.
   If all of you did it, you would find in the Holy Rosary, the tie that joins the children to the Heavenly Mother.
    Beside your Mother is Christ Jesus.  Beginning now, prepare to go on praying and praising the Lord.
    Amen, Amen.

July 29                                 #627

    Children, do not feel miserable, bear the difficult times with fortitude.
    I will help you.  I will not let sorrows accumulate, you will not be overloaded with them.  There are not years, not even days of suffering for the Lord's children.
    Glory be to God.

July 30 #628

    The Lord will deliver you from all your sorrows, and will take care of your souls.
    My children, this will happen if you are at peace with Him.  Your Mother tells you so.
    Praise be to the Lord.

July 31                                 #629

    Children, do not fail to entrust yourselves to Christ, for He gives Love magnanimously with great Love.  Be conscious of how much the Lord loves you.
    Amen, Amen.

Read: Heb.  12:5. 

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January / February / March / April / May / June / July / August /
September / October / November / December

August 1, 1985                                 #630

   Daughter: Healthy is the soul of the man who flees from sin and falsehood.
   He who accepts what comes from Above.
   He who does not withdraw from the Truth, that is the Lord.
   He who desires His Light.
   He who is permanently with Christ.
   He who does not doubt His power, and
   he who gives himself completely to the Lord.
   Praise be forever to God.

Read: 1 Sam.  2:6-7.

August 2                             #631

   The Lord does not ask too much, only what you can give.  Bring yourselves before the Lord, full of wishes to please Him and to obey Him.
    The Lord's blessing is with you.
    Glory be to the Most High God.

August 3                                 #632

    My children, I ask you to go to Church and to take part in Holy Mass, because during it, you will feed on the Bread of Life, that is Christ Jesus.
    Nourished by Him, no evil coming from outside will reach you, since Jesus will destroy it.
    Go then, in search of fortitude.  Know that He waits for you.  Amen, Amen.

August 5                                 #633

    Children, You know that I speak to you, that I am very near you.  I want you to be very near my Heart.

    I see a light blue and white flag, it is our flag, and another bigger one, all blue, it is a light blue.  I ask her why I see these flags and she tells me:

    It is that I protect your country, I protect Argentina.  This message is for your people.

    The large flag is the color of Her Mantle.

August 6                                 #634

    My daughter, I want to tell you some more about Jesus and this Mother who suffered so much for Him - something from His childhood.
    Daughter, my breasts fed Him, my arms cradled Him, my lips pronounced words bearing much love for God, His Father.
    My husband Joseph loved Him deeply, I would say he loved Him like a true son of his.
    Both of us loved and respected our beloved Jesus, but my fear grew as time went by.
    He used to comfort me, saying, 'Mother, I am on the path that My Father drew for Me.  I will go through whatever He sends Me and His Will will be done'.
    Daughter, Jesus gave Himself up for the world so as to save it.  Now He calls the world to meditate, for it not to be condemned, and in God, to find the Life that God promises.

Read:  Jn.  10:26-28.

August 8                                 #635

    This month's Novena will be for all priests, because they are the true apostles of Christ.  Pray for them to not only take a step forward, but also advance with the Lord's Word on their lips and in their hearts.
    The Savior's Mother prays for them, for the sons of Mary.
    Glory be to God.

Read: 2 Tim.  4:1-2.

August 9                                 #636

    I see Jesus and He says to me:

    I am in all.  I know the way they ask, and how much they ask.  To receive, it is necessary to deserve.  He who comes to Me, will receive from Me.

    Later I see the Blessed Virgin:

    This sometimes forgotten Mother, says to her children: You have God, to obey, you have God, to ask forgiveness.  You have God, for your happiness.
   Praise be forever to the Lord.

August 10                                 #637

    The Lord pours Himself on you like a great balm of Love, putting your souls in safety.
    He wants to keep you from darkness.
    Glory be to the Lord.

August 11                                 #638

    Live, full of humility, the Lord asks this of you.
    His Spirit is in the humble, in those who live according to His Word, and in those who are in a perfect state of union with Him.

August 12                                 #639

    Beloved children, say:

       Sacred Heart of Jesus, purify me.
       Holy Spirit, live in me.
       Holy Trinity, come to me.
    Pray this way and all evil will go away from you.  Amen.

August 13                                 #640

    Fear the Lord and His justice.  May there be no rebellion in you and so you will be able to serve Him.
    I do not speak to the winds, I speak to my children.
    Examine each word of the message.
    Amen, Amen.

Read: 1 Cor.  15:58.

August 14                                 #641

    My children, Christ Jesus with His sublime Love and marvelous wisdom makes you grow spiritually.
    Seek the Lord that grants.
    Glory be to the Most Holy.

