Washington Sängerbund
~ founded 1851 ~

Washington Sängerbund Site Map

Articles articles and photo reports of concerts and other events:

C. Hambach (2002), WSB beim Lovettsville Oktoberfest 2002
C. Hambach (2002), Wir stellen vor: Dr. Michael O'Brien
C. Hambach (2002), Der 150 Jahre junge WSB wirbt neue Stimmen
G. Grassl (2002),The German Cemetery of Washington, D.C.
C. Hambach (2002), WSB singt auf dem Prospect Hill Cemetery
C. Hambach (2002), Dr. Carol A. Traxler - Präsidentin, WSB 2002
Photos and photo reports
WSB Board 2002
Fasching 2002, 2000
Oktoberfest 2000
Concerts and Concert Trips
Spring Concert 2000 & Christmas 1999 at Festival of Lights
Op Sail 2000 (Tall Ships in Baltimore Harbor)
Sängerfest of the Nordöstlicher Sängerbund, May 2000
"Servus Du" -- Hans Erich Halberstadt (2000)
"Zwei Herzen im 3/4 Takt" (2000) 150th Anniversary Gala Celebration of the WSB (2001)
Spring Concert 2001
Re-enactment of 1869 Memorial Day Program, Arlington National Cemetery (2001)
Invited Choirs
Blaskapelle "Goldene Trompeten" (2000)
Rheinland Chor (2001)
Web site design by: Carol Traxler
Last update October 2008