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Scary Movies.  Eek!
Ok, so this is a little late.  Doh!  So what flicks come to mind that remind me 'Ya know... it's time to sleep with the light ON!

1. 'The Ring'.  What gets you is it sounds like the umpteenth urban legend; you watch the tape, get the call... and then 'poof' you're dead.  The movie builds from the simple tape, to finding the clues of the origin of this little demoness... and then you discover how these victims died... eeeeeeeek! 

2. 'The Exorcist'.  The first time I saw this was sophomore year in college... during a midnight showing.  And no, we didn't sleep until 5 am.  Again, the key is the build-up from small things... to improbable things... to the gates of Hell opening up.  To add to the fear, is a question of the nature of evil... how do you stop it, fight it... contain it? 

3. 'Event Horizon'.  This gets a mixed reaction.  Personally this spooked the snot outta me.  So how bad can it be to use an alternative dimension for space-travel?  Really?  In THEORY, it's not a big deal... accept, what dimension are you using as your short-cut?  Oops....

4. 'Halloween'.  John Carpenter's finest film, and so simple.  Sure it uses the old tricks, like the villain being there one moment, then gone in the next frame.  BUT, this film used those tricks so very well, and built up the tension so it was tighter then a piano string.  And like  'The Exorcist', it's the nature of evil... how can something like this live?  Eeeeeeeeeek!