August 15                                 #642

    The Lord comes to the rescue of the peoples, of those who invoke Him, of those who hope in His Mercy.
    Daughter, the goodness of God is in you.
    May the Lord be praised.

August 17                                 #643

    My dears, like dew, the Lord's blessings fall upon His children.  I ask you, listen to the Truth, for the Truth is calling you.
    Glory be to God.

August 18                                 #644

    Your Mother is humility, piety and union.  Amen, Amen.

August 19                                 #645

    I address those who do not even stop an instant to think in what way the Lord takes pity on His children.
    He wants to see you free from the bonds that enslave you to the evil one.
    Children, hold fast to God and pray to God.
    Praise be to the Lord.

Read: Apoc.  13:9-10.

August 20                                 #646

    Do not despise anything that comes from God.
    My children, accept it, since the Lord feeds you.  Start from today.  Glory be to God.

August 21                                 #647

    Go safely on the Lord's path; He directs your feet.  Blessed be the Almighty!  He wants you to be good Christians.
    Glory be forever to the Lord.

August 22                                 #648

    Children, believe in this counseling Mother, because I bring you peace and love.
    There will be no abyss, nor will there be an end for you, as I will be in your hearts eternally.
    Amen, Amen.

August 25                             #649

    Everything happens by God's Mercy, my daughter, and by God's Mercy, the children come to the Mother.
    I want to revive my children's love for the Lord continually.
    May the meaning of my words reach, stay, and penetrate.  Alleluia!

    Then I see seven white rosebuds.

August 26                                 #650

    I feel happy to hear your brethren ask the Lord for themselves, and for those who live rebelling against the Lord.
    Daughter, the grief of my heart is more piercing, when I see they deny God.
    But there are already many who listen to me and do not abandon the Holy Rosary.  They not only pray it, they strengthen it by praying continually.  This means that the Lord's offsprings are sprouting again.
    Glory be to God

Read: Jer.  23:3-4.

August                                  #651

    I am praying the Holy Rosary.  When I finish and pray the 'Glory Be', the Blessed Virgin says it with me, then She stops.
I ask her why She prayed it and She says to me:

    Daughter, everybody should pray many Glories, since thus you praise the Lord.  It is marvelous to praise God.  How not to do so, if all Graces are obtained from the Lord!  Pray all of you:

Praise the Lord
who made Heaven and earth.
Praise Him all men.
Blessed be to the Lord
blessed be His Love
Glory, Glory to God!
August 28                                  #652

    I am beside you and do not turn away.  I go lighting hearts, for them to love Jesus the Savior.
    Children, let yourselves obediently be touched by that Flame of Love that wishes to be within you.
    Amen, Amen.

August 29                                  #653

    The Lord is with you every moment, in all your needs.  Remember, the Lord watches over you.
    Be happy!  Where the Lord is, there is absolute safety.
Glory be to God.

August 31                                 #654

    I see Jesus and He says to me:

    God, My Father, arranges His works for them to reach their destination.  The believers, who are faithful to the Creator, will see God's blessing in the messenger.

  Later, I see the Blessed Virgin alone.

    Do not rest on your way, night and day you must preach.
    Praise be to the Lord.

Read: 1 Jn.  1:4-6. 

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January / February / March / April / May / June / July / August /
September / October / November / December

September  1, 1985                            #655

    I say to my children: You are not in a desert, where one is thirsty, but by a great oasis, where you can drink plentifully.  Stop, the Lord is asking you.

September 2                             #656

    My children, in the large cities of the world, atheism and total indifference toward God are usually seen.  The wicked one has risen like an effervescence, covering weak minds with his wickedness and dominating them.
    The Lord sends out His message of warning, of Love, for you to be able to discover what is true, and bury illusions and wickedness.
    Glory be to the Lord.

Read: 1 Sam.  2:9, Ezech.  16:62-63.

September 3                             #657

    Daughter, I feel my children; I live in them.
    I love them so!
     If they were to yield their hearts, so as only to belong to God, they would be the Lord's heirs.  May they hear this.
     Amen, Amen.

September 4                             #658

    The Lord is your God, and He has accomplished His works for you to understand that in these days, the Name of God must prevail over everything.
    Glory be to the Most Holy.

September 5                             #659

    During the night She says to me:

    God save my dear children!

September 6                             #660

    The man who feels protected by the Almighty fears nothing.  Adore the Lord, because His Name is sacred.
    Adore Him, for only through Him will you reach salvation
    Glory be to God.

Read: 2 Cor.  5:14-15.

September 7                             #661

    My daughter, when man begins to see his littleness, then he begins to know God.  When he analyses his poor existence, his scanty strength, and meditates, he understands and holds fast to the Lord.
    He, with His powerful hand, lifts the fallen.  God will reign eternally.  Glory forever to the Lord.

