SEAPAVAA Newsletter
Jan-Sep 1998

Hanoi confab tackles emerging Asia-Pacific AV heritage

Advanced training on film preservation in Hanoi

3rd SEAPAVAA adopts statement on access

RP film classic restored

Paris meet for audio archivists and analog machines

25 Filipino films shown at Lincoln Center

Awards system re: honorary membership in SEAPAVAA Confab

Welcome, new members!

Calendar of Events


ASEAN audiovisual database on internet

Country Updates

LAOS: Lao database to include film and video catalog details

NEW ZEALAND: Sourcing film archives

NZ TV Archive applies for SEAPAVAA membership

PHILIPPINES: CCP reactivates film retrieval and restoration program

SOFIA launches adopt-a-film program

SINGAPORE: 30 years of archive


SEAPAVAA: two years on

A glimpse of ASEAN culture

SEAPAVAA online!

Promotion and membership committee formed

SEAPAVAA list address

RP film classic restored

The film Giliw Ko was produced by LVN Studios in 1939.

The 1939 classic Giliw Ko (My Love) has been selected as the Filipino film to be restored and preserved in connection with the Philippine centennial celebration. This project is sponsored by the Australian government as a gift to the Philippine government in celebration of the 100th year of Philippine-Independence. A large scale promotional event is being planned for November which will showcase the premiere of the restored film and a festival of Australian films in the context of "All the Best from Australia".

The project involves the restoration and duplication for preservation and access of one significant Filipino film classic to be jointly undertaken by the Philippine Information Agency (PIA) and the National Film and Sound Archive of Australia (NFSA). The first stage of the project consisting of film assessment, repair, cleaning and duplication of the image will be done at the NFSA and PIA will continue with the second stage involving color grading and printing. The project also includes exchange of technical staff between PIA and the NFSA during this period to further promote cultural interaction, cooperation and professional development in audiovisual archiving in the region.

The film Giliw Ko was produced by LVN Studios, Inc. in 1939 under the direction of Carlos Vander Tolosa and starring Ely Ramos, Mila Del Sol, and Fernando Poe Sr. It is the only extant Filipino film that shows radio at its ascendancy and presents the vast popularity of this particular medium at that time in the country's history. A musical, it features a number of popular songs of that era. The only existing film copy is a 16mm print that has deteriorated, exhibiting vinegar syndrome and more than 2.5 percent shrinkage.

This worthy undertaking will be a welcome gift to the Filipino people because it will ensure the permanent survival for access of an important Filipino film for this and future generations.


Updated: 10 February 1999