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The Supermobile!
No, I'm NOT kidding, they really created this for the comic.  The story behind this starts with Amazo, some sort of Red Sun flare taking away Superman's powers... hey, this was from the '70s, so you know the story is going to be waaaay lame.  Anyway Superman's powers are GONE and he had to find a way to fight Amazo.  Hence, the Supermobile!  It duplicated all of his powers, even his freeze-breath!  The Supermobile looked like an egg with a jet engine, tiny wings,  and tail on one end, a cockpit at the other end.  It also had retractable arms and hands built into the sides.  The whole thing was blue with the legendary S-shield on the nose. 

... Ok, fine, so this things sounds STUPID.  Hey, it's a childhood memory, and bringing back stuff is in... although this may be crossing the line.  Hehehehehehehehehehe.  Anyway, so what do we do to bring this homage to the Man of Steel to life?  Orange County Choppers, time to cut loose!

First, this has gotta be in scale with the latest DC Direct Superman figure.  Fortunately the shape of the vehicle is pretty basic; oval with the engines and the cockpit at opposite ends.  No biggie.  The problems start with the accessories, like the retractable arms.  Making these collapsible would be too much of a pain mechanically, so let's just scrap that idea.  Instead, let's go with three pairs of arms; one set short with fists only for the arms 'at rest.'  Second is a mid-length set, and finally the loooooooooooooooong, Plastic-Man set.  Naturally all arms must be flexible.

Next the cockpit must be very detailed; lots of dials, displays, maybe some light-up effects in the cockpit or at least some cool decals.  Oh, and let's install a back-seat for a passenger.  I can see Batman in the back during a mission... actually, they would bicker constantly.  Never mind.

Finally, toss in sound effects and a few more lighting effects.  How about the 'woosh' of the engines?  Perhaps a 'SMASH' of a cybernetic fist?  How about the 'ZAP' of heat-vision and some glowing red lights?

Ok, there you go, the Supermobile!  Hey, all we need is the HQ for the Legion of Doom and we're all set!