September 8                             #662

    In this Novena, I ask for praise, gratitude and promise to the Lord.
    Praise Him for the greatness of His Love
    Thank Him, for lighting your road.
    As for the promise, my dears, I ask you to promise Him to be completely His.  Thus you will ensure your souls.
    Glory be to the Lord.

    Then, I feel the need of writing:

May the days of my life
be spent praising God.
Mother, deliver my soul
and rejoin me to the Savior.
September 8                             #663

    Children, seek my Heart, and keep it in yours.

September 9                             #664

    The Lord's work is growing, my daughter; the mission is going ahead.  Blessed be my children, who by faith, will reach God's Glory.
    Praise be to the Lord.

Read: Matt.  5:3-12.

September 10                             #665

    In the afternoon I hear voices singing:

You are God and Bread of Life,
You are Light and Eternity,
pure Love offering Yourself
on the earth for peace.
You sow all your seeds,
knowing where they are going.
Oh, marvelous Jesus,
oh, Lord, what great kindness.
  After listening, I see the Blessed Virgin and She says to me:

    They are the angels singing.

September 11                             #666

    Today I see something very ugly; I cannot describe it well.  They look like animals, like those I saw once.
    "Abaddon", that means father of evil.
    Later, I see the Blessed Virgin and She says to me:

    Daughter, the devil acts ferociously, do not be surprised.  He attacks without pity, warping everything he can touch.
    Pray, because prayer strengthens.  You are called by Jesus Christ to pray.
    Blessed be the prayer risen to the Lord!
    Amen, Amen.

September 13                             #667

    I say to your brethren: Can someone not invoke God, at some point of his life?  No one can live without the Lord's help.
    My children, He shows Himself in these messages saying, 'Here I am'.  Read them, and you will confirm it.
    Glory be to the Lord.

September 14                             #668

    My dears, the possessions of this world mean nothing compared to what the Lord offers in His Kingdom.
    Let the ambitions to obtain material possessions pass then and seek what is eternal.
    Amen, Amen.

Read: Jer.  23:23-24.

September 15                             #669

    I tell all my children: The Lord's Grace will be for those who do not deceive themselves, and live for His cause.
    Glory be to God.

Read: Eph.  1:3-9.

September 17                             #670

    Children, open your eyes without fear and you will see the Lord is there. Do not hide.  Remember that one day you will appear before Him.  Praise be to the Lord.
    Preach it.

September 17                             #671

    Today, praise the Lord, because His power is great.

September 17                             #672

    At the Cathedral, She says to me:

    Daughter, tears come from joy, tears come from sorrow, tears come after reconciliation with God.  Amen.

September 18                             #673

    I say to my children, those who are far from God: Save yourselves!  Send the evil one away from you, he only brings death.
    What comes from evil is false, and lasts little.  It exists today; tomorrow it will be nothing.
    Children, it will be enough to trust in the Almighty and Merciful God, for days to be clear and everlasting.
    Glory be to God.
    Preach it

September 20                             #674

    My daughter, how long have I been speaking to all my children, to bring them to God!
    I, who know them and know how lost they are, offer them the path to the Lord, as the most precious thing I can offer.  I want to guide men for them to go to the Lord and stay by Him.
    Amen, Amen.
    Preach it.

Read: Col.  3:4.

September 20                             #675

    Children, thank the Lord for His infinite kindness.

September 21                             #676

    My daughter, the Love that my adored Son has in His Heart for all of you cannot be imagined.  This Love is full of hope, and the Lord wants you to partake in that hope which means Life.
    Blessed be the Lord for His Eternal Glory.
    Preach it.

September 23                             #677

    In the morning, I see Jesus.  He says to me:

    I speak to you because I know I am listened to.  God sends trials, because trials strengthen weaknesses.  God speaks of Hope and Love, because the Father's Love goes together with the Hope in salvation, offered by the Son.

September 23                             #678

    In the afternoon I see the Blessed Virgin and she says to me:

    I tell your brethren: Do not let time pass, because time does not stop.
    My children, the Lord is revealing great things to you, consider them, as they belong to the Lord.  Glory be to God in Heaven and on earth!

September 24                             #679

  I am at church and I say: 'Mother, what peace'.  I see the Blessed Virgin and she says to me:

    In God's House you will always find peace, because He is love, solitude, gentleness and peace.

September 25                             #680

    I ask you to pray, dear children.  Praying, one is with the Most Holy God.  With prayer one asks and receives from God.  I am with you; I come to rescue the Lord's faithful children.

