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Roy's Toys Shelf
Deluxe Heman and Skeletor- He-Man and the Masters of the Universe, Mattel
Meat and Potatoes; 4.9
Perks; 5.0
Homer Factor; 4.9
Description;  another great nostalgia piece.

The key protagonists from Eternia are back, and they're bad!  Both He-Man and Skeletor are approsimately 6" tall.  Both have incredible sculpts that get away from the ''Micheline Man' look and have a leaner, meaner feel , with more detail.  Articulation is good, if not spectacular on both.

Both figures come with very well sculpted weapons and other accessories. 
Ok, I have a confession to make... I never had He-Man figures.  I know, it's a scary truth, but the truth just the same.  Hey, I lived on the 'toon like everyone else, absorbed the corny 'lessons' at the end, had a massive crush on Teela.... ok, I'm digressing.  ANYWAY, the figures... well, I kept seeing super-heroes on steroids with the He-Man figures; LOTS AND LOTS of muscle.  They just were too bloated for my taste.  Time passes, naturally retro makes a huge come-back, so you GOTTA bring back He-Man.  Of course Mattel re-issued the old figures from the original molds.  Whatever.  But then word floated out... new figures?!??!?!?!!!!  Hmmmmmmmmmmmm... this could be interesting.  So what did the Powers that Be do?  Something rather brilliant; got four sculptors from McFarlane Toys to join them and bring new life into the line.  So what do you get when you get four fan-boys re-inventing He-Man?  Some pretty butt-kicking work, that's what.

Meat and potatoes are what you would expect from guys from Todd Toys; awesome.  Ok, only gripe; y'all every heard of KNEES AND ELBOWS.  Hey, these things are pretty hefty, it shouldn't be THAT hard to put some joints in there.  Ok, done.  Besides that, these figures are a huge improvement over the old pieces.  Each figure is still a nice and meaty 6" of plastic, but the sculpts are much leaner and more detailed.  The armor Skeletor wears is a nice gothic-meets-Roman look, with grieves and leather straps galore.  The deluxe version of He-Man has a nice look with chain-mail sculpt on the armor and a nice sorta-sloppy-sorta-cool hair-cut. 

Perks?  Very solid.  Each figures comes with a number of weapons.  The nice touch is the weapons are very well done.  He-Man sword isn't just a piece of silvery plastic, it has great green and gold accents and a wonderful sculpt that gives it a high-tech look.  Skeletor's sword is an awesome two-bladed weapon painted bronze and purple.  Oh, each figure also comes with a nice strap on the back so the weapons can be stowed. 

The extra action features are ok.  The slashing action on Skeletor and He-man are average, a spring inside makes the arms or hips move to duplicate a slashing action.  Whatever.  The Deluxe He-man does come with a voice-chip, however, that duplicates a neat sword-crash noise.

Homer Factor?  For me, at first, it wasn't that big of a deal since I never was into the figures much anyway.  However, after seeing prototypes of the figures... oh yeah. 

Over-all, this is a great piece to have for collectors and kids as well.  The figures are very solid and can take a beating, so kids will knock themselves out with these.  Meanwhile, collectors will be drooling over the incredible sculpting job on these.  In the end, you can't go wrong with these figures.   By the Power of Greyskull!!!!!!!!!!!!!