I am 24. I'm currently 5'8"...I think, never really checked, and I weigh ~200lbs. I have blondish brown hair and blue eyes (typical). Medium build. More happy fat than anything. :-) I have lived in South Georgia until I graduated from college. Since then I have lived in Manassas, VA. and now Orlando, FL!! About 2 miles from Disney!!!! I live with my wife Carlene. We got married on Sept. 9, 2000...ya know 9/9/00 :) Hee Hee. Never mind you probably did not get it.  If you did then GREAT!  If you read the rest of my pages you can get a better idea of who I am.  Oh yeah, if you have not noticed I LOVE T-I-DoubleG'er aka Tigger!!!!  I also have him tattooed on my left arm!  TTFN 

About Me



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