Mother, I believe in your Love, because it is everything in our life.
I believe in your humility, it will take our pride from us and make us humble.
I believe in your advice, that will make us good and generous.
I believe in your faithfulness to God, because it will make us, your children, faithful.
I believe in you, who is the key that will open to us the doors of the Lord's kingdom.
I believe in your refuge, because we find it in You.
I believe in You, Mother, and in your Mantle extended over the world, that shelters us and saves us from death.
September 25         (Anniversary)             #681

    During the night She says to me:

    Daughter, these are two years of Love, two years since I am waiting for my children.  But I want all to know that I have not finished yet.  A Mother has much to advise her children.

September 25                             # 681 bis

    My daughter:  I'll tell you the meaning of the seven stars.
"They are seven Graces that my Son Jesus Christ will bestow on those who wear it upon their chest".
    Praise be to the Lord

September 26                             #682

    Your city is "The City of Mary" and it will be forever a place of encounter with Jesus and His Mother.
    Let no one try to stand in my way.  Whoever wants to follow the Lord, follow me.
    Amen, Amen.

September 27                             #683

    Daughter, conversion has started in this country, I see a form of despair to be clean from sin. The faults of sinners are so many!
    I say to my children: Do not despair, do not let yourselves be saddened; the Lord knows what your behavior was like.  He also knows of your anxiety to bring your hearts near His Heart.
    Glory be to the Lord.

Read: 1 Sam. 2:3, Prov.1:8-9.

September 28                             #684

    Dear children, go to Christ, live for Christ, pity on you if you failed to do so; pity on the souls who have no knowledge of God.
    Praise be to Him.

Read: 1 Cor.  7:35. 

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January / February / March / April / May / June / July / August /
September / October / November / December

October 1, 1985                             #685

    My children, to the eyes of whoever wants to see, the Lord will show His Love and His Power.  Show yourselves strong and sure in God.
    May He be praised forever.

October 2                             #686

    Do not let this hour, in which I call you pass, my children.  It is the hour of the Light that shines; I want to lead you to It.
    This is the fruit of God's Love.
    Glory be to the Lord.

October 4                             #687

    I say to your brethren: My children, you are protected by the Lord, do not deny yourselves to His Will.
    It is my wish that you should listen to Him, because His Word is just.
    Glory be forever to God.

October 5 #688

    (Today I pray for the ill)

    Daughter: Blessed be the humble and those who suffer, because they will be rewarded by the Lord's Mercy.
    Blessed be the repentant and those who trust in Him, because they will enjoy salvation.
    Blessed be all those who love Christ Jesus, and give themselves without reserve.  They will know His Divine Love.
    Amen, Amen.

Read: Jn.  15:14-15.

October 6                             #689

    I tell my children: Pray the Holy Rosary with love, with devotion, and with real trust in the Lord.
    Raise your voices in prayer, asking the Lord for forgiveness, and your Mother will intercede before the Almighty for the sinners.
    I assure you, my daughter, that my Heart would suffer less anguish, if I knew that my children want to be forgiven by the Lord.
    Amen, Amen.

October 7                             #690

    Daughter, what marvels the Lord carries out!  How great His works!  His Grace reaches His children.  No one who lives for Him will ever perish.  Amen.

October 8                             #691

    Everyone follow the Lord, adore the Lord.  I do not speak to you of death, but of Life.  I speak of Christ Jesus!
    Truly happy will be those who do not reject the Lord.
    Praise be.

October 9                                 #692

    My daughter, I ask in this Novena, for my children to come to the Holy Church; there are many  who are far and who do not know it.  It SHOULD be seen as a true source of peace for souls as the Church is Christ Himself.
    My children, in the Holy Church you will have a full encounter with the Lord, and you will understand that to join Her is to join the Lord.
    To feel love for the Church, is to feel love for Christ.

October 11                                 #693

    The Lord does not ask great sacrifices to deserve eternity; He only asks to live Christianly.  Put it in practice, trust in your Mother who says to you: God's Word is rich in wisdom.
    Glory be to the Lord

Read: Col.  2:6, 3:1.

October 12                             #694

    I say to my children: Let the Lord act!  To the extent that you do so, you will become transformed, because His Love is inexhaustible.
    Glory be to God.

October 13                             #695

    In the morning, I see Jesus,  from His breast a white light shines (it is His heart).  He says to me:

    If people pray and do as I have asked, those people will live in peace and will be protected by Me.

October 14                             #696

    In the afternoon I see the Blessed Virgin, She says to me:

    I say to all my children: You will see how much is achieved by loving Jesus.  He is hope and life of Christians, the victor over death, and the Savior of souls.
    All Glory be to the Lord.

October 15                             #697

    May all men understand that the presence of God is necessary to live.  It should not be doubted any longer.
    Amen, Amen.

Read: Wis.  3:9-11.

