Sandeep Khanzode



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Papers/Publications Click here for DBLP link

  • {EE} Ruofei Zhang, Sandeep Khanzode, Zhongfei (Mark) Zhang: Region Based a-Semantics Graph Driven Image Retrieval. ICPR (4) 2004: 909-912

  • {EE} Ruofei Zhang, Zhongfei (Mark) Zhang, Sandeep Khanzode: A data mining approach to modeling relationships among categories in image collection. KDD 2004: 749-754

Masters Thesis:

  • Domain: CBIR.
  • Algorithm for Content-Based Image Retrieval.
  • The system was called COMET.
  • ... for 'C'olored 'O'bjects 'M'od'E'ling 'T'echnique.
  • Online document: Coming soon.

My research interests include:

Distributed and Mobile Databases

Data Mining

Web Systems

Content-based Image retrieval

Pattern Recognition