The visionary
The Sanctuary
The Image
The Stigmas
The Messages
Miraculous Cures
The Medal
The Scapular
The water of the Sanctuary
The Holy Rosary
 The Land of Mary
Attitude of the Church
First Messages(1983)
Messages 1984
Messages 1985
Messages 1986
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Messages 1990
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On March 5th 1986, our Blessed Mother requested Gladys that a Scapular be made.

  "Dear daughter:
                       Please see to it that a Scapular is made.  It must be white, since that is the symbol of purity.  My image will be light blue and pink.  This Scapular will have to be destined  to those phisically or mentally afflicted and  it will be worn by those who really feel the need in their hearts, bacause with the Scapular goes the compromise to pray to Mary of the Rosary.  This is an urgent request.  Amen.  Amen."

 The following is  the text of the decree of the Bishop of St. Nicholas:

"Considering that the use of the Escapular,  accompanied by a suitable catechesis, will benefit the believers, and as a symbol of the Protection of the Mother of the Lord., as a  defense against all evils and as an aid for the physical and spiritual health, it grants approval for the Scapular of Mary of the  Rosary, not considering that  a solemn imposition  is neccessary, and that  it will be enough that it is blessed by a Priest, with the habitual formula ".

The Escapular is destined to those  who want  to receive it, and accept  the spiritual and physical benefits, that by the intercession of the Virgin of the Rosary of St. Nicholas, the Lord wants to grant to them;  this desire to wear it, will imply the commitment to pray to Mary,  listen to the Word of the Son,  receive the Sacraments of the Church, and  live according to the exigencies of the Christian life".

You can order the medal, scapular and water e-mailing to:

The Marian Movement will send them to you bona-fide, asking you to send a check in dollars.
The medal and the water are free and you only have to pay the freight.  The price of the scapular is u$s 1.-

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The visionary
The sanctuary
The Land of Mary
The Image
The stigmas
The Messages
 Miraculous cures
The medal
The scapular
The water of the sanctuary
The Holy Rosary
Attitude of the Church
First Messages(1983)
Messages 1984
Messages 1985
Messages 1986
Messages 1987
Messages 1988
Messages 1989
Messages 1990
Gallery of images

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