October 16                              #698


Oh, Lord my God,
I call upon You in my sorrow.
Seek the souls that offend me,
come close and awaken them


Beloved be You forever,
blessed be Your Name,  Lord.
You give us Your Heart.
Glory, Glory to the Lord.

You teach us Your path,
You lead us with Love.
I praise, Lord, Your Name.
Glory, Glory to the Lord.

October 17                             #699

    My daughter, your brethren must abandon in the hands of the Lord.  Thus, yielding to Him, they will be reached by His blessing.
    Blessed be the Lord.
    The children who come to Christ in this Novena will receive a Grace.

October 18                             #700

    Daughter, here is the Lord, for my children to find in Him, where to rest their sorrow.  The Lord listens to them.
    But pity on them who do not listen to the Lord; they will become children of evil.
    Let them be very careful, since evil generates wickedness.  Amen, Amen.

Read: Lk.  12:8-9.

October 19                             #701

    I say to my children: I hope you understand and humbly accept what the Lord so wisely says to you.  He awaits your reply.
    Glory be to the Lord forever and ever.

October 20                             #702

    Daughter, sometimes the Lord lets men act, but they behave like fools.
    Such is their stubbornness, that their attitude shows how little man is.
    He who acts with humility does not fall in vanity, but is praised, because he lets the Lord act.
    Amen, Amen.

October 21                             #703

    At every time, and at every place, God is; and with Him, His Justice.
    My Heart speaks to you, my dears.
    Do not bury these words, bear them in mind always.  They will serve you to give yourselves each day a little more to the Lord.
    Glory be to God.

October 22                             #704

    My children, do not go away from Christ Jesus' footsteps, for they will lead you to the very Heavenly Father.
    Thanks to the Lord's generosity, you will be able to arrive.  Praise be to the Lord.

October 24                             #705

  In the afternoon, I pray for an ill person.  I see the Blessed Virgin and She says to me:

    I do not take my eyes from my dear children.
    Blessed are those who trust in the Mother of Jesus, because their trust will be rewarded.
    Amen, Amen.

October 25                             #706

    I want to enter the door that separates me from many of my children, from those who claim to be abandoned by the Lord, and from those who, believing themselves powerful, reject Him.
    I tell them: Listen, I come to help you!  What I say to you are the Lord's words.  Do you think that by despising God, you will not be judged?
    You are all His children, whether you accept it or not, and you cannot deceive the Lord.
    That is why the Lord wants to give peace to the world, by giving peace to souls.
    Amen, Amen.

Read: Is.  57:18-19, 59:1-2.

October 25                            #707

    At the Cathedral, during Holy Mass, at the second elevation of Jesus' Body and Blood, I hear His Voice saying:

    "You are in the plenitude of my Supper"

October 27                             #708

    I say to your brethren: You must grow in love and humility.  Do not withdraw from the good road, and tears will not run down your faces.
    Clean your spirit in prayer and confession.  Blessed are those who fear the Lord.
    Amen, Amen.

Read: Ecclus.  14:1-2,8-9.

October 28                             #709

    Daughter, I want to transmit the Love that Jesus feels for humanity, that pure, immaculate Love that shows Itself to save human nature.
    Praise be to the Redeemer.

Read: Jn.  6:40.

October 29                             #710

    Dear children, Life is God, eternally God.  Love Him, and He will live in you.  Glory be to the Lord.

October 30                             #711

    You can be sure that the Lord knows when, and to what extent you need Him.  The Lord knows everything, gives everything, and reaches everyone.
    Praise be to Him. 

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November 2, 1985                             #712

    My daughter, my Heart beats to the supplicant prayer of my children.
    By God's Grace, I stay among you.  By God's' Grace, you may continue to receive graces.
    Glory be to Him forever.

November 3                             #713

    I tell you, my children, God's justice will always be everywhere!  Commend yourselves to the Lord, and fill yourselves with His Word.
    Amen, Amen.

Read: Rom.  1:18-20.

November 4                             #714

    Dear children, I will show you what you can do to overcome evil, and who can give you the necessary energy.
    I give you the Lord's teachings!  With Him, all wickedness is overcome.
    Glory be to Heaven.

November 5                             #715

    I say to your brethren: Awake!  The Lord's voice rises; it is not a murmur.  It is His potent voice.  Awake and hope in the Lord.
    Glory be to God.

November 6                             #716

    Serve the Lord, by pleasing the Lord.  No one who resists God is happy, because by ignoring Him, a lasting unhappiness is acquired.
    May God be present in all your acts, and you will obtain mercy from the Lord.
    Amen, Amen.

Read: Col.  2:9-10.

November 8                             #717

    The Lord is over you.
    Strengthen your faith and the Holy Spirit will pour Himself out, so that you will feel that Christ lives in you.
    Praise be to the Lord.

