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Force Commander and Oberon
Ah, the Micronauts!  If you're a Gen-Xer they were one of THE toys to get.  Transformations?  Yep.  Lots of different vehicles and weapons?  Hell yeah!  Tons of cool characters to pick from?  Oh yeah, babe!  So what happened?  Well, the manufacturer, Mego, went belly-up.  The good news it the original creator of the Micronauts is none other then Takara, and they named the line Micro Man in Japan.  And of course, the toy line remained alive and well in Japan for the last two decades.(What's up with that?  All the cool stuff stays forever, but we get zippo.  They keep the Transformers kicking on and on, and we get Cabbage Patch dolls and Tickle-Me-Elmo.  Life just ain't fair.)  In light of GI Joe, the Transformers, and He-Man, hell even Batman is getting a make-over, the Powers that Be have decided to bring the Micronauts back! 

For now, only reissues of the original pieces, such as Baran Karza are being created.  However, what if we could do a full-blown, no holds barred make-over?  ( Feel free to add your 'Queer Eye for the Straight Guy' reference here.)  So what should happen to the Micronauts?  Well, let's peek at Force Commander and Oberon.  Oh Carson, any suggestions?

What tweaking do we need to bring FC and his steed into the 21st century?  First, is the sculpt.  We need much, much more detail, specifically musculature, because the original looks like a beefed-up cousin to the Pillsbury Dough Boy.  A very well-armed cousin, but still waaay pudgy just the same.  The sculpt doesn't have to be as buff as a Marvel Legends piece, but lets see some biceps and pecs, ok?  Next, how about more techie details in the sculpt and paint.  For instance, lets do a flip-up panel on the wrist for a communicator like Masterpiece Optimus Prime, maybe a few flip-up missile-launchers and other weapons.

Speaking of weapons, how about more of them?  The assorted missile launchers on the original were ok, but there should be more hand-weapons, like a sword,  an axe, and let's throw in a shield for good measure.  Everything should be constructed from clear, red plastic like Gundam weapons to give them that neat 'energy' look. 

One of the beauties of the Micronauts was the use of magnets to attach the limbs and other parts together.  Since the limbs are interchangeable, how about having some heavy weapons to replace the arms?  Let's make a biiiiiiiiiiiiiig missile launcher and energy cannon interchangeable with the arms. 

Oh, and don't forget Oberon, FC's trusty horse.  He's gotta get the same make-over; more weapons, and how about having extra 'propulsion systems' to replace the legs.  Let's give Oberon some tracks for a tank form and hydrofoils for a water form.

Now THAT'S more like it.  Baran Karza, ready to throw down?  Let's get it on!
