Welcome to
Mishi's Poetry Corner
where nothing's better than standing on your soapbox!
I hate to disappoint any of you(probably didn't) but this page is for my scribbles alone. You are welcome to let me know what you think of them... I just ask that you be kind!
***BTW(by the way) i'm posting these poems in order of my choosing. I would go in chronological order but, i kinda like the idea of jumping around abit. So please, guys bare with me!! Thanks!!
     To all those that create visual, spoken, and written art, thanks. To those that inspire us, thanks to u too!!!
Feel free to drop me a line or sign my guestbook, or whatever-Thanks!
Click on the title to see the poem:
The Tree Outside My Window
My Demons
Untitled #1
Untitled #17
Unititled #27
Untitled #11
Untitled #6
Untitled #24
Untitled #26
Untitled #21
Untitled #18
Untitled #23
Untitled #4
Untitled #8
Untitled #10
Emotional Waste