November 9                             #718

    Daughter, today I speak to parents.  In this Novena, turn with dedication to the Lord, for Him to enlighten your children in their progress through life.
    Parents, be responsible for their steps, and direct them towards the Lord's footsteps, for them to be able to say: 'From God we come, and towards God we go'.
    Blessed and praised be the Lord.

November 10                             #719

    In the afternoon I see Jesus.  He says to me:

    Some ask God to be clement at these times.
    If the wish of repentance is sincere, they will have God's clemency.

    I feel the need to write:

Oh, Jesus, how much sweetness there is in Your eyes!
What security Your Face gives,
You, who loves us so,
Forgive our blindness,
and make us love You more every day.
    Later I see the Blessed Virgin and She says to me:

    Daughter, the world's love does not cover God's Love.
    That is why I tell my children: Act properly, as Christians, and so you will correspond to the Lord.
    May nothing separate you from God.
    Blessed be he, who being tempted, does not fall in sin.
     Amen, Amen.

Read: Apoc.  3:12.

November 11                             #720

    I say to your brethren: My children, prepare your heart to bear the cross, day after day.  Do not forget the Lord.
    He comforts, He covers all needs.
    be to Heaven.

November 11                             #721

    At the afternoon Mass at the Cathedral, when I received Holy Eucharist, I heard the voice of the Blessed Virgin that said to me:

    This is for you, Love, Strength and Life.

November 12                             #722

    I say to all my children: The Lord has opened a new road for you, a road you did not know of.
    Come with me and you will know it.  I will lead you to the Lord; He will heal your souls.
    Amen, Amen.

Read: Ezech.  38:23.

November 13                             #723

    During the morning I am praying the Holy Rosary.  When I finish, I see the Blessed Virgin.  She looks at me, smiles, and says:

    Prayer clears the mind, strengthens the spirit, and opens the heart.

November 15                             #724

    My children, it is necessary to pray the Holy Rosary, as the prayers it consists of, help to meditate.
    In the 'Our Father', you place yourselves in the Lord's hands asking for help.
    In the 'Hail Mary', you learn to know your Mother, who humbly intercedes for Her children before the Lord.
    And in the 'Glory', you glorify the Blessed Trinity, divine source of Graces.
    I ask you, meditate this message, so as to be able to pray as pleases the Lord.
    Praise be to Him.

November 16                             #725

    I say to your brethren: Nothing should sadden you, the Lord works in all His children, removes all sorrow.
    Have complete trust in the Lord.  Glory be to God.

November 17                             #726

    In the afternoon, at Mass at the Cathedral, after Holy Eucharist, I hear the Blessed Virgin's voice saying to me:

    You have been fed with the Most Precious Food.

November 18                             #727

    In the morning.

    Daughter, the thorns will continue piercing Jesus' brow, while today's unbelievers go on attacking His Holy Church.
    This Mother tells these children: The water and the blood from my Son's side wash away all faults, and His wounds make you understand that you must be converted.
    Love and respect this body that is the Holy Church, as Christ is its Head.
    Amen, Amen.

November 18                             #728

  In the afternoon, Jesus says to me:

    My Heart is beating.  I am here, like a child about to be born, waiting to come out so as to expand in each person.

November 20                             #729

     My children, the Lord awaits.  Blessed is he who seeks Him, and is thirsty for His love.  Praise be to the Lord forever.

November 21                             #730

    I ask the Blessed Virgin what will happen with the souls that died in Colombia, and she says to me:

    There is a promise of salvation only for the child who complies with God's wishes.
    Those souls have been judged by the Almighty Lord.  Each one will be judged according to what he did.
    Daughter, salvation is within everyone's reach; God is within everyone's reach.  To repent for past bad actions, and to do God's Will in the future, is all He asks.
    It is little compared to what the Lord offers.
    Amen, Amen.

Read: Acts 15:17-18.

November 22                             #731

    I say to your brethren who have strayed from the Right Road: Do not abandon yourselves in ignorance, know Christ Jesus.
    But know Him truly, and you will have peace.  Amen, Amen.

Read:  2 Tim.  2:15.

November 24                             #732

    Glory be to God for the children that love one another, who join in marriage before God, and seek His blessing.
    Glory be to God for those who respect that union, that the Lord blesses.
    Glory be to God.

  Mother, I think of those who want divorce.

    Daughter, they commit a very serious sin, as it is an attempt against God, because this is a unique and indissoluble bond.

November 25                             #733

    This morning, I say to your brethren: From this day, deep furrows, ineffaceable, will remain in you, I assure you.
    Here, life, hope and faith are reborn, all because of the Lord.  All is a consequence of His work.
    My children, there are no fears if God lives in hearts.
    Praise be to the Lord.

November 2                            6 #734

In the afternoon.

