MidWest Alternatives: Farm Subsidies
This book really has nothing to do with this concept specifically  but I just liked the name and picture. We should however support anyone that is standing up against corruption.
Farm Subsidies

"The single most effective thing Congress could do to strengthen family farms is to stop subsidizing mega farms to drive their neighbors out of business by bidding land away from them.

The 2007 Farm Bill should set an enforceable payment limits on loan deficiency payments, marketing loan gains, and all other income support payments. This limit should be strictly aplied to everyone, regardless of how many corporations they create. The bill should eliminate loopholes that allow large operations to receive millions in loan deficiency payments and marketing loan gains through generic certificates or by forfeiting commodities to USDA to pay off loans. It should also tighten rules on who can qualify for farm programs to require more active involvement in management or labor, except for landlords who share rent."

Center for Rural Affairs

Farm Subsidies
Energy Conservation
Ethanol Byproducts
External Links:
Corn subsidies for Wealthy Farmers
Who really benefits from farm subsidies?
The Case for Farm Bill Payment Limits