I recently ended my internship with the United States Geological Survey (I went through the Environmental Careers Organization). Sad to have seen it go... :( However, I had a great time working there!!! Oh yeah, it was at the National Headquarters in Reston, VA. I reconstructed the 3rd and 4th floor plans in ARC VIEW. Updated The Geologic Division Safety Home Page. Worked on this program called LIMS (Laboratory Information Management System). I even had my own office, computer, and phone lines. WOW! That was a big step up from Shoney's.

In all, working at Shoney's brought some GREAT friends and a wonderful girl, which we became boyfriend and girlfriend about four years ago and just this past September 9, 2001 we became husband and wife. Her name is Carlene. I also met Laura at Shoney's. Click to visit my Friends Page. We all share a great bond together. That is true friendship!

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