    My dears, thank the Lord, Who makes His Word known.
    Hear this voice that says to you: The reason for everything is God.
    Live in God and you will live forever.  Amen, Amen.
Read: Bar.  3:14.

November 27                             #735

  The Blessed Virgin says to me:

    Honor your Holy Patron, who is protected by God, and also watches over this city.  Glory be to God.

November 27                             #736

    During Holy Mass at the second elevation, I hear the Blessed Virgin's voice saying to me:

    With the Father's blessing, you will feed on my Son on this day.  Amen.

November 28                             #737

    I tell my children: Break the bonds that tie you to the materialistic world you live in, and join the Lord.  Your surrender will be rewarded, He Himself promises it.
    Follow Me, says the Lord!  Glory be to God.
Read: Matt.  10:37-39.

November 29                             #738

    Many souls have not understood that God is supremacy, that the Lord is Glory forever.  Amen, Amen. 

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December 1, 1985                             #739

    My dears, receive Christ Jesus, with much joy in your hearts!
It is a Grace of the Lord, that He is giving you.  Do not exclude it, do not let these days pass.
    Glory be to the Lord.

December 2                             #740

    My daughter, the Lord encourages His children to live in peace.  Many are those who forget His benevolence.  Blessed be the Lord in Heaven and on earth.  Amen, Amen.

December 3                             #741

    Love for God must grow in the world.  Bear the Lord deep within you, otherwise you may be devoured by the evil one.
I am warning you, my children!  Amen, Amen.
Read: 2 Cor.  6:15-16.

December 4                             #742

    The Lord is not the God of the proud, nor of the arrogant.  He is the God of the humble and the just.  He is not God of hatred and falsehood, He is God of love and truth.
    Oh, my daughter, how many souls are lost by living so vainly, between scandals and corruption, without seeing purity, without feeling the beat of Jesus' Heart.
    I call the world, I wait for the world.
    Praise be to the Almighty!

December 5                             #743

    I say to my children: You are to Me like new born babies, that need the love of their Mother, their Mother's warmth and their Mother's nourishment.
    I will lead you and help you to grow in love for the Lord.  I only ask you, let yourselves be guided.
   Glory be to God.

December 6                             #744

    Today I see the Blessed Virgin and she says to me:

    Daughter, blessed be the stones, if they help you at each stumble to rise, yearning to continue on.
     It is incomprehensible for those who are cold-hearted, that the Lord should show Himself this way, that He should bless the unfortunate, open their eyes and make them discover a tomorrow full of hope.
    I tell them: My children, do not fall ill from ignorance, do not become dry straw.  He who refuses the Lord seeks his end, not his life!  Amen, Amen.

December 7                             #745

    Daughter, I speak to those who live without living.  Man, by man's strength achieves nothing.  As soon as he decides to see his insignificance, there he will see the Lord's greatness.
    Blessed are those who rest in Him.  Amen, Amen.

December 8                             #746

    On this day this Mother expects from her children, that your hearts and your thoughts be in a continual growth toward the Lord.
    May the Almighty be praised today, and in days to come, forever and ever.

    The Virgin was alone and with her hands stretched out toward me.  A lot of light came from them.

December 9                             #747

    My children, open your eyes and you will see, seek and you will find.  The Lord will show you  that the time dedicated to  God is not barren.  Amen, Amen.
Read: 1 Jn.  2:28-29.

December 10                             #748

    Daughter, in this Novena, may each one have within, an intention and petition to the Lord.  Every day of the Novena, you will say the Holy Rosary with the Joyful Mysteries, waiting for the day on which you recall the birth of my beloved Son, the Savior.
    My dears, loving Jesus, you will be saved.  May He be loved and glorified!  Alleluia.

December 11                           #749

  This morning the Blessed Virgin says to me:

    Become rich in humility, my children, and you will reach one of the Lord's greatest riches.  Glory be to Heaven.
    This message is for all your brethren.

December 11                               #750

    In the afternoon I see her again and she says to me:

    The Lord enables you to attain clearness, for you not to stray and not to get lost.
    Everything comes at its time, as the grapes ripen on the vine.  You, like good Christians, will also go ripening.  Amen, Amen.

December 12                              #751

    Daughter, Christ Jesus wants to see love in each of your brothers, that is why I say to my dear children:

Love the sun at its birth,
love the rain that wets,
love the birds and the flowers.
Love the fields and the crops,
love life and beautiful things.
Love the world, love peace.
Everything was created by God,
everything was given to you by God.
December 13                           #752

    Daughter, in the world there is such absence of God!
The Lord, in His goodness, goes to meet His children showing His straight road.  Those who walk on it, will be called God's children.  Praise be to Him.
Read: 2 Mach. 7:6.

