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Roy's Toys Shelf
The Greatest Hits
Jetfire-The Transformers, Hasbro
Meat and Potatoes; 5.0 Perks; 5.0
Homer Factor; 5.0
Description; Autbot jet fighter with three transformations.

Approximately 11" tall in robot mode.  The piece is basically a repaint of the Vertitech fighter from 'Macross' in white with red high-lights.  In robot mode, the fighters engines rotate  180 degrees and beome Jetfire's.  The arms are hidden in the same area as the jet engines are pulled out along the side.  The popps out from a similar cavity, and the cockpit is the chest of Jetfire. 

The third transformations, gerwalk, is a modification of the fighter mode.  The legs/jet engines pull down 90 degrees from the body so they're dangling below the fuselage.  The arms are pulled out once again, so Jetfire looks like 1/2 fighter, 1/2 robot.  

Yes, Jetstorm is very cool. Still, one of THE best Transformers is Jetfire.  Ok, technically it's a Veritech fighter from 'Macross' that Hasbro got the license for.  The first time I saw Jetfire, in that humongous box, one word came to mind:  'coooooool.'  Sadly, my Jefitre is far from mint condition; the little clips on the fore-arm armor are beginning to break off, a few chips in the paint on the DIE-CAST METAL parts.  Nonetheless, this is still one of the best Transformers pieces around.

The meat and potatoes of this piece are some of the best.  The sculpt on Jetfire captures an amazing amount of detail; panel lines, maneuvering thrusters, gun-ports in the nose, the works.  Unlike many of the G1 Transfomers, Jetfire has great articulation.  Elbows, knees, as well as shoulders and hips move very well, giving great possability to Jetfire.  On top of all this, there are the little details that make the toy rock; retractable landing gear with spinning metal wheels, the rotating laser-canons on Jetfire's head.  And last, but not least, die-cast metal construction!!!!!!!!!!!!  Ah, life is good.

The perks, naturally, are awesome.  First, the accessories; additional armor and boosters that attach to Jetfire, along with a large honking rifle to wave around.  Next, the transformations from fighter to 'bot to gerwalk are terrific.

Homer Factor?  Please.  When Jetfire first came out in the US, transforming toys in general were a novelty, let along a transforming JET.  Add on the fact this thing was twice the size of the rest of the Transformers, and you can hear the 'ooohhhhhhhhhhhhh' around the country.

So there it is.  Even after all these years of Trans-Metal this, Power Ranger that, this is oldie is still a goodie.  Hey Takara, want another idea for a re-issue?