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The News
It's always amazed me how other websites get their gossip; so-and-so is appearing in an episode of this show next year, et al.  Now, if you're Enterainment Weekly, hey, you have your sources and you have the time.  However, I unfortunately don't have enough of either.  This section is in two parts; the traditional 'What's New' section and something I call 'Truck Day.' 

You ALL know truck day; the day of the week new shipments come in, an entire case of figures on the peg, waiting to be picked through.  Anyway, my purpose to let you know of pieces I have actual seen at shops.  One word of warning; I live in Columbus, OH (Not the most exciting place in the world, but a nice place to live) so I may be either behind or ahead of release dates in your area.  Treat my information as a general guide.  If you happen to have something released in your area, feel free to let me know.

'The world will know that freemen stood against a tyrant, that few stood against many, and that before this battle is done, that even a god king can bleed.'
King Leonidas (Gerard Butler), '300'
Who am I?
So who is this mysterious person writing this page?  Where did he come from?  Where did this massive amount of information come from?  Do I actually have a real job to afford all this stuff?  Ah, time for all of these secrets to be revealed.  Bwahahahahahahahahhahahahahaha! 

I've moved!  I've not got a blog!  More reviews, more rambling, and digital pictures!  FINALLY!!!!
Just lick on to this link for my blog on Yahoo 360!
If you still wanna enjoy my older posts keep peeking here!
What's New
Ah, summer's here!  Grilling!  Summer movies!  And blessing your air-conditioner!  Ok, it's been a bit longer then I hoped, but got more stuff for y'all!

First, two more reviews!  One is for Art Asylums outstanding 'Trek' ship line, the Enterprise E!  The other is another excellent example of the amazing Microman line, Celtic Predator.

Next is an update for the New Yankee Toy Shop!  In memory of the incredible 'Annihilation' mini-series from Marvel here is Nova!  And for those tired of spending hundreds for samurai figures, a wish for a more affordable version!

And of course, there's Truck Day.  Woohoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Yeah, a bit of a hiatus ain't it?  But I'm back with a nice chunk o' reviews!

Nice thing about the holidays and the tax refund is loot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Got five reviews this time around!  Two DC Superhero figures, Luthor and Batman, Thorbuster Iron Man, the new imagining of Jetfire, and last but not least... the Soul of Chogokin Gunbuster!

Wow, it's been a while!  No, not dead, just a busy, fun summer!  Hey, gotta get some sun before the fall kicks in!  And cook outs... and toy conventions... and gaming conventions... ah, the fun of being a geek during convention season!

Anyway, on with the show!  Got a TON of reviews of new product for y'all!

For the action figure fans I've got reviews of the Disney Story exclusive Hercules, the 'Identity Crisis' version of Batman, and the newest GI Joe Sigma Six figure Sigma Strike Duke!  Sweet!

For the robot fans there's the Transformers Hybrid Style Convoy, Galaxy Force Starscream, and last but DEFINITELY not least... a Soul of Chogokin Piece, Battlefever Robo!

And always Truck Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Truck Day!
Actually there's only one entry, but such an important one;

TRANSFORMER TOYS ARE OUT!!!!!!!!  WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ah, lots and lots of stuff!

1. The second line of HASBRO Marvel Legends is out.

2. The outstanding Revoltech figures from Kaiyodo are out there at your local shop.

3. And the 'Spider-Man 3' figures are everywhere! 

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