December 14                           #753

  This morning I see Jesus and He says to me:

    Youth is in a permanent unbalance and in danger of a total disintegration.
    The majority do not build on truth, because they do not know justice, they do not love God.   The young of the world must know that God imposes nothing, God wishes to live in men.  There is a dawn waiting, a door through which will pass My Father's guests, My Father's chosen ones.

    Later I see the Blessed Virgin, she says to me:

    Seek relief in the Lord, do not show indifference nor pride.
Do not hide your hearts from the Light, that will harm you and you will not please the Lord.  Glory be to God.

December 15                           #754

    This morning the Blessed Virgin is alone, her hands together holding a rosary.  The folds of her dress move very softly, as if a slight breeze should move them.  She is in the midst of a brilliant light.  I see her beautiful.
    She speaks slowly and very low, but I hear well.  She is more or less two meters away.

December 16                           #755

    Gives thanks to God because He fortifies you.  Pray all of you, in the assurance that the Lord witnesses His children's work.
    Do not fail the Lord.  Amen, Amen.
Read: 1 Ptr. 3:15-17.

December 17                            #756

    Know me well, my children!  Through these messages, I speak to you for the good of your souls.
    You are fortunate, as the Lord in His infinite Mercy wants it so.  Blessed be the Lord.

December 18                           #757

    Faithfulness to the Lord is necessary for your good, my dears.  Announce the Lord's peace, the Lord's hope.  Amen. Amen.

December 20                           #758

    I say to you: Man does not weaken when the Lord is within him.  Be open to faith and there will be no distance separating you from Christ Jesus.  Praise be to Him!
Read: Jn. 16:33

December 23                           #759

    I see the Blessed Virgin and she says to me, very softly:

    Daughter, today I will reveal to you the birth of my beloved and sweetest Son.
    He came out of my womb in the same way as He was put there; I mean without being touched.
    He was born driven by the Almighty God's Spirit.  I felt no pain, I only felt that my womb opened and closed, but it was only a sensation, because no trace remained in me, and I remained intact, like before.
    That was His marvelous birth, by the Grace of God the Father. Amen.

December 24                           #760

    I way saying a mystery of the Holy Rosary, when I reached the "Glory" I saw the blessed Virgin alone.  I heard her voice join mine in prayer, in a supplicant attitude with her hands together, looking downwards, praying slowly, at the same rate as I.
    Later she said to me:

    Yes my daughter, that is how one must pray, unhurried, meditating.  The time to glorify the Lord is short, praise Him then, without rest.  Blessed be the Lord of the universe!

December 24                               #761

    At the Cathedral, during the Christmas Eve Mass, after going to communion, she says to me:

    I guide you towards the new life, towards the eternal Light. Amen.

December 25                               #762

    My children, receive this day with joy!
Go, making Jesus grow within your hearts, with infinite Love, with that infinite Love that He feels for you.
    I ask of you.
    Glory to the Lord.

December 26                               #763

    Daughter, I want your brethren to surrender to the Lord.      Those who are unable to detach themselves from materialism, those who fall in human weaknesses, those that are tempted by satan, must pray, saying:

Lord, take me by Your Hand,
I do not want to lose Your Way.
Take the enemy from my side,
only you can do it.
Heal my wounded heart,
to fill it with Your Name.
    This prayer will move them.
Glory be to God.
Read: Hosea 12:6-7, 14:10.

December 27                               #764

    I know my children one by one, that is why I say to you: Do not fear, the unprotected, I will protect you.  Do not fear, the weak, I will strengthen you.    I am not far; I am very near those who seek the Lord.  I remind you, with God you will be able to enjoy God's life.
    Perpetual glory be to the Lord.

December 29                               #765

  At Holy Mass at 'Del Carmen' Home, when the Bishop took communion, I heard Jesus' voice say to me:

    I am the reconciler between My Father and men.

December 30                               #766

    Obey the Lord's voice and you will be blessed.  Obey and there will be no confusion in your spirit.  It is necessary to follow the Lord so as to build, as wisdom comes from Him.
Praise be to Him.
Read: Titus 3:8.

December 31                               #767

    My children, how many times are you tempted during the day?  How often do you call upon God to reject those temptations?  You, God's children, show that you are, by letting Him direct your way.  May the Lord make you meditate.
Amen. Amen.

December 31                               #768

    In the afternoon, I feel the need of writing to Jesus:

Thank You for being my guide,
for  the air I breathe.
Because I can see the day.
For being alive and feeling You within me.
For knowing that I am not alone,
for loving my brothers,
for my family, my home,
for the light You have shed.
Thank You for the joys,
for giving me Your Mother as a Mother,
for the Cross of each day,
Because with it You want to save me.
    The Blessed Virgin says to me:

    Daughter, that should be every Christian's daily prayer. 

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